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Surprise surprise!!!

I woke up to a slight whimper right beside me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Mitch, suddenly out of my reach. Crying?
I looked over at our alarm clock and saw that it was about 3:00am. Another small cry came out of Mitch's mouth and I moved over so that I could wrap my arms tightly around his waist. He turned over so that he was full on pressed against my chest.
"Shh baby are you okay?" I whispered softly, trying not to startle him.
The only answer I got was another louder cry. A frown grew on my face seeing him so upset and I know I can't wake him up.
"Baby, Mitchy are you okay?" I asked again, rubbing comforting circles on his back.
After a couple of minutes he opened his eyes that immediately met mine.
And almost the second he woke up he burst into full on sobs.
"Shh it's all okay come here" I said. I held him impossibly tighter, just wanting to make sure he felt safe and okay, because this has been happening a lot.
He'd wake up in the middle of he might crying and he would usually not wake up, so I would have to hold him tight and tell him that it's okay even though he is not awake.

"Do you want to talk about it baby?"
I asked him after a couple of minutes, just until he has calmed down a bit.
He just shook his head.
I bit my lip, really curious whats been making him so upset.
"Alright sweetie go back to sleep" I said and kissed the metal band wrapped around his left ring finger.

God I'm so happy.

"You'll be okay." He just nodded his head.
"I love you so much"
I whispered again. I thought he was asleep until a few minutes later I heard him mumble something that was barely audible.
"I love you too Scotty"

A smile grew on my face and I fell asleep, tight in my husbands embrace.


A yawn escaped my lips as I woke up well rested. I looked down and saw Mitch still asleep with a tear stained face.
That's right, he had that nightmare last night.
Not even a minute later he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. They were blood shot and I felt so bad.
"Good morning sweetie" I said and hugged him tight.
"Good morning" he replied

"What were you dreaming about last night?"

And almost right away his whole demeanor changed and you can see tears forming in his eyes.
"You don't have to talk about-"
"No no I want to give me a second" he said, and took a deep breath.
"I had a dream that you didn't love me anymore. That you didn't want me and you would tell me that you used me and that I'm not enough for you. And that you got married to me as a joke and, I know it isn't true. But you are my everything and I love you so much and the thought of you not loving me makes me sick to my stomach because I would do absolutely everything for you and I just love you so much and I'm sorry"
And again, he broke down into hysterics. I held him and held him until he was done.
At that time all I could do was hold him.
Once I felt his breathing even our I pulled him onto my lap so that he was straddling me.
"Listen. I love you, more then you could ever know.
You are my motivation in the morning you are the only person I want to wake up by my side. You are the only person I want to share my life with. You are the only person that can make me feel loved. And you are the only person I could love unconditionally.
I don't want you to ever think that I don't love you because I love you so so so much baby.
I love you I love you, and I will keep saying that until you understand that will never ever ever happen"
I finished. A few tears trickled down his cheek and I wiped them off.
"Please. No more tears" I said
"I love you so much"

Our lips were soon melding together in a perfect passionate kiss. Filled with lust, love, and affection, and all unsaid emotions in between.
The moment was perfect and we never wanted it to stop, but all of those amazing moments must end.
I groaned and blindly swiped my phone to turn off the alarm that went off.


And we are late.

"We're late to rehearsal huh?"
He asked.
I frowned and nodded my head
"Ugh okay" Mitch complained and hopped of my lap onto the floor beside the bed. I soon followed.

We both grabbed a quick something to eat and threw on some comfortable clothes.
"Ready?" I asked
"Hold on" Mitch replied.
He walked over and stood on his tip toes so he could kiss my lips.
"Thank you for this morning"
I smiled against the kiss
"Anything for you baby" I replied honestly.

We shared one last kiss and we walked out of the door hand in hand.

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