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Okay this is a lot different than anything I've done, they're kind of like werewolves (and I know that sounds weird but bare with me) because I've been reading a fuckton of werewolve stories and idk why it's addicting... Oh we'll love you byeeeee

I walked into school, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. I walked over to my friends and they we accompanied my all their mates.
Yes, I was a junior in High School and still haven't found my mate yet. And it's horrible. I walked over, not wanting to interrupt their make out sessions and tried to ignore the pungent smell of all their arousals getting stronger. As expected, they all left one by one to take care of their 'problem'.
"Alright, bye then" I mumbled to myself, not as interested in my book as before. The bell rang and they still have not came back, so I went to class, by myself. Again.
I stepped into Alpha five. Which was the most advanced 'Alpha class' you can take here. The class was all filled with seniors, and I felt out of place.
"Scott Hoying?" The teacher said my name for roll call right as I sat down in my seat.
"Here" I said simply. Luckily he didn't notice that I was late and the class continued. All I could think about is where is my mate. Do I even have a mate. Am I just going to be lonely all of my life.
"Class dismissed"
I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I didn't pay attention at all to what the teacher was saying. Oh well.
While walking to my next class I felt a sense of urgency to get there quick. I didn't know what was happening. My eyes kept threatening to turn to black and for my body to turn. So I had to be quick before I just randomly transformed. I ended up jogging to my next class. I stopped in my tracks when I stepped into the room. It only had one person in it. He  was beautiful. Small figure with dark brown bangs covering his perfectly structured face. Those mesmerizing deep brown eyes turned around to look into mine, which already turned black. I only caught a glimpse of the true color of his eyes before they turned a deep shade of blue. We both know what this meant...
I found my mate.
I didn't say another word while walking over to him and brushed his hair out of his face. He stared back at me and we both smiled.
"Hi" I whispered quietly in his ear, the room was starting to fill up with other people, staring at us. I didn't care.
"Hi." He replied, a large smile showing off his adorable dimples.
"What's your name beautiful."
Our eyes were finally starting to go back to normal. He turned away with a little giggle.
"Mitch. What's yours?" He asked politely.
I couldn't stop staring at the beautiful being in front of me. We just stood there, admiring each other's beauty before our teacher came in. Luckily she is one of our favorites and she excused us for a little bit, knowing we just found out we were mates.
After we got to know each other, walking around the school. An idea clicked in my head.
"I have an idea" I stopped and turned to look at him.
"I'm listening sir." He said. He was an amazing obedient mate, but I feel too empowered, I didn't like feeling too powerful. Then I stopped to think how in a couple of years I am going to be the Alpha of my pack, and I need to accept my superiority.
I wrapped my arms around his waist as we stood there in the vacant hallway.
"Follow me." I said and took his hand and we exited the school.
We walked across the street into the small forest and I turned to face him.
"They should meet." I said, we had a strong connection I didn't feel the need to explain to much, because he already knew who I was talking about.
"I would like that sir." Mitch said, a large smile permanent on his face.
I nodded my head and within a few seconds a beautiful black wolf was standing in front of me.
It's eyes glowing a beautiful green and the tips of it ears were white. I then felt the familiar popping of bones and soon transformed. Mitch stop there still for a moment, before I walked over to him. We nuzzled at each other's faces, circling each other, amazed by what's in front of us.
Come with me
I asked.
Yes sir
I started to slowly walk, Mitch right next to me before we escalated into a full sprint. 
We ran and ran until it was almost dark, but did I care. Not one bit, because I am with my beautiful mate and that's all that matters. After a long while we stopped at the top of a hill. We could see the beautiful lake in front of us and the sun starting to set. I turned to him and turned back to my old human self, Mitch following.
I walked over to him and hugged him once more.
Moving his bangs out of his face.
"You are absolutely amazing, did you know that?" I whispered.
"Thank you." He said
"You are amazing too sir."
He replied with a smile. I leaned down and kissed him forehead, lingering for a few seconds.
"You don't know how happy I am to have you."
I felt his cheeks heat up and I lifted his chin with my two fingers, so that his beautiful eyes are staring into mine.

"Thank you sir you are very kind." He said, quietly.
He looked like he wanted to say something, but when I asked him, he told me it was nothing.
"Baby, tell me." I said, my voice sounding a bit more strict. He turned to look at me, giving up at his attempt to ignore his question.
"I... Is it okay if... if I call you,
D...Daddy?" He asked quietly. A huge grin pulled at my lips and his cheeks got more red as I just stood there, staring at him.
I leaned down to whisper in his ear.
"No stuttering baby doll. What do you want to call me?" I asked, teasing him a little bit. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, embarrassed.
"Daddy?" He whispered quietly. My smile getting bigger and bigger the more times he said it.
"Louder." I whispered again. Just one last time.
He sighed and lifted his head to look into my eyes.
"Daddy?" He said, louder and more clear. I couldn't hold it in any longer, I grabbed both sides of his face and pressed our lips together in a sweet kiss. He pulled away and we stood there in silence before I answered.

"Of course."
I'm sorry I had to put the fucking daddy kink in there, oops. Alright I probably won't do another one if y'all don't like these. Love you byeeee  :*

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