Chapter Eighteen: Bring In The Big Guns

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Bring In The Big Guns 


The Subterfuge roared, slamming his fist on the desk. "I don't understand how one man...ONE MAN!" He said, smashing his fist down again. "One kid-" 

"Well I'm pretty sure he was a kid, sir..." Keith interjected. "Not too young but definitely-" 

"Shut up!" The Subterfuge cut Keith short. "I wanna know how...could one human being push back our schedule an entire month's worth of shipments! Our drugs, our guns, our... Do you know how much he's cost me!?!" 

"Almost thirty million, sir..." Keith murmured. 

"Over thirty million dollars!" The Subterfuge bellowed. The room was silent for a moment as he sat back down in his chair and glared at Keith through the shadows. "I want him dead. I don't care what it is you have to do. I don't care what it takes...If you can't kill him, I want you to find someone who can. NOW." He growled, clenching his knuckles. Keith quickly snapped his fingers as a man from the front of the room near the door handed him a clipboard. 

"I'll figure it out, sir." Keith said as he began flipping through. "Don't worry, we're not the only ones that are having this kind of problem...I know for a fact that-" 

"You're wasting your time, detective." Came a voice that echoed through the room. Again the room was silent until footsteps began to click across the floor, the figure stepping through revealing himself to be the good doctor. 

"Redd? Did you have something to solve this little problem?" The Subterfuge inquired curiously as he sat back in his seat. 

"I've taken the liberty to put a few men on your payroll." Dr. Redd said with a great big smile. 

"You did what?" The Subterfuge snarled as he stood back up, his palms on his desk and his eyes narrowed. 

"I think you'll be quite pleased with my pickings. It's better than what 'Big Boy' has there on his clipboard. HA!" He smirked, Keith turning to scowl at him. "In fact I think we might have the solution to your problem right here. Oh Mr. Guns! Could you come in here?" The good doctor clapped as his smile widened and he giggled slightly. Soon enough boots began to sound against the wood floors as a man in a large fur, trench coat stepped into the room. 

"And who are you supposed to be?" Keith asked, not at all intimidated by the man's stature. 

"They call me Comrade." He said in a heavy Russian accent. "Comrade: Big Guns. And I hear you're having little trouble with man in mask." He said, walking towards Keith, towering over his stocky body. Comrade stood about six feet, seven inches, wearing complete Russian attire. His coat, boots, and an ushanka with a bold, red hammer and sickle branded on the front. He was a daunting man, with broad shoulders and hands that looked like he could squeeze a human's head like a lemon. 

"Well it's nice of you to join us, Comrade." The Subterfuge said, sitting back down. "Yes this man has become a problem." 

"Like how you say, thorn in side?" Comrade asked, smiling and stroking his black beard. 

"Yes, well I believe him to be more of an issue at this time, but that would be a way to put it." The Subterfuge answered. 

"I'll be very frank with you. I'm a hitman. Those who have problem come to me." The large Russian said. 

"What are your qualifications?" Keith asked as Dr. Redd sat down in a chair near the back of the room. 

"I've taken sixty-two jobs. I've only missed one target." Comrade said. 

"Oh really? Why is that?" Keith said, smirking at the one failure of the big Russian hitman. Comrade turned his head to Keith for a moment, still without expression, then turning his head back forward. 

"He got how you say, squashed by a train." Keith's smile quickly disappeared as Comrade continued. "I do not consider him an executed target because he was not killed the way I wanted him killed. My targets are dead by my hand, unless they are to be brought in alive." Comrade said. 

"No, I want him dead." The Subterfuge repeated. 

"Then it shall be done." Comrade nodded. 

"Great." The Subterfuge said, smiling. Do you take a check?" 

"I work for cash only. No checks, no credit." He said, never faltering in his expressionless face. 

"When can you start?" 

"Few days. I must prep and study target before I crush him." Comrade said calmly. 

"Five hundred thousand." The Subterfuge said. "Two fifty now, and two fifty when the job is finished." He said holding out his hand. Comrade nodded, extending his own hand and shaking The Subterfuge's. 

"Fair." He said. 

"Perfect. Keith go collect his money from my vault and get out of his way." The Subterfuge said firmly. Keith sighed for a moment before complying and leading Comrade past Dr. Redd, the good doctor still smiling from ear to ear. "And Keith..." 

"Yes, boss?" Keith answered, turning around. 

"The cops seem to be getting suspicious ever since the hero began meddling. Get them off our tails...Quickly. I will not have any more distractions. After the crimson moron is six feet under we go on as planned. The month we lost we'll make back." Keith nodded as he continued out the door. 

"Excuse me, but what do you mean by 'six feet under'?" Comrade asked. 

"Dead...Under dirt." The Subterfuge replied. Comrade smiled and chuckled. 

"Six feet under dirt. I like that. I'll have to use saying more often." He nodded, following Keith out of the room. 

"Do you wanna know what makes him so special?" Dr. Redd smiled. 

"I don't care if he's mentally handicapped as long as he gets the job done I'm content." The Subterfuge said, relieved by his new employee. 

"Fine. Surprises are more fun anyhow." Redd giggled. 

"How'd you find him?" 

"Oh you wouldn't believe the kind of friends I attract." Redd said, letting out a sharp 'Ha' before smacking his hand on the arm of the chair and standing up. "And there are plenty more where that came from." The pitch of his voice elevated as he jumped and clicked his heels. "I've taken many people under the sanctity of my care." 

"Well," The Subterfuge began. "I'm not sure I'd call it sanctity, but-" 

"They've all prospered from it..." Dr. Redd interrupted, licking the front of his teeth as he clenched his hands and listening to his leather gloves tighten around his fists. The Subterfuge laughed in the shadows. 

"I'm sure they have. Just make sure our wannabe hero is taken out." The Subterfuge said. Without another word Dr. Redd turned to walk out the door. Just after exiting the room a young woman walked up beside him. She wore an all-black outfit with light shades of red wraps swathed around her arms and legs, a mask to cover her eyes, a band on top of her forehead, keeping her hair up. "Prep Cassidy. She'll be led by Comrade on their...reconnaissance mission." 

"Yes sir." 

"She'll be giving a message to our boy in red."

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