We Finally Met

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Sorry this is late guys I have just been busy with school, I hope y'all understand
Love you!!!!

Text Message:

I'm so excited!!

I anxiously waited for a reply as the plane finally lifted off the ground.
I am on my way to meet my boyfriend all the way in Texas.
Yes, we have a long distance relationship, but it has worked out for almost three years. Today is our anniversary and I finally get to see him. I couldn't help but keep checking the time, even though I knew that a flight from LA to Houston was about three hours.
It was about 15 minutes before Scott answered back.

I know I can't believe I get to finally hold you in my arms and get to actually see your beautiful face in person. I am so excited I get to kiss your beautiful lips and get to hold your hand, get to love you as much as I want because your gonna be here and it's going to be the happiest day of my life.
I love you Mitchy <3

The long message made me blush tremendously. I'm still miles and miles away from him and he has always had a huge affect on me, he makes butterflies appear every time we talk and I'm so excited we get to finally meet.
I tapped my foot anxiously as I awaited the flight ahead of me. I tossed and turned, maybe trying to take a nap, but I was just too restless because I get to meet the most amazing person in the world.
So instead of falling asleep like a lot of the passengers are doing, I scrolled through the long conversation that me and Scott had. All the way back to three years ago and started to read through...

I'm sorry if I am incredibly awkward and weird but I just want to tell you that you are very beautiful.

Oh why thank you, that is very sweet.

I want to know more about you!

Well, I sing. Kind of, it's not that good I just do it for fun lol

Oh come on I bet your amazing!!!

I shook my head with a large smile on my face as I kept reading through our conversation.
Finally after a while I set my phone down and looked out the window. You can see all of the houses filled with couples and families. And to think in just a couple of hours I am going to be one of those people in a house with my loved one.

After a while I decided I really needed to sleep, so I took a little bit of medicine to help with that.

I'm going to go to sleep for a little bit babe. I love you!

And with that I turned off my phone and fell asleep.


"Flight 505 to Houston Texas now landing." I heard the preppy flight attendant say. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted at the sun shining through my window.
I took out my phone,

Great. Once I was allowed to I hopped out of my seat and started to walk down the aisle. Finally when I was inside the airport it dawned upon me.
I am actually meeting him.
Im going to be in his arms I'm going to be locked in his embrace.
I still couldn't get my head wrapped around it. My hands started to get clammy and I could feel a large lump in my throat and millions of butterflies erupting in my stomach.
After my little moment, I found my bag and grabbed it, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket.
I see you've landed. I'm waiting at the East side of Terminal 4
I can't wait to see you

I looked up and saw that I was, in fact in Terminal 4 so I started heading East.
Oh my god. Oh my god.

Was all I could thinks when the sign said I was officially in the East side.
I stood to the side and looked around; standing on my tip toes so I could see over the crowd of people.

A couple of minutes went by before I found what I was looking for.
A pair of breath taking blue eyes met mine and my eyes immediately filled with tears.
There he is.

Scott wasted no time in pushing through every person
in that large crowd to get to me and wrapped me up in his large arms. I started to cry into his shoulder as we just stood there.
"I finally get to hold you in my arms and I finally get to see the beautiful face I've been looking through a screen this whole time" he whispered.
I don't think I've ever been this happy before, and I never what this to end.
After what it seemed like forever he pulled away just enough to set his forehead against mine. We both just stared into each other's eyes in silence, him wiping my tears away occasionally.
Then I broke out into a small chuckle, our foreheads still touching.

"I really, really want to kiss you" I whispered
A small smirk grew on his lips.
"Then why don't you"

I could feel my heart bursting from pure joy and bliss as our lips finally connected after a long three years.
Every emotion, every thought was all expressed, silently through one large kiss.
His lips were so soft and I never wanted this moment to end. I never to not stop loving him, and I won't. I will never stop loving him because he showed me how strong of a person I can be, and he is the only reason I wake up in the morning. Is to talk to him be cause I can never get enough of his amazing blonde hair, his breath taking blue eyes. His prominent jawline and his built structure.

It seemed like eternity, before we finally ran out of breath and pulled away.
"I love you so much Mitch"

"And I love you so much Scott" 

I smiled against his lips as he we both went in for another kiss. This one was a bit shorter but it had just as much passion.

"Let's go home babe." He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and went to grab my luggage, only to find Scott had already gotten it ; and instead of grabbing my bag handle I grabbed Scotts hand which was reached out.
I looked up at him and his cute little smile and blush on his cheeks. He then wordlessly pulled me along and we walked out of the airport hand in hand.

Scotts cute demeanor completely changed when we got to his car because he completely pinned me against it.

"I really, really can't wait to get you home" he growled in my ear; and of course, it immediately got me turned on and I couldn't wait much longer.
"Please, can we get home please." I pleaded.
He nodded his head and opened the door for me, which I thanked him for and climbed in.
After a couple of minutes he appeared in the front seat and he immediately set his hand on my thigh.

"I love you so much" I love saying that out loud to him because it's so much more real than typing it on a screen.

"I love you too baby" his hand lightly squeezed my thigh and he kissed my cheek, letting his lips linger a little bit longer.

"Now let's get home quick."

Part two, maybe a little smut.

Who knows?

I know I do ;)

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