Chapter Fourteen: The Shadow and The Doctor

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The Shadow and The Doctor 


His fingers overlaid on each other, smoke slowly puffed out from his lips as he rubbed his rugged chin. The light from the window to his left casted a large shadow over his face, but exposed his navy blue suit and his golden rings. His cigar sat in the ashtray, still lit, venting smolder all around that was revealed by the light along with dust particles. A knock at the door sounded and a deep breath was exhaled as he stood up and looked out the curtains behind him. 

"Come in." He rasped, taking in a deep breath as he gathered his hands behind his back. The door opened and Keith stepped through, coughing and scratching his head, inhaling the remainder of the smoke in the office room with pleasure. 

"The twips are back sir." Keith said, annoyed by the thought of Big Al and Jeffery's presence. 

"Send them in." The shadow said, still refusing to look back. The tone in his voice didn't sound of disappointment but more of calm insistence. Big Al and Jeffery shuffled through the door, not speaking and looking down at the ground like guilty children. Jeffery shifted his cap and glasses that hid his blackened, purple face as Al wore a patch on his cheek and licked his swollen, bottom lip. 

"What do you two have to report?" The shadow queried. Keith leaned up against the side wall as he swirled his finger inside of his mouth, picking out the food stuck between his back teeth. Silence circled the room as the shadow straightened out his jacket's cuffs. Al wiped a few beads of sweat away from his brow and swallowed, his eyes never leaving the line of sight that met with the shadow's hands. Keith glared at the two men who began looking like melting ice cubes that couldn't move or speak. "Well?" He bellowed. Jeffery twitched as he wet his lips, finally stepping forward, removing his cap and holding it down in front of him. 

"We lost him..." Jeffery mumbled, the shadow's ears perking up as Jeffery gripped his cap securely. 

"What?" The shadow's knuckles cracked as he clenched them tightly. He turned slowly, placing his hands on his desk. "I didn't quite hear what you said." He lingered in the dark, the only thing revealed by the light being his knuckles, white as the snow outside. 

"We uh..." Jeffery looked over at Big Al, who negated to speak or move, and then back into the dark void where he imagined the shadow's face would be had it not been for the darkness thrown over his upper body. "We lost Wilcox...Someone got in our way." Suddenly the tension that had filled the room became the most uncompromising rage and fear. 

"Someone...Just in your way?" He asked, faking his evenness as he sat down in his big leather chair. "SOMEONE GOT IN YOUR WAY!?!?" He screamed, smashing his fists on his desk, his ashtray jumping up in the air and spilling some of the cinders on the mahogany. Al and Jeffery stood ashamed. He yelled and growled, whisking his arm across his desk, knocking everything onto the ground. He quickly stood as the remainder of the papers from his desk floated to the floor, kicking one of his books and quickly jerking his hand over his head then back down at his side. "How could you two mess this up!?! It was impossible! We laid out everything, planned everything. He was just a snitch and you two couldn't take care of him!?!" 

"Sir..." Jeffery started, "We-" 

"My God, what happened to you two idiots? How did this you let this happen!?!?" The shadow interrupted. "I want answers!" Again silence filled the room for a moment. Only frustrated breathing could be heard. 

"There was a guy..." Big Al cleared his throat. "He uh...Came out of nowhere. 

"Yeah, he beat the crap out of Al." Jeffery followed. 

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