Ex's And Vacations

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This sucked and its late I'm sorry but I need ideasssssss

This was our last day here in Fiji. A full week with just me and my amazing, and new husband. I still think it's insane I am now Mitch Grassi-Hoying.

I woke up happily from my thoughts to a heavy arm around my waist and a familiar warmth. Scott. I turned around and saw him sound asleep with a little smile pulling at his lips. I couldn't resist but to kiss them quickly before sliding out of bed. A chilling feeling covered and I looked down at my full blown nakedness.
"Oh.." I mumbled quietly, trying not to laugh. Sort of forgot about that. I hurried and slipped on my boxers that were on the floor and all my other clothes scattered about from last night. Woops.
Still, a bright smile on my face I left a little note on the door

Im going to get some coffee!! Be right back. I love you

-Mitch Grassi-Hoying

I couldn't help but right it. I love that special ring to it. Grassi-Hoying. I just couldn't get enough. I slipped my phone in my pocket, along with the hotel key and quietly walked out of the fancy hotel. It was about 9:00 and was starting to get warm, so I decided to just hop into our rental car and drive to the nearest Starbucks.
I walked into the famous coffee shop and, since there were no people waiting in line (shocker) I walked straight up to the counter.
I thought I saw a familiar face but I just let it slide, until I caught a glimpse of who is the cashier. My ex. Jordan.
I fixed my ring, very obviously once I got up there and stood with a bright smile, hoping he won't notice me.
My smile quickly faded when he flashed his dumb smirk, that still made me feel violated.
"Hey babydoll. Missing your Daddy already huh?" He asked the second I stepped up, not even giving me a chance to breathe. I furrowed my eyebrows a little at his question, acting like I don't know what he is talking about and ordered mine and Scotts drinks without missing a beat. He pressed some buttons on the screen in front of him and leaned in close to my ear
"Awe come on. You know I'd like to fuck you in the back room right?"
I raised my eyebrows, shockingly, and disturbingly. Instead of punching him I completely went with it, for a hot second.
So I leaned in close to his ear, still smelling his breath of alcohol, still. That horrible thing that made him abusive. Guess he didn't change.
"You know I'd like to fucking leave with my coffee right." And with that I walked off and stood far, far away from him as I awaited my name to be shouted.
And there it is. I walked quickly to Jordan again, because of course he had to hand me my drinks.
"Thanks." I said bluntly. I was starting to walk away quickly but felt a pull on my arm. I turned my head slowly and saw him practically on the counter, snatching my arm. And fucking hard too!!
I snatched my arm away and practically growled at him.
"Don't. Touch. Me."
He let out a small laugh...
"Well you look so god damn good today, how could I not?"
I couldn't take it anymore. I took the same arm he touched and raised it so I could slap him hard across the face.
"Yeah I look so damn good because my husband just fucked me last night"


. "And I will never be as happy as I am with him so can I fucking leave now?!" I said quietly. Then what he did next made me lose my shit, more then I already did.
He touched my ass. He touched my fucking ass.
Good thing I bought hot coffee.

I opened the lid to my drink and splashed all of it on his face. He yelled and I could feel faces on me but at this point I didn't care. I set my empty cup on the counter and drove home with tears threatening to pour from my eyes. I slammed the car door shut and rushed back to our room, having trouble putting the key in with my blurry vision. The second I got in and shut the door I set my coffee on the counter and fell to the floor in sobs. This isn't how I wanted this honeymoon to end. I wanted to have a nice time and these last few days have gone horrible.

"Baby what's wrong!!" I felt Scotts strong arm pick me up and set me on the bed.
"What's the matter Mitchy? Please." He hovering over me, running a hand up and down my arm as I was crying. I sucked in a large breath and managed to get something out

"J.. Jordan. I... I fuck... fucking h...hate him" and I broke into harder sobs.
Scott them laid next to me, engulfing me in a huge hug, kissing my forehead as I finally controlled my breathing.
"I didn't want this vacation to end like this. I wanted it all to be happy. It was. But of fucking course he has to ruin everything. I really don't want to go." I said, my breath hitching a time or two.
He pulled away and lifted my chin up.
"Well it's a good thing we are going to Iceland next right?" He said with a big smile on his face. My heart almost dropped to my stomach. He never told me this. What's happening?!
My frown was replaced with a large smile and I rolled him onto his back so I can lay on top of him "Thank you... I love you... Thank you... I love you"
I said in between kisses. This is the things he does. Insanity.
We kissed (made out) for a second (while) before he finally pulled away.
"Anything for my amazing husband!" I looked down, after all these years I still blush. I noticed he was shirtless. Was he... Oh god.
I looked behind me and, low and behold he was still butt naked. And I was straddling him.


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