Doesn't Mean I Cant Kiss You

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Im working on Eternal Storm Part 2 and Its probably going to be done tomorrow so I'm sorry it's going to be long overdue  ):

I held my boyfriend tighter against my chest and quietly sighed. Our bare skin pressing against each other. I didn't want to get up, I wanted to lay here, cuddling my Mitchie all night. But the pain in my stomach, a dry mouth and beads of sweat forming on my forehead are telling me something else.
I kissed his forehead and slipped out of the bed to go throw up some dinner.

I lifted my head from the toilet and wiped my mouth with the back of my hands.
Well fuck me...
I very briefly brushed my teeth and popped the thermometer in my mouth under my tongue and walked to the couch. I didn't want to lay back in bed with Mitch, only because I didn't want him getting sick. Once I heard the faint beep, a cue for me to take the thermometer out of my mouth I checked to see what my temperature was. 102... Nice.
As bad as I wanted to go back to my sleeping boyfriend I laid on the couch with a thick blanket over me and fell asleep. Quite uncomfortably.
"Scott... Scott babe wake up." A calming familiar voice woke me up. I squinted my eyes at the bright light shining through the window. Mitch was crouching down next to the couch where I was sleeping and he looked quite sad. "Why didn't you come to bed?" That's why...
"I'm sick and I don't want to make you sick." I said, slowly sitting up. Mitch them sat next to me once I was upright "Do you want anything baby? I can get you medicine!" Mitch said, cuddling closer and closer to me. I know Mitch would be upset if I kept saying no, so just to make him happy. "Sure baby, thank you!" Mitch's face lightened up and he ran out of view into the kitchen. I sighed and laid back down feeling worse sitting up. I almost drifted back to sleep as Mitch walked in with a glass of water and medicine in his other hand.
"I got some medicine!!" He walked in and I groaned slightly, not really wanting to get up... again. Mitch sat at my feet while I took the medicine, he looked so concerned.. and oddly, it was adorable. "Thank you Mitchy..." I said wearily lying my head backdown on the couch. I felt weight being pushed down on the couch, next to my stomach and Mitch was hovering over me. He leaned in and kissed my forehead.
"Baby you shouldn't kiss me I don't want you getting sick too." I said, it's not like I don't enjoy his kisses, I definitely enjoy that, but I don't enjoy him getting sick. He frowned and sat at my feet once again turning on the TV. I wasn't paying much attention to the show, but more on my amazing boyfriend. He didn't have it to loud so I wouldn't be bothered and he just is one of the most considerate people I have ever met and I am so glad to call him mine. After the first episode of SpongeBob was over, Mitch looked over at me. Me getting caught still staring at him. He smiled a wide smile and laid down next to me.
"Mitch come on you are going to get sick." But that didn't go to well and he just snuggled closer. Since I was so exhausted I ended up falling asleep, hugging my most favorite person ever.
I was still half-asleep when I realized that I was still hugging Mitch. "Babe I'm sick please... I don't want you getting sick too." I whispered. He then whispered back.

"That doesn't mean I can't kiss you."  And a familiar, warm pair of lips met mine.

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