Chapter 15.

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I unhook the seat belt to my car, still holding my gushing stomach in my hands. The crevasse stung with raw pain as I climb out of the car. I could feel my flesh opening as my abdominal moved, and I cringe in bitter agony. How could Jeff do this to me?

He's a serial killer. What do you think he's gonna do? Make you cookies and write songs for you on the piano?

That would be cute....

Once I could fully stand up I began to doubt my stability, and I felt as if my balance were untrustworthy. I was wobbling to the doors, feeling weak and light-headed while lines of blood trailed behind me. Automatic doors let a chilling force of air against me right as they opened. I shiver, feeling myself grow weaker and weaker.

"Somebody help me!" I croak feebly. I saw an old man in a wheelchair meet contact with me: the bleeding girl calling for help as she was slowly slipping from life. His eyes widen and his mouth drops automatically. I ignore him and look to the front desk, which was actually a little down the hall.

"Help!" I cry again.

"Oh, baby girl!" A nurse finally hollers, abandoning a cart with trays of food in the middle of the hall. "We needa docta!" she screams, helping me to my feet. Nurses and doctors began scrambling around, bringing a gurney to me and picking me up to lie me down. An oxygen mask was placed over my face as they run down the hall to put me in a room. I was taken to the ER, where they thrust an IV needle into my arm. With all the pain in my torso, the needle barely made me flinch. I was too worried about the doctor's expressions and all of the beeping devices. I couldn't stop saying the word 'Death' inside of my mind.

"Breathe normally, honey. Stay calm, everything will be okay." One doctor said. His tone was so soft and relaxed, and actually made my heart rate ease. The panic was slowly being drained from me, along with all of my blood. Now that I think of it, some of Luke's blood was running from my open skin as well.

Oh god.... I'm still wearing my bloody clothes. Maybe with all of this actual blood, they'll think it's mine as well...

That was the last thought that shot through my head before I was feeling majorly drowsed. Then I slipped away, into a long, dark sleep.


I woke.

I was surprised that I had. All of the blood; all of the worried faces that were free of any hope made my mind play tricks on me. I had thought I died in that minute of slipping away. Now that I think of it, I wish I was. Opening my eyes I came to the familiar sight of a hospital room, which I was severely sick of lying in.

Again I was tangled in wires, and tubes were pushing air in and out of my lungs. Immediately I pulled them out, not feeling it was necessary to wait on a nurse. It felt like the hundredth time I had been sent to the hospital, when only it had been the fourth. Four times were way too many...

Then the nurse that had helped me first waddled into the room, her plump body covered in bright purple scrubs. She went through some cabinets, stripping off the white rubber gloves that had she wore on her hands. She was humming a song that sounded much like the 'Jesus Loves Me' song. But I was so sleepy that I couldn't even tell, honestly. It could be a Green Day song for all I know.

"You gave us quite a scare, honey bunny." she tells me as she finds me awake. I give a weak grin as she checks my forehead with the back of her hand. "You have a friend here, too. Should I bring him in?"

Oh, God.

"What's he look like?" I ask timidly, feeling my face go cold, indicating that I went pale.

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