Dont Listen To The Things In Your Head

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Yes I did delete my book... Oops.
Scotts POV:

"No no no no!!" I shook my head furiously, tears pouring from my eyes.
"STOP!!! I'VE NEVER LOVED YOU!!!" I went to go grab his hand but he smacked it away, "Please... Please" I was practically on my knees begging. I don't know what I did but I'll do anything to undo it. "I'M DONE SCOTT I DON'T LIKE YOU!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" And with that he ran out the door leaving me shocked and heartbroken. He is gone. What did I do? I lost him forever, all I did was scream...

"MITCH!!" I shot up out of bed, covered in tears and sweat. What just happened.
I slowly laid my head back on my pillow and my tears started streaming down harder. No doubt, one of the worse nightmares, just hope it does not repeat....
"IM DONE SCOTT GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" I don't know what I did, but I'd do anything to take it back, I tried to reach for his hand but he pulled it away and walked out the door. All I could do was scream...

"MITCH STOP!!!!" I shot out of bed for the fifth time this week, drowning in sweat and tears. This dream is making me go insane and I don't know what it means, but it won't go away. I tried to go back to sleep, but I was afraid of what would come again if I close my eyes again. It has been about fifteen minutes and I still haven't gone back to sleep. I grabbed my phone on the nightstand beside my bed.
1:30. I guess it isn't to late, I hopped out of bed and stumbled my way to the living room. I cursed under my breath as I stubbed my toe on the corner of the wall.
"Fuck!!" So now, was I not only blurry eyed in a dark house, and just woke up, but now I'm limping. I eventually made my way to the couch and sat there in the darkness. These dreams were really getting to me and I don't know how to stop them.

Mitch POV:
I finally got out of bed in the morning, not getting any sleep this past week because of Scotts nightmares. All I heard was him yelling and screaming my name, telling me to stop. I never went in to comfort him because I never thought he needed it, but now I need to start I do something. I walked out of my room to find Scott lying on the couch, the T.V still on. I smiled at the sight in front of me, he was slightly snoring and cuddled up into a ball. I turned around and headed for the kitchen to make some breakfast, on my way, I checked the time 8:30. Wow. I thought it was later then that. As I started to mix the gluten-free pancakes a sudden flood of guilt washed over me, I don't know if my hormones are just all over the place, or he really needed a blanket. Either way I immediately stopped what I was doing and rushed over to the love seat, next to the couch, where a large thick blanket laid. I grabbed it and set it atop of Scott. He physically looked more relaxed and that's how I knew he was cold. Weird right?
I turned around and headed back to the kitchen to finish making breakfast.

Scotts POV:
"Thank you so much for today Mitch" I held my best friend closer as we watched our one hundredth (and by that I mean about seventh) movie today. We just sat on the couch all day and drank wine.
"Anytime Daddy..." My heart always drops to my stomach when he calls me that, and he knows it. It was now later at night and I drearily made my way to my bed. I didn't want to fall asleep because I know what awaits for me in my dreams.

Mitch POV:
I was patiently waiting the for the nightly tell I heard from Scott in my room. This time I need to see what's going on because I'm genuinely worried. Of course since I couldn't just stay awake all night I drifted off into a light sleep, making sure I'm at least half- conscious. A few hours later I heard his poor scream from the other room and I quickly sat up and ran into his room. He was sat up, sweet and tears covered his face. My feet started moving softly against the tile until I reached the edge of his bed.
"Scott..." I whispered. He turned to me and let his head fall into his hands, crying even harder. I sat down next to him and he set me on his lap, him crying in my shoulder and grabbing fistfuls of my shirt at a time. I ran my hair softly through his hair, crying a little bit myself seeing him in such a terrible state. Once he calmed down a little bit I began to talk
"What was it about babe?" I whispered in his ear, I didn't think I had to mention it. He knew what I was talking about.
"Y...You did... didn't... me a..a..anymore." He started to cry a bit harder and I lifted his chin up and met him in a kiss. It wasn't really a kiss because his lips were still quivering and he couldn't stop crying. Of course now I was on the edge of hysterics, our faces both touching, like we were sharing our pain and sadness.
It was a simple sweet kiss that lasted in only a couple of seconds.
"I promise I will always love to Scott" I pushed him down so I was lying on top of his chest and we both closed our eyes. We both fell asleep, warm in each other's embrace for many more nights to come.

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