Chapter 37

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"Harry." I whispered in the dark. Harry groaned before turning me around so I faced him. It was still dark but my eyes had adjusted that much to the darkness that I could see him pretty okay. 

"Yes." He smiled. How was I going to tell him this? I need to tell him that Liam kissed me but there wasn't anything more about that and explain why he did it, if Harry will allow me.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm telling you this." I warned

"Okay." He promised. I kept my eyes on his, looking in to his  deep green with my hazel brown ones as I began to think how to put this the right way.

"At the club I was talking to Liam, and it was an intense conversation. We talked about his past and how he has been through a lot and somehow he ended up kissing me." I spoke. Harry's face turned red with anger and his eyes got black in no time. His breathing increased as he clenched his fists. "Don't interrupt." I reminded and Harry nodded. "He was lonely, the same excuse Ariel gave me but what he did is more forgivable. He asked for forgiveness, Harry, right away and I gave it to him. He didn't mean to kiss me, he is not in love with me, he has been through a lot and I don't want him to lose the only friend he has here." I finished. 

"I'm going to kill him." Harry promised and the intensity in his voice made me actually believe he was telling the truth. I shrugged his warning words away, looking at him.

"No, you wont. You'll let this go cause he didn't mean it like that. He is not in love with me, Harry, he was just drunk and confused and lonely." I explained.

"He knows I'm fucking dating you, what is his problem?" He shouted way to loudly as he sat up from the bed. "He's seen me, fucking danced with all of us and he does this!" Harry's voice was loud. 

"Hey, calm down." I instructed as I sat down next to him on the bed. He stood up when I approached him, making me feel like I've failed at telling him this calmly. "He said I'm sorry." I reminded but Harry just raised his eyebrows.

"Not to me." He spat.

"If I tell him to say I'm sorry to you will you be okay with it?" I tried to come up with something to calm Harry's temper slightly. Knowing myself that Liam apologizing wouldn't to anything to Harry but who knows, he keeps surprising me. 

"Are you kidding with me?" And we are back to shouting again. "He kissed you, he fucking knew you are my girlfriend and he was all over you and he god damn kissed you. Can't you see the issue here or are you just stupid?" Harry roared. I know he don't mean the things he some times say when he is angry but calling me stupid is really offending, even if it's like a joke. 

I've always tried to live up to my brother's smartness to make my parents proud and when I often failed my self esteem lowered with each fail. Calling me stupid was something my parents did a lot when Tony brought home an A while I managed to get a B. It was always a struggle to keep up with their craving needs for me to be the best. Even though I don't really care when people offend me I still react to stupid because of that. 

"Don't call me stupid." I sighed. Looking up at Harry I saw how his demeanor has changed. He had gone from a screaming monster to a quiet, almost ashamed boy. "Don't, please." I whispered.

"I'm sorry." He coughed, sitting back down again. "But you still have to see the seriousness in this. He kissed you and I'm not okay with that. I don't wanna know what he might do to you when you guys are alone." He murmured.

"Harry, I can promise you that was a one time thing and no one of us intended for it to happen. It felt so awkward afterwards and I would never wish for that to happen again. Neither does Liam." I promised.

"You still don't understand this. What if I kissed Ariel?" His words spoke and it felt like he had just stabbed me with a knife. I did understand why he was so bothered, I would be too but I needed him to understand that this was nothing like what he think it is. 

"You have the right to be upset and if you kissed Ariel I would have a hard time being with you, I know. But Liam kissed me without reason, he is no Ariel and he wont be either. Just don't punch him when you meet him, okay?" I compromised.

"Sure." Harry muttered. I sighed out of relief but knew myself that if I kept this conversation going we wouldn't be getting any sleep at all and I was rather tired. 

"Lets just sleep, okay baby?" I murmured and Harry nodded, lying down next to me again and inhaled the scent of my hair before kissing my head gently. I fell asleep in his arms, feeling like today was pretty good if you don't think of the details.


"Hey." I smiled while trying taking my phone back from Harry. "What are you even doing with that?" I looked at him, his cheeky smirk covering his pretty lips.

"Come here." He demanded which I did, standing by his side. He took my phone out, stretching his arm out with my phone in it. He snapped a picture, smiling so beautifully towards the camera while I tried to calm my giggle. 

He pulled me closer to him, kissing my cheeks for another picture which I happily smiled on, being the happiest person I could be. It was funny how we can go from almost yelling at each other to kissing for pictures in the living room. I guess this is how I wanted it to be, we need the mood swings.

"I need to go to the store." I spoke, stepping away from Harry who tucked my phone back in his pocket. 

"I can go, what do you need?" He wondered. Normally I would insist on going myself to get just these things since I didn't want anyone else getting them for me, but something made me feel so comfortable with Harry that I didn't really care.

"Tampons." I whispered. "And probably some chocolate too cause that kind of goes hand in hand." I chuckled. 

"Er." He murmured. "Sure." His voice was a bit shaky and insecure. 

"Do you want me to go?" I laughed at his insecurity. He nodded a bit but then stood back up, showing me yet again how tall he is.

"You can come with me." He spoke proudly and I nodded. We got what we needed and jumped in to his car. I really didn't even need mine anymore since i was driven around all the time and was even closer to work. It was a ten minute drive and maybe a twenty minute walk which I could easily short down to fifteen if I took some shortcuts. 

We walked in to the store and got ourselves a trolley since Harry needed to do some shopping himself. We strolled around the store for a good twenty minutes, picking out what Harry needed together with my sweets and tampons. Explaining to your boyfriend why you need the tampons with two drops and not the ones with five is not really the best conversation to talk in public about.

"Let me at least carry one bloody bag." I muttered. Harry had bought himself stuff fitted in to five plastic bags but insisted on carrying them all by him self. 

"Rubs, are you swearing?" Harry spoke, sound rather shoked. 

"I swear all the time." I tried to convinse both Harry and myself. 

"No you don't." He corrected. "That's the first time I've heard you swear and it's over carrying bags and not anything else that has happened in our relationship!" Harry was full on laughing, handing me a bag to carry. It didn't surprise me when I saw that it had literally three items in it but it made me feel a little better inside. 

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