Chapter 27.

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Andrew walks through the doors about an hour later. I had started to doze off after I cleaned my arm of ink and blood, but I shake myself awake once I see him.

The right side of his face was bandaged up, as was his left arm. He had a slight limp, barely noticeable but still there. Dammit, I felt awful. It was all my fault. What the Hell, life?

I stand up and come to him, not expecting the most amazing hug of my life to be given to me at the moment. He took me in his arms, and held me tight for a minute, rubbing my back with his fingertips and stroking my long hair. I bury my face in his chest and take in his scent. I don't there was a time that Andrew ever stank. Even when he had worked all day in the barn and came in to hug me, he never smelled bad.

Yeah, he's perfect. No big deal.

"They said I'll be fine." he says as he retreats and holds my shoulders. "I have to get my stitches out the fifteenth."

"Alright," I grimace, the guilt swelling back up again.

His hands drop to his side and he looks at me sadly. "What's wrong?"

"I feel bad." I pout.

"It wasn't your fault, dummy." he smiles. I melt. "No need to feel bad."

"Okay," I say, still unsure. We walk to the desk and check out, getting a weeks worth of pain pills for his sore face, and go out to the car. The whole time I thought back to the time where I had a major concussion, and I had to take pain killers. They weren't the same kind, because mine were ten times stronger than Andrew's, but it still pained me to remember back to that time. I wondered about Kyle, and what he was doing with his life now. It's been almost a year.

I try to get my mind off it. I bring up a conversation with Andrew, about the movies, and our friends, and school and how we're almost completely done with it. We talk about how time flies when things get better, and how we hope the future is way better than how the past has been. He brings up things I often think about, or things I've never pondered before. Talking with Andrew was so nice. I could talk, and talk, and talk for hours with him and never get bored. Time flies with him. Time flies when you're happy.

"So you dating anyone?" he asks suddenly as he digs in the glove box for another CD. I feel my stomach flip and I gather myself so I don't sound too excited.

"Nope. And you?"


I glance over to him. "You don't want a girlfriend?"

"No, I do." he says, looking ahead. "But not like the last one. I want someone who will laugh at my stupid jokes, someone down-to-Earth and kind. Someone who's been through a lot to have enough experience and to respect life. Someone I can trust. Someone I can love with no complications."


I bite my lip and keep my thoughts to myself, nodding. "I know what you mean."

"Yeah," he sighs. He looks over at me and smirks, making me melt into the seat. God, he was gorgeous. I wanted him desperately, so bad I could KILL.

My blood curdles and my skin turns cold.


Bad choice of words, Kate.

Luckily, before I could think about that subject any longer, we pull into the driveway and park beside the garage. Frogs and crickets chirp through the night as we step out and walk to the back door. Aunt Cassie and Uncle James were home now, but all of the lights were out and they were in bed sleeping. Right before I could reach the door to get inside, Andrew speaks up.

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