Chapter 1

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"Fuck." I cursed at the pain the burn mark made. "Can you help me with this?" I held the curling iron out, looking out to see if Ariel was anywhere near me. I found her almost sitting inside of the mirror as she applied what seemed to be the last coat of eyeliner on her eyelid. She stood up, her whole face was in a smile and the brown waves fell perfectly down on her shoulders. Why couldn't I be more like her?

"Sure thing!" She smiled, walking towards me and as she grabbed the curling iron I turned around, giving her full access to my hair. "Exited for tonight?" She asked and I could feel her smirking. I sighed before looking at her through the mirror, the blue eyes met mine and I was correct, the smirk on her lips was bigger than ever.

"Not even the slightest." I sighed. "I can't believe I'm even letting you drag me along to that dreadful party." I spoke but just to Ariel's amusement. It was true though, I was almost buried in bills to pay but Ariel was very fond of me going with her to the horrible party filled with people I had no idea who they were, on a Thursday as well.

"Oh for Christ sake, Ruby, you'll love it!" She promised while she hit the 'off' button on the iron, placing it on the desk before moving my hair down my shoulders and to my surprise she had done a pretty good job with the curls. "I know, I'm the best. You don't even have to thank me." She smirked as I pushed her to the side while she walked passed me.

I walked to the wardrobe and pulled out the dress Ariel borrowed me. I was pretty, black and pretty, with the straps pattering the shoulders as the rest of the dress fell mid-thigh and looked amazing on. I pulled the shorts down my legs and the t-shirt over my head before jumping in to the dress, zipping it up on the side.

"Can I even walk out of the house like this?" I asked, looking down on Ariel for her to confirm if my looks were okay for her to drag me along all night. The nodding girl in my mirror with her mouth dropped down to the floor gave me a boost of confidence but I still wanted to stay home.

I moved my fingers through my black hair, I guess I looked alright after all and the dress really showed everything in the right ways. Ariel pulled her red, strapless dress on together with her black pumps and rose up from the bed where she put her shoes on. I grabbed my white wedges before following my friend who I shared this flat with down the hall and out the door.

"We are not taking your car, Rub." Ariel laughed as we moved our way towards her BMW parked next to my old Ford. I jumped in to her car, buckled up and watched the parking lot become small behind us.

"Who are we even going to?" I sighed, looking at Ariel for an answer. She didn't look back, just kept her eyes on the road as she slowed down when she noticed the red light. She was still pretty unsure of her driving but since she got the licence one month ago she has been getting better.

"Well." She murmured. "To Niall's flat." Her pretty voice spoke and I nodded. I knew Niall, he was a good guy but I wasn't sure I could say the same about all his friends. The small group of boys he knew were kind, yes sure, but outside that group I didn't really like anyone of their friends. "Chill out, Ruby, the idiots aren't going to be there." She assured me like she was reading my mind. I stayed quiet, turning the volume up as the beautiful voice of Lana Del Rey blurted out of the speakers. I sang along, much to Ariel's annoyance. I smirked while spitting the lyrics out as I watch her getting more annoyed by the second until she lost it.

"Oh, fuck you and your singing skills!" She yelled, turning the volume down. "You know I wanna be able to sing so badly and here you are with a voice like an angel. Fuck you Rub." She spat. I laughed at her jealousy before patting her thigh, reassuring her that I wouldn't be singing anymore.

Ariel pulled up at the driveway and to my surprise only a handful of cars stood parked outside the large place that was Niall's flat. Ariel opened the door and so did I, my heels clicking against the ground as I took steps on the cemented driveway. I slammed the door shut behind me and followed Ariel inside and was slightly surprised that she didn't even knock.

The flat was not filled with people, to my surprise, and as we walked in to a kitchen we met the host of the party filling up the ice filled bucket with beers and other alcoholic beverages. I grabbed myself a beer, knowing Ariel promised to not drink and drive us home safely today.

"Hi, Ruby." Niall said, wrapping his arms around me, making me do the same. The smell of mint struck me as he got close, it was a nice smell, a very nice smell. The blue eyes of his looked in to mine, they were truly beautiful and was lifted out even more by the plain white tank top he wore.

I kept on greeting the others standing in the kitchen, no one I knew but they seemed pretty nice. Ariel didn't surprise me with knowing every one of them and having a wonderful time talking to people I really had no idea who they were.

"Wanna go outside?" Niall offered, probably noticing how odd I felt about not knowing anyone. I nodded with a smile on my face, following the blond outside. It was warm, the summer was perfect right now. I noticed a familiar face outside, so did Niall I presumed cause he led me towards him.

"Hey, Ruby!" Louis yelled in my ear as he almost ran towards me. I smiled as he wrapped the muscular arms around my slim body before unleashing himself. The black V neck t-shirt suited him very much but made his normally light brown hair turn in to a more hazel shade but he still looked amazing. The blue eyes looked just like Niall's, deep and intense.

"Hi, Louis. How are you?" I asked politely as I sat down next to him and Niall on the free chairs at the table he and a couple of others I didn't know sat at. They didn't seem to care about me that much so I didn't feel like making an effort in to greeting them.

"Good, thanks." Louis smiled even more when his fellow mate came in stomping through the door. He took a seat next to Louis, the only seat free at this point since Niall had occupied the one next to me. "Harry, this is Ruby." Louis smiled and I shook hands with the boy in front of us. He had an amazing mop of curls lying messy around his head and the green eyes looked beyond amazing. His tattooed arm got visible through the plain white t-shirt but the ship, which was the biggest tattoo on his arm, looked really well made and good on his muscular arm.

"Hi, I'm Harry." He spoke in a husky voice and with sensual eyes he observed me. I smiled at the boy and he smiled back. I never imagined dimples being so attractive but he sure made them seem like it was the prettiest thing on the planet.

We sat talking for a while before Ariel came running towards us, sitting down in my lap, trying to squeeze herself down on the same chair as me. I laughed at her attempt but since we both were rather small we managed to pull it off pretty good.

"Some fool just kissed me." She spoke, sounding disgusted. I laughed at her for a while as he demonstrated him just throwing himself on her, burring his tongue in her mouth like it was something dead.

"How are you, Ariel?" The husky voice asked so I turned my gaze from Ariel to the mop of curls just right in front of us. Ariel shrugged for a moment, smiling at the boy and to my unsurprised self she knew him. She knew everyone.

"Not that bad, if you count out that I probably just got herpes. How are you, Styles?" She smiled, making everyone else at the table laugh with her, including me.

"I'm good, but tell me, why have you been hiding her from me?" Harry leaned forewords towards the table and Ariel and in a loud whisper he spoke, gesturing to me. I blushed until I felt feverish knowing that this wouldn't stop here. We talked about Ariel getting the opportunity to embarrass me. She would take it in front of anything.

"Well Harry, you see, Ruby here has been locked up with the nuns in the church for her entire life and she just got out a year ago and that year went to fix her for the normal world. You know, letting her know sex is actually not just how you say six in Swedish." Ruby joked, making everyone laugh but I just blushed at her comment. I hit her arm with my fist, squeezing her against the chair.

"I see." Harry murmured, his green eyes on me. I really didn't understand his comment, but I was quite sure I didn't want to.

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