Our Song

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The titles cheesy. This chapter is cheesy. I am cheesy, and lactose intolerant.
Oops okay BYE :*
I woke up to a heavy weight wrapped around my small frame. I flickered my eyes open to see Scott staring right back at me, his cheeks tinted the slightest shade of red when I caught him, watching me sleep. (A/N that's sort of creepy oh well)
I smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek, but because of our height difference, I only got up to his jaw.
"Today is our last day." He said, holding me tighter. He was right, today was the last day of our tour before we went back home, and it was a pretty bitter-sweet moment. I closed my eyes as I started to drift off again, feeling oh so comfortable in Scotts embrace. After a couple minutes of comfortable silence, I finally decided I should see what time it is, so I turned around and grabbed my phone off the little nightstand at the side of the hotel bed.
I set my phone down and turned over and saw Scott, smiling down, looking a his lap. My eyebrows furrowed in confusing and, of course since he is smiling, that means I am smiling.

"Whatcha thinking?" I asked, scooting over so I can reach is face, lifting his chin up gently with two of my fingers. Before he said anything he spun me over so I was flat against his chest, making us both laugh.
"I was just thinking how funny it is that one of our songs on the album sort of describes our relationship." He said.
I pushed away a little bit so I could look up at him.
"Which one?"
"I am not going to tell you. You have to guess."
I raised my eyebrows at him,
hoping to at least get a hint.
" Let's say this. We can't really show affection in public because we are secret lovers"
He whispered the last part dramatically and I giggled.
"So we have to trust one another that we will save our love for each other, even if we have to pretend we are single"
I thought about it for a minute before it clicked,
"Misbehavin'!!!" I shouted
He nodded his head with a low chuckle.
"That is quite accurate."
I paused so I could kiss him, because I can never seem to get enough.
You know? You get really sappy in the mornings, and I love it" I kissed him again.
"Should I make it worse?" He asked with a sly grin on his face. I shook my head exaggeratedly, "Please no! Don't!" I yelled, in mock horror. He pinned me down so I couldn't move away from his firm grip and leaned in close to my ear. I felt his hot breath on my skin,
"Could it be... our song?" He asked as sweetly as possible.
I pushed away with a loud laugh and jumped off the bed
"Noooooo!!!" I shouted, still laughing until I had tears forming in my eyes. Scott, still on the bed clutching his stomach from laughter. We laughed for a good minute or two but I regained myself and went to head off and get ready, wiping away the excess tears, Scott of courses for up and followed.
"Awe come on you know you love it!" He said, pulling me back my wrapping his arms around my waist. His lips on my neck taking my ability to talk away.


The lights quickly went off for a brief second and I was sweating, and almost crying. We are now going to preform our last song for the tour and I don't want it to end. The fans and supporters, it was amazing traveling the world with the people I love. We talked a little while longer about the song coming up next and I was ecstatic. I had a connection with this song, wonder why?
"So here is Misbehavin'!" Kevin announced loudly and we all got into formation. Scott in front, directly behind him was me, Kirstie, Kevin, and Avi.
Right before we were going to start singing Scott turned to whisper to me, pulling his mic away as far as possible.
"Our song" He whispered. I tried to hide my laughter at the thought of us being that incredibly cheesy couple that has that 'one song' that they always listen to in the car. I regained focus and it was all silent.
A few seconds later and Avi's low voice was starting with the bass line, our last performance was played.

"I ain't Misbehavin' tonight." We finished the song and the loud cheers of the crowd made me smile bright, happy I know all of hear people support us. Before anyone can say anything I saw Scotts hand go up; signaling he was going to say something. Okay, I shamelessly have to admit that I indeed thought about him the whole song. I mean I always think about him but, I guess it's 'our song' for some reason, that makes me laugh every time. I stifled a laughter forming and Scotts angelic voice rang through the the speakers, and he started,

"So no one knows this. Not even Kevin, or Avi, or Kirstie..."
Uh oh.
The said names all snapped in our direction and all I could do was stand there, shocked.
"But I know someone. He is amazing, lovely, kind, sweet, beautiful, talented, and passionate, and oh my god! I could go on forever!
Even if we had to keep it a secret, even though it was hard not showing any public affection, we have always saved our love for one another. We have been together for a while and frankly, he has no clue what I am doing right now. But I know. I am telling you all who has my heart."

Still fucking sappy, Hoying.
My face started to get hot and I had to cover it. Without thinking I immediately covered my face with my hands and the whole crowd couldn't stop yelling for about two minutes. The other three were standing there in shock. Oops.
"So I guess you guys want to meet the amazing person I am taking about. My other half. The one I share that song with. It's our song" He had to make sure to emphasize the over used cliche and I smiled behind the protection of my small hands. I uncovered my face to see Scott and thousands of other faces staring at me, with huge smiles on their faces.
Deciding it's either now or, now.
I raised my mic and took a step forward...

That fucking song.

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