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I had a bad feeling about tonight. This club didn't feel right and I just didn't like the atmosphere. It seemed. Risky.
"Yay we're here!! Come on!" Mitch said excitedly and pulled my hand as we made our way out of the taxi and into the building filled with horny, drunk ass people.
We found a empty place to put our jackets at the door. Loud music was blasting in my ears and I was incredibly tempted to just down multiple shots but, knowing for some reason I don't feel quite comfortable, I refrained. I took Mitch's hand and led him over to the bar, he looked so happy and excited to be here and just to let loose, just because I got a weird vibe doesn't mean I'm going to ruin my boyfriends time.
"Are you going to get anything babe?" Mitch asked, already slightly tipsy from his second drink. Damn.
I set a hand on his thigh, knowing when he is drunk he needs a lot of attention.
The music suddenly stopped and a new beat came on, one of our favorite songs. Mitch gasped and took my hand "OH MY GOD WE NEED TO DANCE!!" He yelled. I laughed and followed to the large crowd of dancing people. We were dancing all on each other and grinding to the beat and I finally started to let loose. I was a laughing mess and decided that I, as well need a drink. "Do you want another drink babe?" I asked Mitch, he nodded and kissed me passionately "Please?!" He asked batting his eyelashes, like he needed to plead for me to get him anything. I nodded
"Alright babe I'll be right back" and with that I turned around and jogged back to the bar.

"Thank you so much!!" I said and took the two drinks into my hands as I turned around to go find Mitch. On my way there I sipped on mine (and maybe a little bit of his drink). I was glad I could finally have fun tonight with my Mitchy.
I looked around for a few minutes and still couldn't find him, and that's when I got worried. The drink this lady gave me was strong and I was already feeling it quite a bit, making my emotions go into overdrive. Where is he? What happened? Damnit I knew it!!
I shoved both drinks into a strangers arms, to occupied with finding my boyfriend to care about what happens to them. I even asked some people where he could be and they said they didn't know.
"Fuck!!" I pulled on my hair and then a easing thought struck me. The fucking bathrooms. I mentally slapped myself for being so paranoid and eventually found my way to the bathroom. I sure wasn't expecting to find what I saw.
Mitch was pinned against a wall, surrounded by two, larger men all feeling up on him. All I could for a second was stand there, staring at my boyfriends face. He looked scared and helpless and it killed and angered me. What in the actual fuck. I lost it when one of the men stuck his hands down Mitch's pants and a tear trickled down my baby's cheek. Luckily none of them were near as big as me, so this was going to be easy. I ran over and grabbed the smallest one, ripping his hand out from Mitch's pants and punched him square in the jaw, causing him to fall back and hit the sink.
"MITCH LEAVE!!" I yelled when the other one faced around and was getting ready to 'hit' me. Mitch couldn't really move, he just stood there, shocked. Anger rose inside of me and my face red with anger.
I pushed the man back against the wall as hard as I could, his head smacking against the tile. I felt a harsh tug at my leg and fell down on top of the first man I punched. He looked at me with a disgusting smile. "I could get used to you being on top of me..." I was about to knee him in the stomach but a foot collided with his head. I looked up and saw Mitch retracting his foot. He bent down and whispered in the mans ear
"He's mine asshole." And with another sharp blow to the head, the man was now knocked out. I turned to look at the guy still standing and he was just as shocked as I was, but luckily, I acted quicker. I kicked him in the stomach multiple times until he was on the floor hunched over. That wasn't too hard.
"Motherfucker" I mumbled.
My eyes landed on Mitch and I saw him silently crying on the floor. My anger washed away and I was left with sadness. He didn't need to be harassed.
"Come on babydoll lets get you home." He looked up for a quick moment and then sank his head down again.

I carried him all the way outside and all the way back inside to or apartment when we got out of the taxi. He was still sobbing just as hard and it broke my heart.
Once we were inside our own home I set him down on our bed and stripped his clothes, very gently and it wasn't even sensual. He just needed comfort. I dressed him in a large shirt of mine that he loved and I changed as well. The lights were off and all you could here was Mitch's crying, yet there was so much more. I pulled him impossibly closer to me under the covers and rubbed calming patterns on his back.
"It's okay. Your safe now I promise." I whispered gently into his ear.
"I I'm so... s-so sorry!" He finally managed to get out, his sobs becoming louder.
"There's nothing to be sorry about baby. This wasn't your fault and I'm sorry I let this happen." I whispered again.
After a couple of minutes of, still uncontrollable sobbing I did the only thing that was left to do. I started humming and singing soft, random melodies into his ears because I always know that calms him down.
His breathing started evening out and his crying almost non-existent. I wiped away the excess tears with my kisses, planting them all over his face.
"I love you so much.
Your safe."
He took a deep breath and his eyes closed.
"I love you to" He whispered, almost non-audibly, and then his soft snores were the only thing I could hear after; occasional hitches of his breath

I almost was asleep when I heard a small mumble come from Mitch's mouth, which I couldn't help but smile... just a little.

"I am safe now"

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