Chapter Four: Sam and the Journal

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Sam and the Journal 


I slinked out of the squad car and shut the door. My eyes were exhausted, my limbs were weak, I felt as if I were to fall on my face, I would be completely satisfied with using the snow as a pillow and falling into a deep sleep of which I may not wake from for a while. Thankfully at the time I at least remembered where I lived, a nice, white house with accents of baby blue, a grayish blue porch with a clean black railing that only supported the stairs. It was a comfortable two story house with a basement on 5th Street, I was surprised to see it hadn't been vandalized or burned down considering the fact that it wasn't a crime free city I lived in.  

I dug around my pockets looking for my keys, it felt like it was taking forever, I could hear them rattling, but just couldn't get my hands on them. Finally after a little more digging I grabbed them, waved at the officer, and headed for the porch stairs. 

"I'm sorry for your loss, but I can guarantee you that whoever did it will find his way behind bars real soon. You have a bless day sir." He said as I walked away. I looked back at him and waved again. 

"Yes, you too." I scrunched my face as I turned around thinking of what he said. Bless. I thought officers were supposed to divide church and state. Maybe he just liked to show off his faith. And don't you love how he automatically suggested it was a man's work? I wondered if he was a detective too. Or maybe it was just some guy who was a friend of Fischer's. 

I walked up to the door and fumbled with my keys, trying to find out which one fit in the door. Finally I found the right one and unlocked it. The door was a little stiff, but I was able to push it open. It was beautiful, an upscale feel, to my left was the living room; with two black leather couches, a large 50 inch screen TV, a silver carpet that met a cherry wood floor in the left corner of the room closer to the door, a matching wooden table with a glass finish, a large rectangular window that spanned the entire wall behind it. To the right of the TV was a hallway down to three other rooms and to the right of that was a stairway.  

To the right of the living room, near the front door was a kitchen with a classic, tiled floor. Quickly I made my way in and opened all of the cabinets. "There had to be aspirin here somewhere," I thought. My head was killing me, but I couldn't find anything. There were just a bunch of glasses, a box of cookies, a cereal box, plates, and bowls. I threw my keys by the sink, ran some hot water and rinsed my face, the steaming liquid softening the hairs on my beard. I kept the water running as I crossed my arms and leaned over the sink. I sighed deeply, turned off the water and walked into the other room. Now that the door was closed I could see a note on the table with a cell phone next to it.  

Turned out to be mine, or at least that's what the note with my name on it said. 

"Jake, you left your cell at the club last night, thought I'd do you the kindness of bringing it back. You owe me. Hope the match went well, give John my love, kisses, Kate." 

"Kate?" I thought. "Who was Kate?" I clicked on the phone and tried to unlock it, but there was a password. Four digits, I thought maybe it was my name, but after typing it in I was denied access. I tried John's name, then 1-2-3-4, and any other things I could think of to no avail. I thought about it for a few moments. I wonder...Kate. I typed it in and was immediately brought to the home screen of the phone.  

"Well then...whoever she was, she was important." I thought as the gears in my head began to turn. "A girlfriend maybe? A sister? I had forgotten my brother; maybe I had other siblings as well. Could it have been that simple? As far as I know I could've been a triplet." Then another thought occurred to me. I didn't remember who my parents were. "Who were they? Were they alive or dead? Was I an orphan? Who was I? Did I have parents in my childhood memories?" 

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