Chapter 3.

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- chapter 3 -

"Kyle, carry me." I whine in a groggy voice. He sighs and turns to me, faintly smiling with unbelievability. But I wasn't kidding, I was so tired.

He grins. "Really, Kate?"

"Really, Kyle."

My eyes were almost rolling back and closing from fatigue as I sat limp in the passenger seat of his car. He sighs again, a smirk unveiling on his lips as he opens my door to help me out.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," he mumbles as he starts to lift me up into his arms.

"I can."

He carries me around and to the back porch, where he carefully climbs each step in case he might fall. And it wasn't as 'cute' as it seemed, because if that man fell while holding me, he would have to hear about it for the rest of his life. That's why he's being so careful; not for my safety, persay. I still make sure he remembers the time back in my sixth grade year... And he'll never forget thanks to me. It makes me realize how long Kyle and I had been friends. Almost six years.

Wow... We're getting old..

We get inside and Kyle immediately flops me down onto the couch and leaves me. He goes into his room and shuts the door, and I could hear him hit his bed as well. Tomorrow shouldn't be fun, since we have to be at the school by 9:00am on a Saturday for practice, and I know I'll be grumpier than ever.

I sigh.

And what if I can't sleep? What if that feeling happens again? What if Weebles runs around the house like a crazy person tonight? What if that scary picture in Kyle's room freaks me out too bad?

What was that from anyways?

I decided I really wanted to know, even though it was probably from something stupid. But at least it would stop bothering me.

"Please, please, please, please..." I say eagerly as I slowly turn my head towards the coffee table.

Yes! My laptop was still there! I didn't have to get up!

I reach over and pull it over to me, praying I wouldn't drop it like I have so many times before. I turn it on and get nearly blinded by the florescent white that displays as it turns on, and go to Google search. Since I didn't have much information on the picture, and I wasn't good with describing words, I just typed in what the caption said: GO TO SLEEP, and searched it. In a second, Google images brings up millions of pictures, so far none of them showing a man with a white face and bloody smile. I saw actual children pretending to be asleep in a bed as the photographer takes pictures, or cheesy commercial moms kissing their 'children' goodnight. I keep scrolling though, just in case. Eminem showed up quite a lot, because of that annoying song he wrote, but I wasn't seeing-

My heart skips a beat as black eyes and a bloody smile shows up on the screen. I swallow down my pounding heart that made its fearful jump into my throat. Well, there it was. I click on it and it brings me to a sight, where across the top it spells: Jeff the Killer, real story.

Jeff the Killer? Is that who he was? If so, that just got a little more creepy.

I scroll down until I start to see the paragraphs that in which told the story of his life, which wasn't good. Wasn't good at all.

Tears almost came to my eyes as I read the sad and painful story, of a thirteen year old boy named Jeff moving to a new school after his father got a new job, and his mother and younger brother coming along. On the first day of school, Jeff's younger brother, Liu, was getting bullied and teased, and Jeff stood up for him. Apparently, the other boys pulled a knife out on them after they had snatched Liu's wallet. Jeff took care of them, big time. He popped the stupid Randy guy in the nose and broke his wrist once he was distracted, and started to stab him and take care of the other two kids as well. But, this wasn't just him controlling his actions, it was something else. It was a strange feeling that he got, that couldn't be explained but a burning sensation he got through time to time. It must have been something with his mind.

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