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Sorry my updates have been so fucking irregular like seriously.



Watcha doing child.

And this chapter is kind of different. Idk hope you guys like it; if not tell me...
But tell me.

Anyyyyway yeah love you comment vote all that good shidizzle

I opened my first period door, extremely out of breath.
"Mitch Grassi..." the teacher prolonged my last name, just in pure shock.
"Uh... Uh I'm here." I said awkwardly and walked over to my seat.
Of course.
Right next to.
Scott Hoying.

Let me tell you a thing or two about Scott Hoying. He is a cocky little motherfucker. He is the jock for our high school football team, and every girl 'falls' for him.

Another thing, he can be the biggest tease in the whole. World. Literally.

Fucking tease.

One last thing.

I have a huge crush on him. I mean. Wow. Huge. Bigger than his ego. Yeah. That's big. Very. Big.

The attendance was finally over and I was trying to pay attention and actually enjoy our lesson. But it's History. Pay attention? Enjoy? Yeah, no.

Trying my best not to stare at the god beside me I started tapping my foot, trying to go anything to keep my mind occupied. The worst thing is. He knows I have a crush on him, so guess how that goes.

Horrible trouble.

I couldn't help it any longer and I stole a quick look at him.
A nice muscle tank that show off his a.fucking.mazing muscles. I didn't realize that my forbidden action was happening, I was full on staring, at the wrong time.
"Mitch!" I heard the teacher yell.
I snapped out of my daze and found out that everyone (including Scott himself) were staring at me, staring at Scott.
A heat grew on my cheeks, getting caught staring at him.
But hey.
Can't blame me.
The teacher was impatiently waiting and Scott just had a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Fine then... Kirstie!" The teacher skipped to my best friend (who saved my life). She gave me a wink, which I returned and looked back at my desk to find a small folded piece of paper lying on top of it, I slowly opened it.

You were staring weren't you?



I looked over to see Scott trying not to laugh. I rolled my eyes and took out my pen.



I passed back the note.


The bell woke me up from my little day dream. I was asleep. The whole period. Oops. I grabbed my stuff and shoved it back in my backpack, walking out of the class with my friend by my side.
"So, Grassi what happened back there?" Kirstie asked me with a large smile on her face. I hit her in arm, rolling my eyes.
"Owe!" She yelled, but couldn't help laughing.
I heard a shout of my name from a few feet behind.
"The hell?" I turned around and lo and behold, there was the tall blonde making his way through the students.
Still shouting my name.
"I'll see you next period!" Kirstie said.
"Kirstie! No wait-" And she didn't hear me. Awesome.
I stopped walking so that Scott could catch up to me.
Keep your cool Grassi.
Scott didn't say anything after that, just pulled me into a dark janitors closet.
"What the fuck!" I shouted. His hand covered my mouth so that my shouts were muffled.
"Be quiet or this is gonna be harder" He whispered in my ear.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion; but a soft pair of lips met mine. He pinned me against the wall and had his heads wrapped around my waist.
I pulled away breathless.
"What the-" he didn't let me finish, his mouth just met mine again in another heated kiss. His tongue swiped across my bottom lip and I happily obliged.
What was happening.
I was dragged into a janitors closet; am being pinned against the wall; and making out with my crush.


After a minute, Scott pulled away and laughed softly.
"Your a great fucking kisser" Scott said. A blush rose to my checks
"Um... Thank you?" I said, it was more of a question because I still had no clue what was happening.
"I couldn't help it.
You don't know how many times I've wanted to do that." Scott said again, face still inches away from mine.
I just let out a small laugh; but the next bell interrupted the silence that followed.
"Shit I'm gonna be late" I said and tried to open the door. Except for it wouldn't open.
"Oh my god" I was violently trying to turn the door knob. Then another deep chuckle filled filled the room. I turned around and lightly hit him in the chest
"Excuse me! I am trying to get us out of here so can you stop with your awfully sexy chuckling and help me please!" I half-shouted. But covered my mouth the second I realized what I just said. Even in the dark I could tell he just had that smirk with one eyebrow raised. Before I knew it, I was back up against the door and he gently took my hand away from my face.
"You think I'm sexy?" He huskily whispered in my ear, a nervous gulp went down my throat.
"Um I-I uh..."
Fucking hell Mitch say something.
Scott pulled away and looked at me again. He gently pushed me over and I was momentarily blinded by the lights being turned on.
"Um... Ow!" I said, rubbing my eyes.
"Awe that was cute" Scott said
I pulled my hands away and looked at him again.
"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed. I needed to get to class so I wouldn't get in detention.
"You rubbing your eyes, that was adorable" he said again.
I rolled my eyes and started to look around to see if there were any keys. I moved pass Scott a little to see behind him, and I'm pretty sure he wanted to look behind me too. Weirdo.
I finally gave up and closed my eyes in stress, but the sound of keys jingling made my eyes shoot open. I looked at Scott straight in the eye and his eyes were wide in fear. Then I felt the door being pushed open and I sprung away, grabbing my backpack that must have been taken off in the process.
"Hold on" Scott whispered. I thought he was trying to help us not get in trouble, but for the third time his warm soft lips met mine and I didn't bother to pull away. I just set my hands on each side of his face; his planted on my waist.
"Excuse me!"
Both of our heads snapped to the door. And out of everyone that could've got ahold of the keys.
It was the principal.
Our horrible principal.
"Damnit." Scott muttered in obvious mock disappointment. I stared at him in shock but the teacher pulled us apart.
"You young men! Detention...
Now!" The principal shouted.
Not even a pass, nothing?
I ducked my head down in embarrassment and walked out of the closet with Scott following close behind.
I thought everything was over with but I felt a light smack. On my ass.
"Scott!" I yelped. The teacher gave us a suspicious look but Scott ignored it.
He just shrugged and did it again.
I hit him in his shoulder, only making him chuckle.
That fucking chuckle.
I just gave him a glare but it didn't seem to phase him, cause all he did was pull me into his arms again to kiss me. In front of the teacher.
"Boys!" The teacher yelled again; angrier then ever. I pulled back quickly and whispered in his ear.
"You got me in so much trouble"
"Punish me" he whispered again.

"You are impossible!"

"But you love it."

Well shit.

It had a weird ending sorry
Okay anyway I love you BYEEE

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