Eternal Storm Pt 2

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Sorry I couldn't post this earlier but this is all of PTX not just Scomiche... OOH and I'm kind of maybe not totally turning this into a book. I feel this chapter is kind of confusing but oh well you'll get it
Scott hesitantly stepped inside the room, Mitch following close behind, his hands still clasped with Scotts.
"So I'm guessing you guys read the note on the door?" Kevin asked, gesturing to a small couch so the battered couple can rest. They sat down and nodded, Mitch taking the piece of paper out of his pocket. He outstretched his arm so that Kevin can take the note, which he did.
The two other people, Avi and Kirstie were sitting on the other couch on the side wall.
The room was quite large with multiple different doors in another hallway. It looked like a living room, there was carpet, kitchen, bathrooms etc. it looked like a normal house... just under a gas station. Regular furniture, TV even (it wasn't on).
"So, I came here from California trying to get away from the storms there and I ran into this gas station, just filling up my car. There was an older man at the front, very sweet. His name was Robin and he was very kind. The second I walked into the door he pulled me into this back room, telling me this extravagant story about what's happening to the world." He stopped to walk over into the kitchen and bent over out of view. "Would you guys like any water?!" He yelled. Scott and Mitch looked at each other, Mitch thirsty as hell, but Scott pretty content. Mitch nodded his head, "One please!" Scott replied, and within seconds Kevin was back with a water bottle in his hand. "Thank you!" Mitch said. Kevin just gave him a reassuring smile and continued his story.
"He told me to let two more set of people in, be nice and I will leave a note on the door. Do not come looking for me, I won't be here. Stay safe because something very very bad is happening and you need to stay in here." Kevin sat down on the chair next to the couch. "So then Avi and Kirstie came and I let them in. Where were you guys coming from again?" Kevin asked "Oh.. Um just Arizona, we were actually heading towards California." His voice was incredibly deep, it shocked Scott. The woman, Kirstie just nodded her head. She looked exhausted and upset, resting her head in Avi's shoulder.
"We stayed in here, and then you came and I guess we're packed." Kevin clapped his hands once. His bright smile then turned into a thin line and his face went serious.
"So here is what's happening. Please follow me." Kevin gestured to the hallway and both couples stood up and followed him out of the living room. There were multiple doors on the sides but one on the very end, facing the front. Without another word Kevin opened it and it revealed a huge lab with computers, large machines, charts, boards etc.
"Robin told me this was the most important room in the whole house. This is our... Work per say" Avi and Kirstie exchanged a look, unsure of if they really want to stay here and whats going on. Most importantly, why they are trusting this man? "So we are working in a lab, with people we don't know, under a... gas station? Why?" Kirstie asked, grabbing Avi's hand, giving it a light squeeze. Kevin turned around and gave her a reassuring smile, that seems to make all the world okay. Maybe. "I know it sounds absolutely insane, but please... please trust me." Kevin pleaded, looking between the four people in front of him. They all seemed to be thinking about it for a moment before they all nodded.
"Great! Now, over here." Kevin kept moving to a large screen that had charts, numbers and data on it. They all walked over and observed the computer. They all seemed quite confused.
"Umm?" Mitch asked, still just as lost as all the others.
"Well luckily I went to Yale, so I know a bit more knowledge about data sets etc" Kevin explained humbly. All their faced brightened up "Wow, that's amazing!" Scott said.
Kevin thanked him and explained what's happening in more simpler words.
"Technically the atmospheric pressure on the Earth increased dramatically. Causing there to be more winds all over the globe. This has caused multiple storms around the world that, will not leave. Will not stop and will only get stronger. Over half of the worlds population is now dead from the violent storms, this was from last week..." Kevin paused hoping that they already understand.
"We need to figure out some way to be in a safe environment at all times, whether it's staying in here or going some where else." Avi lifted his head "So what your saying is that we are most likely the only ones left on this world because of, an eternal storm?" Kevin took a long sigh and hung his head.
All of them stood in shock in fear, hoping this isn't true.
Kevin's chin lifted up and his posture straightened...


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