Kisses And Confessions

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(Oh and they are like still in high school in this one so ;)  THIS IS SO FUCKING LATE I AM SORRY I WAS BUSY OKAY IM GOING TO SHUT UP NOW LOVE YOU THANK YOU
I waited till I heard no sound in my house before I started to change out of my pajamas. I put on some black skinny jeans, my 'flawless' flannel and some regular converse. I fixed my hair and grabbed my
phone. Time to sneak out.
I carefully opened my window and climbed out, because of my height it was a bit difficult, but I managed and straightened my outfit one last time before I started to walk to my friends house. It was at Kirstie's house and she invited a whole bunch of our friends to come over, but there is one boy that has been on my mind all night.
Mitch Grassi.
I started to hum softly, looking around until I saw the familiar house. Her parents were out of town, so this is how she was able to throw this little party. I walked in without even knocking since this is pretty much my second home and I got welcomed by the shorter brunette.
"DipDot!!" She yelled and ran over to me just as I shut the door to give me a large hug. I hugged her back and pulled away after a minute to look who was all here.
It was Avi, Kevin, Alex, Jake, Todrick and, Esther. I thought everyone was here until I didn't recognize a certain face.
Where is Mitch? I thought as I shut the door behind me.

Alright, here is the thing with Mitch, I have been in love with him for years and years. He is so talented, kind, light hearted and funny and you can never get enough of him. I only told one person this, and that was Kirstie. I sat down next to her, a little disappointed that I wasn't able to see him tonight and just started to stare at the ground; my mind being drowned in my thoughts.

"Hey lover boy, he is in the bathroom" I heard Kirstie whisper in my ear. I felt a small smile grow on my face and I went to get something to eat, to try and occupy my mind a little.
On my way back, with a plate of pizza and a drink in my hand, Mitch came out of the bathroom. Of course, awkward me and since my hands got sweaty, I dropped my drink all over the floor.
"Oh my god! Here let me help!!" Mitch said and rushed over to get some paper towels.
"Shit what do I do what do I do!" I mumbled under my breath. I set my plate down on the island next to me and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans.
"Here." I looked to the side and there was that beautiful boy next to me holding out some paper towels. I gave him a small smile
"Why thank you!" I kneeled down and started wiping up my drink from the tile till it was all gone.
"Did it just... slip out of your hands, did you purposely drop it just so that you could get my attention... or?" He asked me.
I looked up at him and saw that he had a large smirk on his face and one suggestive eyebrow raised. Did he know I liked him? Did Kirstie tell him? Oh my god this is horrible.
"Uh... Um yeah it slipped" I mentally smacked myself for stuttering.
Then his beautiful tenor voice broke out into a small giggle which made my heart flutter.
"Here" then I saw him kneel down with some more damp towels, wiping it down once more. I stood up and reached out my hand to help him up.
"Thank you" he said and took my hand.
I nodded my head and got another drink, walking out with my now cold pizza, another drink and Mitch talking to me about one time he spilled something all over himself in front of a cute guy. Doesn't that sound somewhat familiar. Guess it could've been worse.
"That is insane!" I said once he was done with his story
"Yeah, I sort of hated it" Mitch replied with a small chuckle.
"Scott, Mitch we were just about to play some games!!"
Kevin yelled. I rolled my eyes and sat down, Mitch sitting right next to me.
"It's fine, I'm just hungry" I replied honestly.
I heard groans from almost everyone in the room.
"Come on Scotty lets play!" Esther said, trying to convince me.
I finished chewing my slice of pizza before I finally gave in.
"Alright fine" I turned to look over at Mitch,
"You in?" I asked. He just nodded his head, his eyes full of excitement.
I turned back around and saw that they were all giving us mischievous looks
"Alright what are we doing?" I asked suspiciously. Without a word Avi, and Jake went into the kitchen.
"What the hell?" I asked Alex, who was Jake's boyfriend at the time.
"You'll see, you. will. see" Todrick replied. I rolled my eyes and finished my pizza.
"Oh my god your shirt" Mitch jumped up, looking straight into my eyes. I got paranoid and nervous.
Is there a stain? A hole? Does he hate it is it unbuttoned?
I wasn't really sure what to say at first, which was a good thing because Mitch wasn't done talking anyway.
"I. Fucking. Love. Beyoncé" he said. I felt myself relax, knowing it was something positive. Of course, I had to have my fangirl moment
"Oh my god me too! Her new album is just absolutely genius and the she honestly has so much power it is insane I don't..."
"We have alcohol!" Jake interrupted pand I snapped my head around to see Avi and Jake with multiple different bottles of alcohol and shot glasses.
"Oh dear god" I said, regretting I even came.
"Oh come on it's going to be fun!" Alex exclaimed. I looked around the room and Kevin had a worried look on his face
"Um... I... I think that I won't drink. J-Just to keep you guys s-safe" He said quietly.
"I honestly think that's a good idea" Kirstie added. I nodded my head, thankful at least someone is deciding to be sober.
Before we knew it we were all drunk, pretty much yelling, and playing truth or dare.
"Oh my god Kirstin!!" Avi yelled. Kirstie just giggled and continued to paint her friends fingernails a bright pink.
"Oh my gosh it looks amazing!!" Mitch and Alex said at the same time, then burst into a fit of laughter.
"Oh my god guys we need to play seven minutes!" Esther yelled
"No!!" Jake cried
"Yes! Come on it would be fun." The completely wasted Esther said once again.
"How in the world do you play that game?" I asked, obviously confused, or maybe it's because I'm drunk. Yeah it's because I'm drunk.
"Here." Todrick said. He went up and got an empty bottle and set it in the middle of the coffee table that we were all sitting around.
"So someone spins it and it lands on another person in the circle. Then y'all go do your 'thing' in the closet over there. And come out after seven minutes" He sat back down next to Kevin and pushed the bottle my way.
"Scott go first."
"No" I said, really not wanting to go first.
"Scott!" Todrick said once more. I rolled my eyes and spun the bottle in front of me, my leg bouncing in nervousness.
Luckily after a couple of spins it landed on no one and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"Oh well guess someone else has to go!" I said in mock disappointment.
Everyone gave me an un approving stare but went with it anyway.
"Okay... fine. Mitch you go" Kirstie said. My eyes immediately shot to hers.
What in the world is she doing
"Yay! I love this game" Mitch yelled shaking my arm. He drank. A lot. I just decided to let Kirstie slip and laugh.
"Spin it" Alex yelled, getting impatient because Mitch was sort of just staring at he bottle.
"Oh... Oh okay sorry" He seemed to snap out of his trance and he spun the bottle.
Thoughts and scenarios,
Both bad and good. Some very good were running through my mind.
But they were interrupted by a light tap on my shoulder.
I snapped my head and I saw that the bottle head pointed in my direction.
"Oh... Um okay" I awkwardly stood up and suggestive glances were being shared around the room.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket but I decided to ignore it for now.
"Seven minutes!" Esther yelled and shut the door.
Now Mitch was standing in front of me in a crammed closet, our chests almost touching.
After a second of awkward silence I remembered my phone going off earlier.
"Hold on" I said quietly I took it out and saw that it was a message from Kirstie.
"Tell him, you can do it. Love ya DipDot."
Was all that it said. I shut my phone off and looked up at Mitch who was still standing there. I caught him staring for a split second before his head snapped in a different direction. A sudden burst of confidence ran through me and I gently grabbed his chin with my hand.
"I saw that"
His eyes met mine and a small smirk played on my lips.
"Um... Uh I-I'm sorry, I j-just have l-liked you for-forever and you w-were there I'm sorry, let me just leave god I'm so..."
I interrupted him by snatching his wrist from opening the closet door and slightly pushing him against the wall.
I leaned in close to his lips, his deep, nervous breath hot against my mouth.
"We only have seven minutes to do this Mitch." I whispered.
He didn't answer but his eyes flickered down to my lips, my own following his actions.
I started to lean in and soon enough our lips were touching in a slow sweet kiss.
"I've always wanted to do this" I mumbled into the kiss.
Our heads tilted and mouths were opened; deepening our already passionate filled kiss.
Mitch pulled away to catch his breath, also showing the huge smile on his now swollen lips. I sure as hell didn't waste another second after he finally caught his breath to totally press him against the wall and start to kiss him again. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip, asking for entrance.
I opened my mouth just enough for our tongues to swirl against each other's.
The moment was ruined when we heard a knock on the door.
"Seven minutes guys!" Kirstie yelled.
Mitch groaned and I pulled away. After staring into each other's eyes for a minute, Mitch perfect lips curved into a smile.
"What's got you all happy?" I asked, me cracking a smile now. 
"I just made out with the cutest guy on planet earth how can I not be smiling right now?" He replied.
I felt my cheeks grow hot and he stepped closer setting his hands on my shoulders.
"Are you staying here tonight?" He asked, suddenly getting quiet.
"Guys hurry the fuck up!" Kirstie complained.
"Patience!" I yelled and a groan was heard from the other side.
I ignored it and turned my attention back to the beautiful, smaller boy in front of me.
I completely forgot that this was supposed to be a sleepover, but I went along with it anyway.
"Uh, yeah. I'm staying"
Excitement filled his eyes.
"Good." Was all he whispered in my ear, then he turned around and opened the closet door.
I stood there for a minute before following but Kirstie stopped me, I know she wanted to talk about what happened, but that can wait.
"Kirst. Later." I said
She just walked off and right as I sat down it was Kirstie's turn to spin the bottle. I am guessing they drank more when we were gone because I didn't remember them being this crazy.
Seven minutes can make a big fucking difference.
We were all impatiently waiting for the bottle to stop, and when it did. It landed on Avi. I tried to hold in a laugh because I know that Avi has a huge crush on her. I winked at him as he left he just shook his head.
Two by two everyone was going in and out of the closet. Making us exhausted.
"Alright guys. We can clean up later but I am fucking tired. Who's up for bed?" Kirstie asked.
We all just nodded, to tired to even talk.
I went into Kirstie's room where she was getting ready and knocked.
"Can I come in?" I asked. I heard her yell of approval and I opened the door.
"So do you want to tell me what happened?" Kirstie asked.
"Actually. Later. I do have a very important question." I lied. It was sort of important. Not really.
"Oh my god Scott was is it?" She asked.
"Do you still have my pajamas from when I slept over here last week?" I asked with a small chuckle. She rolled her eyes and left the room before coming back with my pajamas. I gave her a small hug
"Thanks Kit"
Alex and Jake were cuddled on the couch. Avi and Kevin sharing a blow up mattress. Mitch getting the love seat (since he is so small he can fit) and I am on the other couch while Kirstie is in her room. Rude.
I was just about to fall asleep when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and Mitch was standing at the side of the couch.
"Scoot." He whispered
I furrowed my eyebrows, not knowing what he said.
He sniffled. Was he crying?
"Move. Over. Please" he said a little bit louder; but not enough to wake anyone up. I sighed and scooted over. He then climbed under the blanket and curled up into my chest. I stood there still for a moment because I still didn't realize what was going on.
"Are you okay?" I asked quietly. His breathing hitched followed by another sniffle.
"Hold me."
He mumbled quietly. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer.
"Better?" I asked
He just nodded his head and I held him impossibly tighter.
A minute or two passed of silence before he reached up and gave me a quick kiss.

"Thank you" Mitch mumbled. A smile grew on my face and his breathing started to even out and get deeper.

My crush fell asleep in my arms and I don't mind.

This was LONNNGG and okay so sorry it's late love you bye

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