Coming Out

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I woke up feeling a large wave of bravery wash over me. It was the last day of senior year. Finally. I turned around and saw my boyfriend asleep, his lips slightly parted and soft snores. It makes me upset that no one knew how much I loved him. No one knew about our relationship.

I still haven't come out to anybody that I am gay, no family and only a couple of friends.
"Scott?" I whispered, trying to wake him up. He didn't budge. We had to get ready for school, our very last day. After a couple of minutes of trying to get him up with light shakes and whispers, I had to do what I had to do. I turned him over so that he was lying on his back and I got up to straddle his waist. I leaned down and started planting light kissed all over his neck.
"M-Mitch." Scott choked out. Knew it. I looked up and kissed his soft lips.
"Come on we have to get up we..." There was a knock at the door. Mom. Scott looked at me, fear full in his eyes.
No one knows about us, yet.
I grabbed his hand and yanked him out of bed.
"Mitch what are you doing" Scott whispered, clearly frightened that my mom might walk in with him being shirtless in my room. She'd be surprised at how many times that had almost happened.
I just rolled my eyes and drug him toward my door.
"Mitchy... Sweetie wake up!" My mom called once again. I took a deep breath and opened my door, with Scott standing right next to me. Half naked. That's a great first impression, right? I think so.
My mom just stood there with a look I don't thing I have ever seen before. It was a mix of, scared, confusion, shock. Frankly, I thought it was hilarious. She looked between Scott and I for a long while before it started to get awkward.
I cleared my throat and spoke.
"Mom, this is Scott. He is my b-boyfriend..." I stuttered on the last word and Scott took my hand and gave it a tight squeeze. I completely regret this now. I waited a few minutes before finishing my confession.
"And I'm gay" I said proudly. Her face went from anger, extreme shock to confusion, and now a bright smile. She had tears in her eyes and it made me want to cry, and nothing held me back.
"Oh my god..." She said and pulled me into a hug. I let go of Scotts hand and walked into my mothers sweet embrace. We sobbed into each other's shoulders before she pulled away. My mom turned to Scott and she started to cry once again. Of course Scott was standing there, emotional, but quite awkward, and all I could do was giggle a little bit. Awe he is blushing. He flashed his brilliant smile and, my mom, not even caring if my boyfriend was shirtless stepped right in and hugged him tight.
"Take care of my Mitchy please?" She asked, crying into his chest. Scott hugged her right back, calming her down.
"Absolutely Mrs.Grassi" He said. It warmed my heart to see the both of them so genuinely happy. She pulled away and turned to me again.
"I don't care what you are, as long as your my son. As long as you still have the heart of gold you still have. I will always love you baby and I'm so proud of you" For the third time, she started crying. I hugged her briefly, knowing we had to get to school. As much as I wanted to hug my mom all day. I couldn't.
"I love you too mom." She still had the flashing smile on her face.
"Alright you to get ready while I make breakfast, we can be a little late." She said with a wink and rushed downstairs.
"Thank you Mrs.Grassi" Scott said politely. I shut the door and turned to him.
"I'm so proud of you baby" he said and hugged me tight, his arms around my waist.
"I don't know why I felt the need to. But I did. I finally did it" I whispered. He hugged me impossibly tighter, and brought my face up so he can capture my lips in a passionate filled kiss. I pulled away, flustered and out of breath, and a huge ass smile on both of our faces.
"Come on, let's get ready." He said and walked away, not after I could slap his butt. He shook his head and chuckled.
"Hey... It's tempting" I said with a smirk.
"Come on dork, lets get ready."

"Alright boys!" My mom said, looking at Scott and I standing out the front door.
"Be good I love you!" She said as she closed the door,
"I love your mom." Scott said, opening my door. I thanked him and he hopped into the drivers seat.
"She loves you too." I told him what my mom was telling me about this morning when Scott was finishing getting ready in my room.
He started to drive off and I felt his large hand being planted on my thigh. I looked up and saw a smile pulling at his lips.
"I'm so proud of you baby. I am proud to say that I have such a strong, caring, adorable boyfriend. I love you so much?" He asked me. Eyes still on the road. I leaned over so I could very gently rest my head on his shoulder.
"I love you too Scotty" I said and closed my eyes in content.

"Scott... Where are we going?" I asked him, noticing the unfamiliar street we were on.
When we stopped at a stoplight he turned to give me a peck on the lips.

This is super short and bad I'm sorry :)

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