Dont Want To Fall Asleep

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Hey guys!!! I'm really sorry about not updating in a week or so but I've been busy and recently got sick but, here's a nice fluffy chapter for you guys!!! I love you :*

Also, sorry this isn't a great chapter but it had to be finished.

I was just about to lay down when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my torso. I then got lifted off my feet and thrown over their shoulders.
"Oh my god Scott put me down!" I yelled, knowing exactly who it was.
"Nope" he said, popping the 'p'. I tried to kick my legs but nothing would work, he flung me onto the bed and hovered over me, looking straight at me.
We quieted down and in silence, I got to stare into his striking blue eyes with a large smile on my face.
"I love your eyes." I said quietly, after all of this years, still in awe at how beautiful they are.
"Why thank you." He said "but guess what?" He asked.
"Hmm?" I hummed in response, still mesmerized by the gorgeous man basically on top of me.
"I love you" he whispered. I turned away to hide the blush I could feel creeping on to my cheeks.
"Hey, don't turn away. Let me see that pretty face of yours." I felt his fingers gently grab ahold of my chin making me look at him again. Him leaning close and his eye closing. I was preparing for our lips to meet in a passionate kiss...

But this little bastard started tickling me.

"No your so rude" I yelled, quite annoyed; but I couldn't help smile and laugh till tears were forming in my eyes. All he did was shake his head an continued to grab my sides, making me squirm and kick.
"Stop!!" I yelled again, laughing so hard it was getting
more difficult to breathe. Scott apparently noticed and stopped tickling my sides, both gasping for air.
"Your a dick!" I exclaimed and hit his shoulder.
"Ow" he said, gripping a shoulder. Trying to act like he was in immense pain, but he had a huge smile on his face.

"It's what you get" I replied back. He moved over and laid down right next beside me, grabbing a hold of my hand. I looked over and smiled.
I could spend every second of every day staring into those beautiful blue eyes. I don't want to take any second with him for granite.
I want to cherish every moment.
I scooted over so I could snuggle up to his chest, his arm flinging over my waist.
We just laid there in comfortable silence before he finally spoke up
"Whats on your mind babe?" He asked me, lifting up my chin so that I'm able to look at him.
"I was just thinking how much I love you and how much time I want to spend with you. Just because you make me really happy." I said sweetly.
A wide grin grew across his face and he pulled me close to his chest, so that I'm now lying on top of him.
"I love you too." He said and grabbed my face so that he can plant a soft kiss on my lips.

A yawn was threatening to escape my mouth, but I didn't want to be tired. Cause I wanted to keep talking to him, I wanted to keep staring into those beautiful blue eyes.
Subconsciously, I ended up yawning, signaling I was getting tired.
"Let's go to sleep baby." Scott whispered, kissing me one more time on the forehead and moved me over so I could lay down, Scott got up and turned the lights off before he laid back down in bed.

"I don't want to sleep." I said finally, after a minute of silence. Scott looked at me confused and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me closer.
"How come?" He asked, concerned.
"Because I still want to be able to talk to you, I still want to spend time with you" I confessed. I was still able to see the slight frown that made its way onto Scotts face.

"I want to spend time with you too baby. But you need sleep, and I never not want to spend time with you, but I always love being able to wake up and see the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my arms."

A smiled spread across my face and I set my head on his chest, where I could faintly hear his heartbeat.

"I hear your heart!" I said.

"Do you hear how fast it's beating?" Scott whispered.
I listened closer and could tell it was beating extremely fast, for a second. I was almost concerned. I nodded my head, still intrigued in what I was hearing.

"That's because your here." Scott whispered again.

I smiled widely and craned my neck so I could reach Scotts lips, his meeting mine in a sweet kiss.

I pulled away after a while and looked into the blue eyes that were still glowing, even in the dark.

"I love you very much"

"I love you too Mitchy"

My eyes started to get heavy and I was finally able to accept that I needed to sleep.

Being wrapped up in his love and embrace made it a hell of a lot more easier.
Btw guys I almost died at all of this fluff in here so, don't die. Ily. Don't do it

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