Eternal Storm

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So this is one shot is gonna end with the whole gang so not just scomiche, sorry :( and to be honest, I don't know why I'm writing in this but it's kind of my biggest fears but I thought it was a cool idea... It's also long lol oops
(All in 3rd Person by the way)

Scott and Mitch were driving frantically down a dirt road on their way to Arizona. There was nothing in site for miles and miles except for the Mexican Border. They needed to get out of California fast because a huge storm was coming and they needed to be out of the state. It was so last minute they couldn't book any flights, so off to the nearest state they went. "Babe you okay?" Scott asked Mitch, taking is eyes off the road for only a couple of seconds. Mitch had his knees huddled up to his chest and was biting his nails. He didn't know what was going to happen to his house, but it won't be good. Mitch kept his eyes glued to the road when he nodded his head. The drive was silent, verbally, but both of them knew there minds were yelling at them, wondering what's going to happen and where they are going to go. They have only been in the car for two hours when the weather already looked quite strange. The clouds looked like rolling waves, close to the ground and the sky was a dark grey. It was now a little after noon and it was way too dark for it to be daytime. They were expecting it any minute, and the anticipation killed them.
Finally the huge swarm of clouds, debris, wind, and dirt touched the ground and came barreling towards Scott and Mitch. A tornado. This wasn't your average tornado either, this was absolutely huge, about 3 miles wide and it was thirsty for blood.
Mitch tapped Scotts shoulder repeatedly "SCOTT GO GO!!!!" Scott slammed on the gas pedal and the car lurched forward going faster then it's ever gone before. Except for it wasn't fast enough and the tornado was only a couple hundred feet away. They drove, desperately trying to find a solution, and in the dark cloudy sky a singular gas pump station was illuminated, and that was their cue. They turned sharply into the old gas station. The car couldn't even stop before they were dashing towards the door. The wind, making it harder to move and the particles of sand and dirt hitting there skin stung with every hit. They didn't notice that large note taped to the door until they got ahold of the handle. "MITCH OPEN THE DOOR!!!!" Scott yelled over the howling winds. Mitch was just standing there staring at the note. He snatched it and flung the door open, leading Scott and him to the back of the store. "WE NEED TO HEAD TO THE BATHROOMS!!!!" Scott said, Mitch ran towards the men's bathroom and the couple huddled on a blanket they found in then store. You could hear glass breaking from outside, buildings being ripped apart that Mitch almost forgot the note in his hands. He un crumpled it from his hands...
Yes I'm gone. Please don't go forward looking for my reason of going. I would like my absence to be kept secret, no need to speak. Follow these instructions...
Go to the back of the store and open the door on the left. There is a pile of bricks on the floor, move them. Take the key that is taped to the bottom of one of the bricks and open it. Go down and don't come out. Stay safe...
Scott was staring at the tile floor so he didn't realize the shocked expression on Mitch's face, before he grabbed Scotts hand... "Scott come on!!!!" Scott stood up, confused and Mitch dragged him toward the door.
"MITCH!!!!" Scott yelled, the noises from the large storm getting louder as they carefully opened the door.
"Door on the left. Follow me." Mitch stated confidently and the door flew open. Mitch only caught a glimpse of what happened in the gas station, glass everywhere, ceiling has almost collapsed and the storm was still present from outside the window. He opened the door and found a wooden room with, a pile of bricks. Scott was still standing behind Mitch, unsure of where he was going with this plan.
"SCOTT A LITTLE HELP WOULD BE GREAT PLEASE!!!" Mitch exaggerated, flipping bricks over like crazy. Scott immediately pulled bricks away and found the one with the key "Uhh.. Mitch?" Scott showed the brick to Mitch and he ripped the key from the tape. At that point the bricks were already out of the way and all they had to do was open the door. "Scott..." Mitch handed Scott the key "How do you open this?" Scott didn't even reply he just crouched dos and unlocked the door, pushing it down. There was a small light that dimly illuminated the ladder. The sounds of the storm, getting worse by the second, Scott made sure his loving boyfriend went down first. Mitch snatched one last quick, passion filled kiss and carefully, but quickly went down the stairs. Once Scott got the okay he hurried down, shutting the door behind him. Scott almost jumped down, wanting to make sure his boyfriend is safe. Once he got down he had to ask Mitch "How the hell do you know this was here?" Scott asked, very unsure of why his boyfriend is leading him down a basement of an abandoned gas station. Mitch held up the note and turned toward Scott. "This is why.." The trap door above them started shaking and bouncing rapidly so that's when they know that's there time to move. It was just a long, lowly lighted hallway which they ran down to find a door at the end.
"Scott I don't know if I trust this.." Mitch said, regretting his decision. Scott shook his head and walked in between Mitch and the door "We have no choice..." And Scott pushed open the steel door.
They both were not expecting three faces to turn at them, one male has deep, dark rich skin. The other male had a beard and emerald green eyes. The only female had short bleach blonde hair and an eyebrow piercing. Scott pushed Mitch behind himself more, just in case these aren't friendly people. "I'm Scott." Scott said and moved a bit out of the way to show his boyfriend. "This is my boyfriend Mitch..." The dark male grew a large toothy smile and walked toward them... "I'm Kevin, this is Avi and Kirstie. Please come in quick we need to talk..."

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