Jeff the Killer - Love Story

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© Copyright 2014
Saylem Hendricks

All Rights Reserved
Including Book Cover

Disclaimer: I do not own Jeff the Killer, but I wish I did.

Book One: Heart Shaped Blood Stains

- Chapter One -

I stood there in awe as his bright green eyes pull me in to a heavenly stare, held together with my lust for them. Green eyes drove me crazy, and of course, Luke had them. He was perfect in my eyes, and every feature on that guy was sculpted by the hands of Jesus himself, it seemed. Shiny, chocolate brown hair, bright green eyes that make you melt, a smile so pearly white you become jealous...

He was just... perfect.

"You should really come over sometime, Kate." he says to me as I try my best to not explode with joy.

"Y-yeah, that'd be great."

He smirks. "Great. I'll let you know when I'm free."

"Okay," I giggle idiotically as I struggle to keep a grip on my instrument.

"See ya tomorrow."

"See ya."

As I watched him walk away I decided I could breathe now, and so I let out the trapped air that was held within my fluttering lungs. Happiness was almost choking me as I hold back the excited screams, already anticipating the day I'll go over to his house.

But then the thought of going to his house weighed my happiness down. Because all the girls have been warned by the others of Mr. Luke Vise. He supposedly uses girls for nothing other than sex, then drops them once a new, stupid girl comes along. And as much as I didn't believe that for sure, it still weighed in heavy on my heart. I really liked him, I didn't want to be used...

"Kate! You ready?" Kyle calls for me. I spot him down the hall, waiting by the front entrance for me.

"Yeah, just let me put my horn up!"

I was in the band. Marching band as well. God, I loved it. It's even how I met Luke. I'm a French Horn player in concert band, and in the marching band I play the Mellophone, which is basically a marching-version of the French Horn. And marching band is also where I met Kyle Weddington, my best friend. We even live together now, only because we both wanted to get out of our houses. Kyle's family wasn't the best, and it stressed him out everyday. So when the time came when he couldn't stand another minute, I told him I would move out with him, so I could help him with the bills and such. Ever since then we have been the best of friends, and many years to come. I'm also glad to get out of my parent's house, because my older sister Janette moved back in and she's the devil. So now we're all happy.

I buckle the latches on my case and sprint out of the band doors to meet up with Kyle so we could go home. Man, I couldn't wait to go home. I was tired and hungry, and the Mac 'n Cheese in the cabinet was calling my name. I couldn't wait to kick my boots off and lay around the rest of the day. If that's what I get to do...


Our house was a nice, little house, basically seeming like it was in the middle of no where. We had a large yard, carpeted in healthy, green grass, and a little woods beside our house that seemed to lead to nothing special. It was calm and quiet around our house, except when we have parties. The neighbors hate us for that...

We climb out of the car and march towards the house, waiting for that fresh, crisp, air-conditioned wind to hit our skin. This was a surprisingly warm September evening. I didn't like it...

Kyle unlocks the door and we scramble inside to kick off our shoes and begin our afternoon business, which for me is lying around on my laptop and eating. Kyle's isn't much different. He stays in his room on the computer, only coming out if he has to pee, if he's thirsty, or if he's hungry. Other than that, it's a pretty peaceful afternoon.

"Weebles!" I squeal, searching around for my little, yellow kitten. No later than expected, he scurries to me and weaves himself in between my legs and start meowing.

"You want some noms?" I ask him. Kyle never understood why I talked to Weebles like he could understand. But what does he know?

I stumble over to the cabinet, trying not to step on the little thing as he followed excitedly. I would be devastated if I squashed him... He was a present from my friend Hollie, who's now in the Air Force. I never get to see her anymore, so Weebles is here to keep me company. I'm not even suppose to have him, due to the instructions of my land lord. But that's not stopping me.

I crack open a can of food for the cat and make my way to the stove to fix Kyle and I something to eat. My heart is still set on Mac 'n Cheese, so that comes out first. Then steak, then baked potatoes. I hated fixing dinner that took a while to fix, but it feels as if I have to. I could live on peanut butter an jelly for a year, but Kyle can't eat the same thing twice. He doesn't like to; it bothers him. He is very strange, and sometimes just plain difficult to manage. I wouldn't him let him know that, of course. That's not who I am.

And once everything is fixed and eaten, we go to our separate computers to spend the rest of the night. Weebles curls up beside me on the couch, and a steaming mug of tea rests conveniently in my palm as I check my emails and such. Many emails were by my friends, others from restaurants where I had sent in an application. I had to find a different place to work because my old work building burned to the ground one day when the cook left the oven on. It takes someone special...

"I'm goin' to bed." Kyle says as he peeks past the corner. "Night, Kate."

"I am too." I yawn. "Night."

I close my laptop and set it on the coffee table before standing up and ushering Weebles into my room with me. I close the door after he makes it through and I bounce on my bed, setting my alarm, and curling up against the pillows to sleep.

For some reason I was having a difficult time. It felt like something wasn't right, but I was almost positive everything was okay. I didn't have any homework, I remembered everything... What could be that strange feeling in the back of my mind? Whatever it was, I was hoping it would go away fast. I really needed some rest tonight.

This may seem like a boring chapter to you, but I felt like the character Kate should be well-explained before I write anything exciting (; It will get better soon, I promise! *hint* *hint* the next chapter. This chapter was also kinda short, I apologize xP They may get longer!

Vote (: I love you, Jeffy fans! <3

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