Im Happy Our Plans Were Canceled

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I hope you guys like these... oh and surprise It's not Wednesday but I feel like updating
Scotts POV:
I woke up to my sense kicking into gear right away. Coffee. I sat up quickly and made my way to the kitchen to find my best friend making coffee and and cooking pancakes. "Why hello Scottland!" He said in a sing-song voice as I wrapped my arms around him. It does not matter when or where I make physical contact with him, I feel butterflies in my stomach, and I hate it.
I need to stop falling for this guy.
"Why are you making breakfast this early?" I asked, still hugging him from behind. "Becauseeee" He was now walking over to the coffee machine and I let go of him. My arms immediately felt empty. I walked over to the table and sat down. "What do we wanna do today?" I asked him, he stopped and looked at me, still, a huge smile on his face "I have plans. Surprises maybe..." and with that he turned around and started to grab plates "No.No.No.No. You know I hate surprises!!" He just hummed in response and I rolled my eyes.

Mitchs POV:
God he cracks me up sometimes. He doesn't know that today we were gonna head out and go to the beach and we were gonna meet up with friends and then go to a club AH!!! It's gonna be so fun!!

"Here you go master" I dramatically kneeled down in front of Scott who was sitting sideways, his crotch, less then a foot away from my face. I don't mind...
"Why thank you Peasant!!" He spat the last word playfully. I stood up and walked over to turn off the stove and get my plate. "Okie dokie!" I looked over at his plate, expecting it to be mostly empty but he was just patiently waiting for me sit down. Awe what a sap. I rolled my eyes as he just grinned widely at me. "Eat up hungry boy" I chuckled, and he immediately dug into the breakfast I worked my fat ass to make. It was all fine and happy until I heard a loud crack of thunder from outside that practically shook the whole apartment and made my heart plummet down to my stomach. I dropped my fork onto the table with a loud clank, Fuck.
I panicked...

Scotts POV:
Uh oh. He hates thunder. I felt it, the table shook, I also felt the anxiety attack just waiting to occur in the small boy beside me. This has happened bridge, so I know how to comfort him, it's just a bit difficult. Before any of us can move there was another boom. "AHH!!!" Mitch yelled, there it is. I wasn't even able to stand up to catch him, he was already in his room. "Oh my god..." I took a quick look outside and it looked absolutely horrible, at first I thought it was only a thunderstorm, but I saw a crack in the ground, and I didn't panic until then. A fucking earthquake. Shit!!!. I ran into Mitch's room, not even taking the time to knock. He was in the corner of his room huddled up into a ball, his shoulders were shaking. Even though I wanted to be in the same position Mitch was in right now, he truly needed me.
"Mitch, honey!" I picked him up and brought him into the bathroom, where there was no windows, just in case.
"Scott....w..w..what's hap...happening" Mitch asked, still trembling as I set him down on the bathroom floor. "Nothing babe, It's gonna be okay." I went to quickly grab a blanket off of Mitch's bed and brought it into the bathroom. He was in the same position as when I first walked into his room. I sat down next to him and draped the blanket over us. I immediately took him into my embrace, his face buried into my chest as he was practically sitting on top of me. I rubbed his back and stroked his hair.
"Shh... It's okay, it's gonna be okay trust me" I kissed his forehead, and even in the situation we were in, I couldn't help but smile.
It's been almost thirty minutes and the storm hand dialed down. The power turned off and we were still cuddled up on the bathroom floor. Mitch's want fully sobbing, but still lightly crying.
"There goes my plans for today..." He sniffled.
"What plans?" He never told me we were going anywhere today, no wonder he is so upset. Mitch looked up at me as he explained what we were gonna do "Well, we were gonna head to the beach, with all our friends, and then go to a club" His crying grew rapidly a she was talking. Poor Mitchy. I tried everything and nothing is calming him down. Wait. This is either gonna go great, or blow up in my face, I'm gonna take the risk anyway.
I lifted his chin up with my fingers gently, he sniffled and held in his cries "I'm actually glad our plans are canceled."
He looked at me, almost hurt. He didn't have to say anything for me to continue to explain.
"Because I get to tell you that I love you so much. Your beautiful, and I want you to know that not only do I live you as a friend..." He now turned around to straddle my waist and look at me straight in the eyes. "I want to be more. I want to make you happy, I'd do anything to make you happy... Trust me." His only answer was his lips crashing against mine. Well, didn't blow up in my face. We continued to kiss passionately, just like how I imagined it. Other then Mitch's body, there's only one other thing I thought,

Can this happened more often?

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