Chapter 12.

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- chapter 12 -

I walk back into the little bedroom where Jeff sleeps and thought about the night I had slept in that bed. I remember how scared I was, and I remember how stupid I was to run away. All it did was get me a knife in the shoulder, all to just come back on my own to find Jeff.

But now that I think of it, I don't even think he sleeps, if that's possible. Maybe he kidnapped other people before me and had them sleep in the same bed. I guess that's something I'll never know for sure.

I walk over to the window and look at my reflection in the glass. I seemed pale from the current events, and I was forming little dark circles around my eyes from the lack of sleep. I sigh and look outisde to the empty town. It was a clear and pretty night. The stars shined brightly in the indigo sky, and a big yellow moon floated boldly in the middle. No on was out there besides a homeless man across the street, rummaging through some trash cans and pulling out news papers. It was so quiet, besides the occasional sound of sirens way in the distance. I rested my chin on my hands and smiled. This town was very peaceful. Before I knew it, I was slinking down onto the bed and resting my tired self against the wall, almost falling asleep until I heard a door close. I open my eyes and look up. Stretching, I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall, and soon enough Jeff appeared in the bedroom door.

"You're really still here," he says with surprise.

Standing to my feet, I say, "I told you. I want to stay here."

His only response was handing me a knife, and he walks out right after. I look out of the window to find the sky darker, and I began to get painful butterflies.

I thought about what he wanted me to do. He wanted me to kill Luke.


The guy who I've liked for almost a year now; the guy who was Kyle's best friend; the guy who saved my life by giving me his own blood, and I was going to kill him.

I remember the times he's helped me, the times he's made my heart beat uncontrollably, just by a smile. He was so handsome, smart, and funny. Dammit, he was perfect and it was my job to kill him.

Was that why Jeff wanted me to kill him? Was it jealousy or something?

I didn't want to, but I couldn't back out again. That's very dangerous. Maybe can persuade him to change his mind, and that maybe I can kill someone else instead.

What the hell did I just think?

My life is fucked up. That thought actually, seriously, went through my mind. What in the actual fuck.

I stare out the window again, to help me calm myself. All I saw was my reflection, though. I stared at who i was becoming. I feel like I must say goodbye to the old Kate, because I can't be her anymore.

Now that I think about it, I had always thought being a serial killer would be fun. I've wrote stories of a girl being a serial killer in a group called 'The Seven', and I had fun doing so. I mean, you could kill whomever you wish, and get away with it.

But I do not wish to kill Luke.

Yes, Jeff said Luke was trying to hurt me emotionally, and I guess that is why it must be done. Jeff is sort of like my boss now, in a way. I have to do what is asked of me from now on so I can keep Kyle safe.

I take another breath in and look down to the knife I hold in my hand. My mouth curves up into a smile which I see in the reflection of the knife.

And I turn around and walk out to meet Jeff.

When I found him he sat on the ground, carving into an animal carcass, waiting for me. He looks up once he hears me coming towards him, and he stand to his feet and menacingly stares down at me.

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