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Sorry this is a little different
But it is 1:00am and I need to let some stuff out
This is pure, raw and heartfelt.

Do you ever just wanted to be wrapped in their arms again. To feel their skin against yours. You miss the affect they had on you and then it was all gone. Do you ever want to feel the familiar butterflies in your stomach whenever you look at them. In their, beautiful, vibrant blue eyes. The way they made you feel like the most loved person in the world. I missed that. I missed him.
His laughter.
Him smile.
His lips, when they would playfully plant them selves on my forehead for a farewell.
I think about him often and I don't know when it will ever stop. I tried to push him in the back of my mind but everyday there are reminders of him. Reminders of the impromptu 'date nights'
I haven't been able to think straight without him, and I don't know what to do. I remember all the little things he has said to me, and that's what keeps me going everyday, but it also holds me back.
He is always in my mind, locked in a cage, in a corner so no one will notice he is there, but only me. I keep my face emotionless but really my mind is overflowing with emotions I can't describe.
He's toxic, even if he isn't present. It's all for good intentions. Right? Right?

I didn't realize how unstable I am now that I have no one to comfort me. No one can calm me by their presence like he can. And it is slowly killing me.
I have lost the familiar taste of your love. Where has it gone? I have tried not to drop everything and search high and low for it; but I've been keeping myself tame.
I still try to convince myself that this isn't how I always thought of him.
The blonde hair.
Blue eyed.
Strong man.
The way he can make me forget all my problems. It's hard to put into words and I'm surprised I have gotten this far.
I'm sorry I just seem like I a repeating myself, but I can't help myself. I feel like giving up on all of this because if I go too far it will all crash and burn. And the ashes of our laughter, tears and cherished moments will be left to be swept away by this harsh world.
I want to be held in your arms again. I want to know that you still love me. Because I sure do.
I've felt distant ever since I left. Ever since I made a bad decision. When I told myself being in love with someone so much that it physically hurts you isn't healthy. I have tried to go back and make everything okay. But I know I'll choke up on my words as if I dry swallowed a pill because your eyes are so mesmerizing. The way you can see every emotion as if the beautiful blue was erased by reality and was painted with colors of genuine emotion, whether they changed to icy and cold, or warm and familiar. The days have seemed longer and I no longer notice the little things. Because you bring out the best in me. The way you carry yourself motivated me to be more confident.
I needed to get to him.
I feel the whole in my chest grow bigger as we spend more and more time apart.

I can't take anymore time away from your arms wrapping around me.
Your skin touching mine.
The affect you had on me.

I walked to a place that was filled with memories that were still as precious to me.

I need to get my Scott back.

This is short in length but infinite in my emotions at this point in time so maybe that's okay.



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