Chapter 20.

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As I walk back home I had thoughts swirling around in my head. Some were good, some were bad. I thought about Jeff holding my hand, and telling me I was beautiful. But with that came bad memories; like the pain of heart ache, and potentially dying from being critically wounded three times. Oh, and all of the people I killed. Even though there were three victims, it felt like a million.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Jeff still remained in mind. He was so precious and nice when he was himself; so complimentary and sweet. I wish he hadn't gone....


Where did he even go?

He was mad. Maybe he was blowing off steam by taking a walk..... Nah, he was probably killing people.

I grimace and kick the rocks on the road as I travel back to my house. The pain in my stomach started to spread through the rest of my body, where again it felt like knives were slipping through the healing flesh beneath my bandages. I really just needed to be at home so I could rest. I'm killing myself from running around like this.

I plop down in the middle of the lonely road to catch my breath. I had only been walking, but with my injuries it felt like I had just run a marathon after falling into a pit of blades and guns.

Okay, that was a really bad analogy, but you get the point.

I squint my eyes to see into the distance as I become uneasy. Using my senses I set my palms on the road and feel slight vibrations. Then sure enough, a car pops up and rides over the hill.

I stand to my feet as my heart starts to ram against my chest. Slowly I stumble backwards until I get the nerve to start running. There were no trees or bushes at the sides of the road to jump in and hide, and it was empty of any houses. The only signs of life were me, and the person driving the car.

I knew I couldn't out-run them, and I knew this was all so helpless. But the fear of being kidnapped again was just too strong.

I could hear the engine of the car coming closer and  closer, and then I heard it quiet down, just a bit. Whoever they were, were slowing down and pulling up next to me as I continued to jog away from them.

"Kate? Kate Chambers?"  someone called from the window.

I blink through some tears that had built up in my vision when I became scared, and I find the well-known face of Sam Bambic. "Sam?"

"Wh.... What are you doing out here? Do you need a ride?" he asks with panic lacing his voice.

"Uh... yeah, sure." I say casually. I pop open the door and climb inside to his leather seats and heated air. I shiver from the temperature change as my body unthaws.

Sam started driving again and turned down the radio. I wipe the tears from my eyes on my sleeves and ask, "Did you see a guy in a white hoodie and black pants walking down the road?"

"No, why? Was it Kyle?"

"No, Kyle's at home," I sniffle.

"Then who was it?" Sam asks.

"No one...." I breathed, staring out the car window. "No one."


I got home and immediately laid down on my bed after taking some pain killers. A picture beneath my bedside lamp caught my attention with its glittery frame.

It was a picture of me and my parents my freshman year. They had their arms around me as I wore a crown and sash for homecoming Queen. They looked so proud and happy; like they were lucky that I was their daughter. They always had. But one, damn slip-up that isn't even my fault ruins it all; flushes it down the toilet of shame.

Yes. The mother fucking toilet of shame.

A tear slips down my cheek but I feel nothing. Sadness and despair had left my mind and left me with nothing but anger and a little bit of happiness. Anger for them, and happiness for me.

Through high school I brought home good grades, did many activities, raised money at fundraisers, and brought joy to a lot of people there. My parents would come to support me in everything I did, like watching the band play at halftime at football games. The have a ton of videos on my father's phone from different competitions and stuff. They said I was wonderful.

When I moved out of the house in the late summer, right before my sophomore year, my mother cried and begged me not to leave. Kyle and my father had to pry her off of me so I could get in the car, and as I was walking away I could hear my mother why he was letting me go, and he said: "As much as I want her to stay, she has to grow up somehow."

Now I wonder if they'll come to my graduation, or my wedding, or even my baby shower. I also ponder on the details that Kyle didn't tell me about my parent's leaving.

I slowly sat up so I wouldn't irritate my stomach and shoulders, and walk over to Kyle's room. I peek in quietly and look around. He was still at his desk, playing on the computer. I invite myself in and take a seat on his futon.

"Oh, hey." he grins, turning in his chair to face me.


"What's up?"

"Well," I begin, letting out a breath of air. "It's just.... not adding up. I'm so confused, and I just want answers.... You would know about this more than anyone. So... Why? Why did my parents just... Leave me?"

The pain in my voice was beginning to make itself noticeable. I hold back on my emotions as I watch several flash across Kyle's face as well, making him look pressured and stressed.

I knew there was at least something he wasn't telling me, and I was determined to find out every last detail.

"W-well, I mean.... I.... I guess they just couldn't handle it?"

"Kyle, why would they go to England? There's nothing there for them," I press, leaning in a tad bit closer so I could see within his eyes. They were such a dark shade of brown; almost looking black. Right now they were filled with worry and stress, and I couldn't even see past the thickness of his recovering melancholy. You would think his head would explode right now. He was deeply afraid, I knew it.

I sensed it.


He connects eye contact with me and holds in the truth. "What?"

"You haven't answered my question,"

He leans back and tries to relax himself, folding his clammy hands together in a ball on his lap. Impatience was weighing in on me now, and I began to get stubborn.

"Say it, Kyle." I say bitterly. "I know you're hiding something."

His gaze was flickering back and forth to me, and he bites his lower lip incessantly. He was cracking; giving up. I was tearing him down and weakening him with every other second of my strengthening glare. Finally he falls back, sighing of great strain and throwing his hands above his head.

"Alright, dammit." he closes his eyes and breathes in a panicked rhythm. "Kate, I.... I love you. You know that. You're my family, and I'd be no where without you. I want you to know that I... well, I thought it would help you if I kept this away from you." he swallows. "But I was wrong..."

I raise my eyebrows as he falls back into silence. He looks up at me with pain, but my eyes press him on. He struggles and collects his broken words.

"Y-.... Your parents didn't just... leave you, they..... They died."



Hey, guys :)

So that was interesting. Hope this was worth another wait, even though this chapter was pretty short. I'm sorry. :( I just wanted to end it with a cliffhanger because I'm evil like that.


Thanks, babes.


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