Chapter 22

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The road in front of me was blurry thanks to tears running down my cheeks. I felt more of my heart break, it hurt. 

When I left Harry's house I had no idea what was going on. I didn't know if we were still together, I had no idea where to go and I had no idea what I would do now. As I had been on the highway for about one hour and  twenty minutes I realized I headed towards Sheffield, the town my brother lived in. Though it was just a bit more than half the way left I wasn't really sure where else to go, so I called him.

"Hello." His raspy voice spoke happily, making me waste more tears. He was so happy, I could tell by him just saying 'hello'. Why couldn't I be that happy?

"Tony?" I whispered in to the speaker. 

"Ruby! What's up? Why are you crying? Are you okay? Where are you?" He bombarded me with questions like always, he really cared for me. 

"I'm on my way to your place, is it okay?" I questioned.

"Don't be stupid, you can always come over! When will you be here?" asked Tony. He was probably the best brother I could have ever asked for.

Though we blood weren't related since I was adopted, we couldn't have been stronger as siblings if we were related by blood. He was the best brother I could have ever gotten, I wished I could say the same about our parents. I don't know if it's that I'm not their born daughter that is so bothering about me, but I don't think so. We just don't get along and everybody doesn't. They are my family and I need to be there with them cause right now they are the only people I can trust. 

"In like an hour, a bit longer probably." I murmured before we spoke our goodbyes and hung up.

Sheffield was a pretty place, Tony lived just in the middle of the town so I got to see a bit a bit of the town before driving up to his flat. It  was pretty large, much larger than mine back in London. I parked my car before stepping out of it, the pebbles hurting my bare feet. I knocked on the black door with my knuckleds, the hard material causing them to hurt. 

"Hi sis." greeted Tony when he wrapped his arms around me. He looked good, it was a while since I saw him. His black hair was short on his head, not too short though. The intense blue eyes was in an amazing shade of blue I've never seen in eyes before. He was quite special. The small stubble on his face suited him really, he suited everything he tried. His eyebrows looked as before, on one sides the hair separated in a way that looked like it was a cut but it wasn't though, but I have to admit it gave him a bit of edge. 

Tony's arms was placed on my back, leading me inside his flat. It was tidy, just what I expected. The simple, warm colours on the walls and furniture made me feel like I was home again. Though he had done some rearranging of his furniture but almost everything was as I remembered it to be. 

"I made your old bed, I haven't really touched your room since you left." spoke Tony as we walked up the stairs and in to my old bedroom. The white walls lighted up the room together with the sun shining in from the window. The queen sized bed was placed under the window and just opposite the door. My small bookshelf was standing next to the door, just a few books had been left behind but then again, I had already over a hundred at my flat. 

I walked farther in to the room, looking around to embrace the fact that this was my home just one year ago. The pictures hanging on the wall made me smile, a lot of me and Tony but just as many with my best friend in Manchester, Kendra. She was pretty, looking almost like me with the black hair and bronzed skin. 

"Do you still speak to her?" Tony asked, referring to the picture of me and Kendra we both studied. 

"No." I spoke as I shook my head, leaving the picture behind. I did want to speak to her though, I missed her and she never betrayed me in our almost ten year long friendship. I guess that when I moved here with Tony we couldn't see each other as much, though Manchester wasn't that far away but we didn't have a car back then. 

I moved my glare from the pictures to the rest of my room. On the window sill a flower was placed but it looked like it needed water, the red in the flower almost fading.

"Ruby, why don't you have shoes with you? And where is your bag?" Tony's voice was filled with worry as he spoke, looking down at my bare feet and then back up at me. "What's going on?" He spoke before leading me down the stairs and held out a hand for me to hold as I took a seat in the sofa. 

"Are you sure you want to hear it all? This is going to take a while." I sighed. 

"I'm listening." assured Tony as he sat down next to me so I started explaining everything to him. 

He knew I moved in with Ariel, they had met just a couple of days after I had moved in with her and Tony gave me approval to live with her. He was pretty protective. I told him how I met Harry, about his comments on my look and when I turned around he complimented me on my bum and the other things he said. Tony frowned. I continued my story telling him about our meetings, Ariel's behaviour, the odd comments and warnings she gave me and Naomi advising me to trust both of them which had proved itself as the worst advice ever. He kept on frowning. I told him that Ariel was supposed to come to the wedding but I don't want that anymore. I told him about Zayn, how he was the only one that actually told the truth even though he doesn't even know me. I told him about me confronting him and that it led me to being here. His brows was almost colliding if he frowned a bit more.

"I don't even know what to say." sighed Tony. "Ariel has to be the worst friend in the universe, Zayn just wants to fuck your relationship up and Harry, Harry is just too much." Tony shared his opinions on the whole situation, the most of them the same as mine.

I didn't know if Zayn only wanted to kill my relationship with Harry cause Zayn couldn't have the girl he wanted for himself. Or he just knew that Harry is the way he is and wanted me to know it as well. 

"I haven't even spoken to Ariel, or Zayn. I don't have a dress for the wedding. And I have work tomorrow!" I stood up from the sofa as I dialed Naomi's number and pressed the phone to my ear. 

"This is Naomi." Her Irish accent clear in her greeting.

"Naomi!" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry but can I take my vacation out early?" I asked in to the speaker. 

"Uh, sure! When exactly?" She wondered.

"Like, tomorrow?" I whispered, feeling a bit bad about all this happening the week before my vacation.

"Yeah, I guess I can sort it out with Karen." Naomi assured me. I thanked her deeply, telling her I would explain it all when I was back in three weeks. We said our goodbyes and I sat back down next to Tony on the sofa. 

"What now?" He said. I really had no plan at all. I would get a new dress, stay here until the wedding, attend it and then go back here. Not that good of a plan but it's all I've got at the moment. I haven't even heard from Harry or Ariel since I left four hours ago. 

"I have no idea." I confessed. 

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