Chapter 11

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"I'm going now!" I informed Ariel before grabbing the black wedges I bought the other day and walked out of the flat with them on. "Hi." I smiled towards Harry as he came to greet me, placing a caring kiss on my pink lips. He looked really good in the white t-shirt with blue sleeves and his signature black jeans. He opened the door for me and I stepped in, adjusting my dress as he walked around the car to get in to the driver's side. 

"We are going bowling." Harry smirked. I was never that good at bowling but I did enjoy it pretty much and just spending time with Harry made me feel good. "Here we are." He said, pulling the car up on the parking lot and in the corner of my eye I could see an up lighted sign with the word bowling written on it. 

Harry took my hand as we walked in to the alley, it wasn't crowded really and just a couple of people stood throwing down pins. When Harry had talked to the guy in the cash desk we walked to change shoes. I never really understood the fashion behind bowling shoes but somehow they were quite funny looking. 

I felt good about my outfit since it wasn't too dressy and though the dress fell mid thigh it didn't go up when I bended over to throw the bowl away. 

As I thought Harry was amazing at bowling, probably why he decided to do it. He got every other strike and every other spare while I struggled even getting down any of the pins. Harry chuckled at me, making jokes about my low score but I didn't bother. He was so pretty when he smiled and he looked like he really did enjoy himself. With me.

"Two burgers." His husky voice spoke to the man in the burger van. I received mine and took a bite, it was really good for a burger van. "Like it?" Harry smirked while I nodded. He took my hand in his, lingering his fingers together with mine. It was a bit complicated to eat with one hand but I didn't mind, I liked it when he wanted me close. 

"Let's go to Niall's then." I smiled to Harry who nodded at my demand. He opened my door for me and as I buckled up we drove away. Niall's flat wasn't that far away but gave us a ten minute ride to ourselves. 

"I like you Rubs." Harry confessed. I looked at him, his deep green eyes looking from me to the rode and then back at me. I smiled at him, he did really change since I first saw him. "I mean, really like you." He spoke again, making my heart skip a beat. 

"I like you." I whispered, scared of the words actually being true. Harry stopped the car outside Niall's flat and I saw a bunch of cars being parked up there as well, but not as many as I thought would arrive but then again, not everyone took their car. 

Harry opened the door for me, holding his hand out for support as I walked down from the really tall vehicle. He took my hand again as soon as I got steady, holding me in a firm grip as we walked up to the door. 

Ariel and him were really alike, just like her he also opened the door without bothering to knock. I walked behind him as he made his way to the crowd and outside. I saw Louis sitting next to Ariel and Niall stood by her side. 

"Ruby, Harry!" Louis smiled and rose up to greet us. He hugged his mate and then me, the smell of cinnamon flattered my nostrils. He looked good with the deep blue t-shirt and loose black jeans. 

"I'll be back soon." The husky voice belonging to Harry whispered in to my ear and with a kiss on my cheek he walked away. I took a seat next to Ariel since Niall was just standing there with a beer in his hand. I smiled at the brunette who looked really good with the long, peace coloured dress. 

"Hey, are you and Harry dating or what?" The Irish accent ringed in my ears, reminding me of Naomi but I knew the voice was Niall's. I looked up at the blond and smiled slightly at him, not sure what the answer to his question should be. 

"Yeah, yeah we are." I confirmed with confidence in my voice to a smiling Niall and I watched how Louis got up from his seat in the corner of my eye, making his way towards me. 

"I'm happy for you, Rub." Louis whispered as he held me tight in his arms. Niall joined in with the hug, bending down so his loose white tank top showing me his trimmed torso. I looked away, knowing it wasn't good of me to look at him when I had Harry. I had Harry. 

When Niall and Louis tangled their arms away from me I noticed Ariel went missing during the quick hug. I looked around for her but she was nowhere to be seen but I guessed she just went to the toilet. 

I sat in her chair, letting Niall take over my previous seat so I had Niall and Louis at my sides. We talked, laughed and drank together and I really did enjoy myself. They were good guys, I understood why so many people liked them. 

"Where is she?" I recognized the weak voice of Harry's from the entrance to the garden and I watched him pierce his eyes on me before walking towards me. Ariel followed behind him like a dog. "What the fuck?" He spat when he was close enough. I looked up at him, I was so confused and felt like crying. I had had such a good day, nothing bad had happened and know he had to ruin everything with yelling at me for no reason.

"What is your problem?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the angry boy in front of me. He ran his fingers through his hair, his sign of rage, stress or any else bad feeling. I did get to know people quickly. 

"I don't know!" He laughed. "Maybe that you tell people we suddenly are boyfriend and girlfriend!" He laughed again, right to my face. I watched Ariel sit down at the chair opposite me, her face was covered in guilt and I felt my fist tense under the table. 

"I told Louis we are dating, is that wrong?" I yelled. "You take me to dates, what to you expect me to think?" I was so confused, the word ran out of my mouth without me thinking about it. Harry turned around on the spot, holding his hands over his face as he gripped his hair around his fingers before turning around again.

"You are not my fucking girlfriend. I just wanted a shag." He said, holding his hands on the chair I sat in. I didn't understand that I cried before I ran away from the situation, leaving Harry alone with Ariel cause he seemed to like it better with her. I heard someone call my name, the gentle voice probably belonging to Louis cause there was no accent. 

"Rub, wait." Louis yelled after me and I obeyed. When he stood by my side again I kept on walking with him next to me the entire time. "He is a dick." Louis confessed. I looked over him, I was a mess of emotions right now and I hated every second of it. 

"Then why the fuck are you his friend then?" I spat, taken aback by my own swearing. I held my hand lightly over my mouth, like it would make the words disappear but they didn't. 

"I have no idea. I just don't want him to hurt you and he is pretty good at hurting people." Louis kept on walking besides me as he explained the tricky situation with his mate. "Where are you going?" He asked and I looked up in front of me. 

"I don't know, I just kept on walking." I confessed, making  Louis chuckle a bit before taking my hand in both of his. I looked down at it before he let it go, seeing I wasn't comfortable with it. "I wanna go home I guess." I sighed. 

"I can take you, my car is over there." He pointed out and we walked together towards it and I jumped in, feeling good about opening my own door for once. 

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