Chapter 10

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Since it was Friday today no alarm woke me up at seven thirty so I slept until eleven this morning. When I rose up from the hot bed I felt how the summer breeze blew in from my opened window. Still wearing just a t-shirt and underwear from when I was sleeping I walked in to the kitchen and as I presumed Ariel was sitting at the island. 

"Morning." She greeted me with a smile. I smiled towards her before sitting down next to her. She flicked through a magazine with pretty clothes in it, telling me that she needed to go shopping again. I laughed at her, she had at least twice as much clothes as I did but she liked it that way, many options.

"I'm making breakfast, what do you want?" I asked Ariel who made her thinking face before her face shined up in a smile. 

"Pancakes." She ordered.

"How original." I laughed at her while I picked eggs and milk from the fridge and flour from the cabinet. While I mixed the ingredients and poured the mix in the frying pan I heard how my phone rang from my room. I ordered Ariel to take over cooking while I went to take my call. 

My phone lied vibrating against the drawer had right next to the king sized bed. I picked it up and pressed the green button without looking at the caller ID, like always.

"Hi." I greeted the person calling me. 

"Hi babe." Harry's voice rang beautifully in my ears. I shivered at the sound of his husky voice while I sat down on the unmade bed. 

"Hi Harry." I smiled before hearing Ariel drop something in to the sink and the loud noise made me jump slightly but I managed to stay quiet. 

"You didn't call me." He informed. I remembered how I promised to call him when I met him in the store but yesterday went on so smooth so I didn't remember to call him. I was pretty surprised by the fact that he did want me to call him and was bothered when I didn't. 

"I'm sorry." I apologized. 

"Can I take you out today?" He asked. I had no plans for today really, I didn't work Friday to Sunday so I had a weekend to do whatever I wanted each week. I remembered Ariel telling me about going to Niall's flat later today which I had agreed to. 

"Yeah but I have to go to Niall's flat later with Ariel." I said.

"Can I join you?" He asked. I was taken aback by the vulnerability in his voice but it made me smile in a weird way. A week ago I wouldn't have thought that I would have this talk with him. If anything I had thought that me slapping him would be something more appropriate. 

"Of course you can." I confirmed. We talked for a while before Ariel yelled that the food was ready and  I hung up, walking back to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. "Harry is coming to the party today, he is taking me out for dinner first if that's okay?" I spoke with a shaky voice. I was a bit scared that she would be mad at me but her face shined up as I spoke. 

"What are you going to wear? We have to get you ready now, you have to look so good! Of course it's okay!" She smiled while placing our dishes in the dishwasher before starting it. I walked together with her to my room and she made me go get a chair for me to sit in. "I'm going to make you look so pretty." She exclaimed in a happy tone.  

After Ariel had done what she thought was enough on my face we walked together in to her closet and she threw me a pretty loos dress in a dark blue colour that fell mid thigh. I tried it on, making Ariel turn around since I wasn't that happy about showing other people my body. I never went to the beach and if I did I didn't swim, ever. 

"Oh my god!" Ariel exclaimed with her hands over her mouth. "You look amazing!" The brunette assured and walked me back to my room and the gigantic mirror showing how I looked. 

Ariel had done an amazing job with my makeup, my champagne coloured eyes looking good together with the nude lipstick and defined cheekbones. The dress made me look even more bronzed and my body looked really good in the loose dress.

"Thank you!" I smiled, wrapping my arms around the proud brunette. We walked together towards the living room, since Ariel started my transformation at noon and it took her two hours we had a lot of time to kill. 

"Wanna go for a coffee?" Ariel suggested, much to my liking. I took my black wedges and Ariel threw a similar, black dress on before we strolled down the street. "We look too good for getting coffee." Ariel joked and I agreed with her. Though Ariel hadn't done much with her makeup she still looked amazing with her plain skin and long lashes. 

When we walked in to Starbucks we got two different reactions. The girls looked at us like they wanted to rip our faces off and the boys looked at us like they wanted to rip our clothes off.  

After we received our orders we decided to take a walk instead, seeing the people in the coffee shop didn't really like us, or liked us to much. Ariel showed me a park I've never been to earlier and we took a seat on one of the many benches. 

"Do you like Harry?" Ariel said, making my whole attention turn to her. I did like Harry, yes I did. I never thought I would like him cause he didn't make that good of an impression the first couple of times I met him but he changed. Maybe not changed, but showed me another side of himself he probably doesn't let out a lot. Though I've only known him for a bit more than a week and everything says that we shouldn't get along we do. He is covered in tattoos, the dark style swallowing him whole, he is just so different from me. I liked expressing myself and be happy and not really care about what people say or think about me. That was probably the only thing we had in common, we didn't care. 

"I guess I do." I confessed. 

"I'm glad for you." Ariel sighed. "But as I told you, be careful. I don't want him to hurt you cause I know how he works. I've seen a change in him since he met you, he doesn't really do dates and that stuff. He doesn't work in a relationship, but I guess he changed for you." She spoke, making me a bit nervous but I shook the feeling away.

Ariel hadn't been with Harry, she didn't know him the way I did. I know I barley know him but the time we spend together is amazing, we understand each other and we can make each other feel so good, like they are no worries in the world. Harry make me happy and I hope I make him happy too. I don't think his life has been that easy but that's why I'm still here, to sort it out together with him. He both needs and deserves it. 

"Thank you for caring Ariel but I know what I'm doing." I spoke, trying to make the hard words at soft as possible in the hope that an argument could be avoided. 

"If you say so." She sighed. "Let's get back home?" Ariel suggested and I nodded, rising up from the bench and began to walk with her next to me. 

I didn't get why she was so exited one second and the other it was like he was going to hurt me if I did something wrong. Not that I knew Harry that well, and yes Ariel had known him for more than a year but not like this. They didn't go on dates, they didn't get that bond. I knew Harry wouldn't hurt me, never, not any girl I think. He has respect, I want people to see that. 

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