Chapter 23.

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After battling all of the Hellish thoughts swirling around my head like a tornado, I manged to fall asleep last night, hoping to never wake up. But to my disappointment, I woke up.

The hotel room was brightly lit from the drawn curtains, letting the morning sun shine through the window. I stretch and yawn, popping and cracking my tired bones as I extend my arms and legs. The stitches sting as my bandages pull on them, and I wince only a little, as the wounds were started to heal up now.

I squint as I look around for my little Weebles, but I didn't see him anywhere. Was he in the bathroom?

Just as I turn on my side to see if Weebles was behind me, I was greeted by a heart attack instead. I scream and jump as my heart races, sending me to fall off the bed and land on the floor.

I sit there, staring up at the body that was lying in my bed. What was going on?!

Then to my relief and excitement, Jeff lifts his head and studies me as I sit on the floor. "You alright?"

"You scared me," I breathe, trying to calm my racing heart. He yawns and lays on his back, crossing his arms behind his head and staring up to the ceiling.

I stand up. "Why are you here?"

"I missed you." he admits.

I crinkle my nose and smile at him. Goddamn it, he's cute.

I crawl in bed and curl up beside him, feeling his arm reach down and wrap around me. He didn't smell so nice; actually like rotten flesh, sewage, and sweat, to be honest with you. But I didn't care one bit!

 I sunk into him and smiled to myself as I feel my tensed muscles relax. Being with him was so comforting. It made me think of when I first ran away with him. I didn't know it then, but I was in a safe position. Maybe he had hurt me before, but he would never kill me. He protects me.

And then I thought for a minute, about him storming out and leaving the other day. I think he left to blow off steam; to kill other people so his mind wouldn't turn and kill me instead. He saved me from himself. He can control it.

"Do you think of me a lot?" he asks suddenly.

"Too much." I tell him. "Why?"

"I can just tell."

I smile. But then it fades when I think back to yesterday; about 'Jane'.

"Okay, I have to get this off my chest. Who was that girl in your apartment thing?" I held my breath as I asked.

"Um... you?"

"Alright, smartass. Seriously,"

"I'm serious!" I chuckles. "You're the only girl that's been in my apartment since I've stayed there.... That I know of," He takes a pause and I watch a grin cross his face. "Could be the fangirls,"

My brows crease. "The fangirls...?"

"Never mind. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I went there yesterday to see you and this chick jumped out of no where and tackled me and put a knife to my throat. She said she was looking for you, and that her name was Jane."

His breathing plummets, and for a moment he doesn't breathe at all. His heart drums faster as he lies completely still. "Jane..."

"You know her?" I ask.

"Yes, yes, did you tell her that I lived there or where I was?"

"No. I didn't want to." I sneer.

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