Chapter 17.

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I wasn't going to make a cast, but I think I am now. So, yes. Jeff is the forever sexy Black Veil Brides lead singer. It can't get more sexy than that.

OH! And the banner IS NOT MINE!

I didn't make it. But it's sexy.

Enjoy & Vote !

Love and Andy Sixx the Killer,


- chapter 17 -

I swat away the nurses hand as she tries to take another blood test. I grit my teeth and give her a warning glare as her startled blue eyes connect with my fiery hazel ones.

Yes, I was awake.

And I was pissed.

"Just one more blood test, Ms. Harrington. Then you'll be all done,"

"Shut.... up..." I breathe. "I am NOT Ms. 'Harrington'. Where the hell am I?"

"You're in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Ohio,"

Duh, it's Ohio.

"Look, I'm not who they say I am. My name's Kate." I admit, taking a breath of wise decision. "I'm Kaitlynne Noelle Chambers, and they are not my parents. They found me on the side of the road when I ran away, and they kidnapped me! That's why I'm here, because they shot me when I tried to run! You've got to believe me; look up my hospital records. I'm Kate."

"Honey, we did look up your records. We have to. You're Annie Michelle Harrington." the brunette nurse says with a worried look. Dammit, she thought I was insane; that I blacked out, and forgot who I was. But I didn't. I'm Kate!

"No!" I roar. "No, I'm not! Give me a phone and I'll call my real-"

I pause and stare at the floor.

I don't have any parents. They gave up on me. Kyle was pretty much my guardian, since he was eighteen. But I didn't want to talk to him. I needed to get out of here, and I needed to be smart. I'm too weak to get up and make a run for it, so I'll need some help..... if I have any help.

"Can I make a phone call? A private phone call?"

"Of course," says the nurse, sliding the phone to the edge of the table. I thank them as they walk out and close the door, to leave me to my escape plan. I think for a while, and ponder of my closest friends and relatives.


Her memorized number still remained fresh in my mind as I dial in the code. On the third ring, she answers.


"Kenzi! Oh my God. It's Kate. Kate Chambers. Please, Kenzi, please, come to the Cincinnati hospital. Some people kidnapped me, and- well, I'll explain the rest later. Just please, if you can, come pick me up. You're my only hope." I sob desperately, clutching the phone tight in both of my fists.

"Of course! I'm on my way," she says in a flustered tone, and I hang up just as I hear the door to my room click open.

"Oh, Annie. I'm so disappointed in you."

My skin crawls as I hear that slimy, irritating voice.


"See what happens when you disobey?"

I squint my eyes shut from fatigue as she walks up to my bedside. "Please, just stop..."

"Stop what? I'm just being a good mother..."

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