Today's The Day

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My stories are so fucking long I'm sorry like 1170 words why the hell idek know
Scott woke up feeling energized and excited. Today was the day. He looked down and the smaller boy in his arms and smiled, after all these years being together. After everything they've been to, he still gets butterflies in his stomach just looking at him.
Scott slipped out of Mitch's embrace after giving him a light kiss on the forehead and walked into the kitchen.
"Let's make some breakfast..." Scott mumbled to himself while he was bringing out all the ingredients to make gluten free pancakes, eggs, and bacon.
He didn't necessarily like gluten free pancakes, but anything for his amazing boyfriend. He turned on the stove and got to work.

Mitch woke up feeling an odd emptiness in the bed, he peeked his eyes open to find that Scott wasn't there beside him. He was worried and confused until his senses kicked in and he smelled pancakes, and coffee and slight singing coming from the kitchen. He broke into a large smile knowing what Scott was going "That little bastard!" Mitch said to himself jokingly. He sat up and made his way quickly into the kitchen to find Scott, still just in his boxers was dancing around to the music playing from the speaker cooking some gluten free pancakes. Wait, he doesn't like gluten free pancakes? Mitch thought to himself.
Scott still didn't notice his boyfriend was standing their watching him until the music that he was softly playing was turned up dramatically. He turned his head around and saw  Mitch standing there, turning up the music with a huge smile on his face. He dropped the spatula and made his way to Mitch. He went around and set his hands on Mitch's waist as they hugged there for a good minute, just enjoying each other's company.
"Fuck my pancakes!!!!!" Scott yelled and turned to flip the almost burnt pancake on the pan. Mitch broke into a tiny laughter at his urgency.
"Thank you so much for making breakfast Scottland!" Mitch said genuinely and sat down in a chair at the dinner table, just wanting to watch his boyfriend. They love each other very very much and Mitch wants to spend the rest of his life with him, and he didn't know that today was going to be his chance.
They stood (and sat) in comfortable silence when they both sat down and started to eat.
"I thought you didn't like gluten free pancakes?" Mitch asked his question from before. Scott swallowed and turned to him, setting a hand on Mitch's thigh.
"But I love you so..." The sentence ended with a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Alright, you go get ready babe I got the kitchen." Scott said when he noticed Mitch cleaning his empty plate off in the sink.
"No! I want to help, can I please just wash my dish?" Mitch pleaded. He stopped abruptly when he really processed what Scott said,
"Wait get ready for what? What are we doing?!" Mitch asked and for a second there was a glimpse of nervousness in Scotts eyes, but he played it off quickly when he planted a kiss on Mitch's forehead. "You'll see.." Scott whispered against Mitch's skin. Instead of arguing, Mitch just shrugged it off and finished cleaning his dish.
Scott then took over and cleaned the rest of the dishes, but not after Mitch slapped his ass playfully
"YES DADDY!!!!" Scott  yelled and they both broke down in laughter. Scott shook his head and dried off the last dish. He walked in on Mitch standing in front of the mirror, getting frustrated with his hair. Scott walked over and pulled the smaller boys hands down from his face.
"You look fine Mitchy." He huffed in defeat and watched Scott get dressed. When he was done he turned and smiled at Mitch, "You like it better when I take it off huh?" Scott asked walking closer to Mitch.
Mitch stood up and set his hands on the broad shoulders in front of him, "Well, I can't argue with that..." Mitch joked (sort of) and kissed Scotts cheek,
"Where are we going?" Mitch whispered in Scotts ear, biting on it slightly, trying to distract him from not saying the answer. Scott shivered affectionately but pulled away with a sly smirk, "Well if you would stop distracting me every minute maybe we would find out."
And with that Scott grabbed his hand and they made there way to the car. He opened the passenger door and Mitch stepped in, but not after receiving what he gave; a smack on the butt. Scott then hopped in with a triumphant smile on his face and they drove off.
Scott parked the car in a parking lot of a large, beautiful, vacant park.
"Come on babe." Scott said and took his boyfriends hand when he stepped out of the car. They walked around the little lake in comfortable silence, except Scott was freaking out. He knew they would leave in a few minutes so he needed to do it soon.
Mitch felt a slight squeeze on the hand that was engulfed in Scotts large hands,
"Mitch Grassi." Scott said simply and Mitch immediately got nervous, he never used his full name. He turned around to look at Scott.
Scotts smiled conquered his nervousness and it turned into a comfort, that smile and that body was so familiar and so amazing.
"Mitch, Mitch Grassi. Grassi?I don't like the name of that." Scott started confidently and Mitch immediately knew where he was going and covered his mouth with his hands and his eyes were already starting to water. "I say this a lot but it's never enough to actually explain how much you mean to me. You make me happy and you make me feel loved. You are the strongest, most beautiful person I have ever known and you deserve the world, unfortunately I can't give that to you but I can give you this. My love, my dedication, my time and money and effort because everything I do is meant for you, and so is this." Scott let go of Mitch's hand and wiped the stray tears with kisses, which just made them come harder and quicker. By the time he was on one knee and digging his hand in his pocket, (grateful Mitch didn't notice him slip it in his pants when they were getting dressed) Mitch was already full on sobbing. A small velvet red box came into view and Scott looked up and Mitch one last time before opening it up and taking a silver ring out of it. The band was silver and it had small diamonds embellished into it.
"Mitch Grassi will you make me the happiest person alive and be my husband?" Scott asked, tearing up himself.
Mitch just nodded his head frantically, crying to much to form a proper sentence.
"Y...Yes!!" He finally said and the cool metal slipped onto his finger and Scott stood up and both poured all non-verbal emotions into a passionate kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you to babe"
This was bad but I had to write something

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