Chapter 19.

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Instant throbbing pumped through my aching body as I awoke. Dried tears were caked to my eyelids as I recall falling asleep while crying last night, and I frown remembering the things that were going through my mind.

Rubbing away the sleep from my eyes, I come in contact with rays of sun slipping between the cracks of my bedroom curtains. I grin and give a small chuckle as happiness was starting to squeeze its way inside.

The sunlight reminded me that life goes on. You could go through Hell but time isn't going to stop to watch you suffer. You choose to move on, and only you can choose when to make changes, and I choose today, because I can't beat myself up forever. I'm home with Kyle for a reason: because this is where I'm meant to stay.  And even though I knew that for a fact, I have a funny way about me, and I can't have any grudges against myself or others. I wanted to talk to Jeff, so I could see where I stand. I wasn't necessarily going to stay with him, or go back to him, but I know he needs me. Maybe we could still talk? God, I don't know. I'll know what to say when I'm there.

I get out of bed and open my bedroom door, surprised to see that the house was spotless. Kyle had cleaned all night. Well, all seven or eight hours that I have been asleep.

Weebles scurries passed me with his fur still matted and dirty. Making an 'Ew'-face, I scoop him up and take him to the bathroom for his bath.

I scrubbed him free of any dirt and grime, and made him smell of lilacs and daisies. I was really glad Weebles liked baths. I already have enough cuts and bruises as it is.

Finally done, I take a shower myself, finding myself unsure of what to do with my bandages. I had cleaned out my wounds and made sure my stitches were okay, but I didn't really have anything to cover them back up with. I'm sure gauze would be okay though. I wrap a thick roll around me and tape it together as I get dressed and blow dry my black hair. I kind of really enjoyed my hair this color. It made my eyes look more green, and as you know, I love green eyes.

"Hey," I smile, peeking in Kyle's room. He was at his computer typing and listening to music when I entered. "I'm gonna take a short walk. Thanks for cleaning up. Really, it means a lot."

"Sure. Just be extra careful, and please come home tonight." he says as he stares at me with intense pleading in his eyes, and sadness in his voice.

"I will, dear. I'll only be gone for an hour or so. Maybe earlier."

He agrees and I pull the door closed behind me. I pull on my jacket and slip on my boots, ready to take on the chilly autumn weather.

Right as I opened the door I got a slight chill. The breeze rolling by made me burrow further into my jacket. But after the first gust, I was okay. I liked the fresh air against my skin. I was relieved that everything was getting semi-better.

I'm getting better. I'll be back in no time.

 I walk along the gray sidewalk, scuffing the bottoms of my boots along the old pavement. I felt relaxed now, even when I found myself entering the old town that I remember so freshly in my mind. I swear I could tell you every crack in the road, every houses address, just from those few nights. As weird as it sounded, this place seemed very close to me. It had almost the same feeling as someone would get if they were visiting an old home.

After a while a strange feeling hit me. It wasn't long before I found out that the cause of it was because the old building was towering ahead. I suck in a deep breath and will myself to climb the stairs.

I was extremely nervous. I was afraid that Jeff wouldn't be in here, or that he'd tell me he never wants to see me again or something. I was just scared I would never see him again. It would weigh me down for the longest time -- years, maybe. I was just picturing the good: Walking through the door, seeing him immediately. But I'm sure it won't be that easy, and honestly, as long as I know that I'll see him again, I won't mind hunting him down for a bit. I'll gladly step up to the plate.

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