Chapter Seven: Haunting

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  • Dedicated to My Aunt Debbie and James DuFour



Two And A Half Years Prior

"Good morning everyone and thank you for joining us today as we celebrate the life and mourn the loss of Gwendolyn Deborah Swan-Keaton." On the day of my mother's funeral it was raining. In fact it poured down onto the Earth as if the Heavens themselves were crying. The man speaking at the podium was Pastor Sam. "It's easy to understand why we mourn, why we cry over such great losses. We have lost a great woman with such vast love for all of those around her. Personally I mourn because Gwendolyn was more than just a member of the church...she was one of my dearest friends." 

With every word he spoke he matched the raindrops that fell upon the crowd of black umbrellas. I looked to my right where John stood next to me, acting strong even though his anguish showed through just enough for me to notice. I stood expressionless as I held my hands together behind my back, looking up slightly to try and give off that same strong sense as my brother. 

"The first time I ever met her was through a friend of mine years and years before. She came off as a very happy and outgoing person. After that one time I hadn't seen or heard from her until about seven years ago when she walked into our church. She went beyond the call, she rushed to greet everyone and brought smiles into every room she stepped in. It was then I really began getting to know her as a woman of God and she was always dedicated. She stayed after to ask me questions, she would converse with all of our members as many of you know." Sam paused for a moment, clearing his throat. 

The grief I felt suddenly began taking on a presence, coming upon my left shoulder. Sure enough when I looked I had seen nothing, but the chill that had come to my side and crawled up my spine was none other than Samael, my black cloaked driver. I smiled sarcastically, feeling weak, then turning back to Sam with the same solemn look as John. 

"Ever since then she was always one of the first people to arrive at the church and the last to leave. She would come early to make sure that any last minute needs were met and stay late to help clean, straighten up, or anything else needed, whatever it may have been. She was always eager to share what the Lord was doing in her life, how He was answering her prayers and moving in every area of her life, always giving the glory to God. If something was going well, she knew it was God's blessing, if there was a trial or test she always knew to trust in the Lord. Truly she was a woman of great faith." 

Faith...That word that seemed to come back just to slap me in the face. I looked down and thought just how strong my faith was in myself, and those around me. 

I closed my eyes for a few moments and went to the ring. I was walking down the corridor with John, he continuously smashed his gloves together as I got him pumped up. 

"You ready for this?" 


"You ready for this!?" I repeat, slamming my hands on his shoulders. 

"Yes!" john yells a bit louder 

"I can't hear you are you ready for this!?!" 

"I was born ready!" He screams as he put his arms up  

"That's what I'm talking about!" And the crowd goes wild. We hear clapping and screaming as the announcer begins to speak. 

"Ladies and gentlemen it's the Johnathan 'The Crimson Destroyer' Keaton!" 

Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts as Sam continued. 

"Without fail she would always ask me how my week was, my day was, how the hours were treating me...She'd ask if there was anything I needed prayer for. Ministers rarely have someone to minister to them, but I was one of the rare ones. One of few that God blesses with someone like her. A true sister in the Lord and she loved me and everyone she came into contact with as brothers and sisters in Christ. Brothers and sisters in a very special way. She helped run our Sunday school for quite some time...A pure woman filled with God's grace and cannot be summed up in any amount of words." Sam seemed to choke on his words a bit as he tried not to cry. I on the other hand continued to try to think of anything other than the casket in front of me. 

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