Special Date Night

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Everybody go thank Scomiche_Loverz for this chapter suggestion and go look at her stuff!!!

So you guys are probably wondering why the hell this chapter is late and what happened. Well, I told my mom something that bothered me but apparently it pissed her off and I got my phone taken away. Little does she know I still have my old phone hidden under my mattress for situations like these. But what is a bummer, I left my only IPhone charger at my dads and cant get it back till Friday and this phone fucking sucks.

The second episode or SpongeBob stopped playing and I held Mitch just a little closer.

"Hi." He looked up with a big smile, making me smile as well.

"Hi baby." I whispered and leaned down to peck his lips once. Our comfortable silence got interrupted by my phone buzzing on the coffee table, but I decided to ignore it because the man in front of me always has every ounce of my attention is towards him.
Mitch is curled up into a little ball, just lying there. He looks so content, so calm and collected and just the adoration in his eyes when he stared back into mine was enough courage to do something I've wanted to do for a while. I leaned over so I can wrap my arms around his slim waist and pull him even closer to my chest.

"Are you sleepy?" I asked, running my hand through his beautiful purple hair. He didn't say anything just nodded a little bit.
"Alright, take a little nap baby. I have a surprise. So go to sleep and I'll wake you up and we will be on our way."
He looked up a little bit in confusion, which gave me an opportunity to kiss his forehead.

"I love you" I said., avoiding answering the un asked question.

"I love you too." He whispered back. I moved over so that he was lying on his stomach on the couch now and I pulled the blanket over him.
Making sure to turn down the tv volume just a little bit before I left the room quietly.
When I finally walked into our shared room and opened my top dresser that's when the nerves finally hit me. I grabbed the small velvet box and opened it, revealing a small gold band which small diamonds engraved into it. A smile grew on my face, imagining me slipping it onto his finger and officially calling him my fiancée, then soon to be my husband.
I shut it and set it on the bed, running around to room to get dressed. Once I finally slipped my coat over my sweater and pants, I slipped the small box into my pocket and took a deep breath. About thirty minutes of pure anxiety, I went out to the kitchen and was finally done gathering all the food, and things for our little trip.
I walked into the living room and saw Mitch still sleeping. I knelt down and kissed his cheek softly.
"Wake up baby." I whispered gently. He tossed and turned briefly but soon opened his eyes, showing the beautiful, deep hazel brown eyes. A smile grew on his face.
"Are you better now?" I asked.
He nodded his head again, a large smile still prominent on his face.
"Do I need to get dressed?" He asked, gesturing to my outfit.
"Well it's kind of chilly outside so maybe a coat?" I suggested, not wanting him to get cold. He stood up and onto his tip toes to kiss me passionately.
We pulled away breathless and he pulled me into a large hug.
"I'll be right back!" Mitch said brightly, and walked off into our room to get changed. I sat on the bed and every bad scenario ran through my head, my foot tapping impatiently. A long pain staking ten minutes went by before Mitch came out in one of my large coats, jeans and boots.
I can't stand how adorable he looks in my clothes since he is so small in size compared to me. I walked over and took his hand,
"You look amazing" I complimented.
"Oh thank you... so do you!" He replied back. I leaned down a little bit so I could kiss the back of his smooth hand.
"Thank you"

Since I already packed everything out in the car all we were holding was each other's hands as I opened the car door for him. Soon enough, we were both in the car, heading out on my impromptu date.

Most of the drive was silent except for the soft music playing in the background.

"Where are we going?" Mitch asked for the third time. "Somewhere..." I replied, refusing to give away the answer. He slumped and pouted in his seat.

"Are we going to get there before sunset?" He asked yet another question. I nodded my head, focusing on driving to our little date night.

I saw the place where I wanted to be and Mitch looked confused.

"Scott where the hell are we? Why are you driving into the woods?" A smile grew on my face seeing him so impatient. A few minutes of careful driving I finally stopped the car in front of a beautiful lake that reflected the sunset. I stopped the car and ran over to the other side so I was able to open the door before Mitch could. As he stood there, mesmerized by the beautiful sight I went and grabbed the blanket and picnic basket.
"Come on babe" I said.
I could hear his light footsteps behind me as we walked over to the small lake.
"Wow it's beautiful!" Mitch said.
I nodded in agreement, taking out the wine and all the small snacks. "Ooh! Yum." Mitch immediately grabbed the bottle of alcohol.
I laughed a little bit knowing he would like that.
We sat there cuddled up together, eating and drinking in comfortable silence, watching the sun slowly start to disappear.
Since it was starting to get more and more dark outside and we were both done eating, I decided I should do what I came her for. I grabbed his hands and he faces towards me.
"I just want to say that you are so beautiful. And I know I say that a lot, but it will never be enough to show you how I really feel. You're so passionate about everything; you're also very creative and caring and I can never get enough of you. I also say I love you a lot. But I know that it will never express how much I love you. I know that I can't give you much, but I can give you this.
With shaky hands I pulled out the small velvet box in my jacket pocket and took his left hand into mine.
"Mitch, will you take this and become my beautiful-"
I got interrupted by Mitch's lips slamming into mine, mustering up all the emotions we can't say because they are so intense.
This moment was one I never wanted to end. But sadly, humans need air to breath, so he finally pulled away gasping for air.
"Yes yes yes yes yes!!" he finally answered, almost on the verge off yelling. I wiped his tears off of face softly after I finally slipped on the ring Ive kept forever. When he got to look up at it up close more tears were starting to fall down his face which I happily wiped it off.
"Come here" I whispered.
He crawled over and curled up into my lap. He finally calmed down and looked up at me.

"I love you so much Scott"

"And I love you too Mitch"

Alright guys im sorry this sucked half of it for deleted and I rewrote it on a sucky phone with a sucky keyboard and its passed midnight anyway love youuuuu

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