Chapter 4.

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My heart stops.

"H-how do you know my name?" I ask with a shaky breath, watching his white eyes scan the terror on my face.

I swallow.

"Because," he starts off with a real, sinister smile, his voice so low it sounded like a growl. "you watched the video. I got your IP address, from the video."

Shaking from fear, I mutter a simple "Oh." since it's all I could manage to say at the moment. But in my mind, puzzle pieces were being placed together; images were the seams; he was the picture. The actual picture. The one in Kyle's room. The man in the video.

Was he really here? Is this a dream? A prank? Please, God, let it be a prank.

His malicious smile didn't hide the actual one growing underneath the fake. I could tell he was enjoying my terror; he was probably feeding off of it, and savoring this precious moment. He scans my face, making my stomach flip.

"You're very pretty, Kate. I think I'll take my time with you," he says evilly, tracing the tip of the knife over my cheek; but carefully though, as if he didn't want to cut me.

"P-please don't kill me," I start to cry. There was no way I could actually talk him out of this. He is who he is, if he's who I think he is. But maybe, just maybe, I could try. I really had nothing else to lose. "I like you....Honestly." I whimper.

"What?" he snaps, seemingly full of hatred and anger.

"I....I read your story...I like you." I hesitate as he glares. With confusion in his evil eyes, he places the knife on my throat.

"L-look, if you're going to kill me, do it. But please don't kill Kyle or my cat. It's my fault, I watched the video..." I sniffle, nervously watching the knife.

"Who's Kyle?" he growls.

"My...My roommate and friend."

He then leans in very close to my face, to where I could hear and feel his hot breath fanning my lips as he speaks. "I'm not going to kill you. But I WILL be back." he says with an evil smile.

He then steps off of me, and backs out of the room, seeming to take advantage of his full-heigth. I watch with panic as he runs out of the house, and into the patch of woods we had beside our house.

Adrenaline was pulsing through my veins, making me feel ever so lucky to be alive. But before I went into Kyle's bedroom to check in, I decide to check the closet. To my luck, the girl was gone, but she did leave a stain of blood in a ring on the closet floor.

After scrubbing and wiping the blood up from the carpet, and trying very hard not to puke, my adrenaline was gone, and left a heavy amount of fatigue over my body. By this point, I was ready to take a shower and go to bed, even though I knew I would be too afraid to. How could I ever sleep again with that memory burned into my mind? And what if this is a dream? How will I know? It feels so real, yet, I have no proof this is happening, do I? I'll try my best to make this all understandable, and I'll start with waking Kyle up. Maybe after I wake him up for two seconds, I can go to sleep. And in the morning, I can check in and ask him if I had woken him up the night before. Yes, that's what I'll do.

I open the door to Kyle's room slowly, peeking inwards to see him sprawled out on his bed, and snoring with great fatigue. I'll feel bad if I wake him up... But I need to know if I'm going crazy.






"Wh-what!? What's wrong?" he jumps awake, looking around the room and finding me in the doorway.

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