Chapter 45

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(I'm sorry for the huge delay but I'm back now! Updates will be four days after each chapter. I love you guys!)

After throwing on a navy blue dress together with light makeup and a pair of plain black wedges we walked out of the hotel and just across the street to the big collection of taxis. 

"This address, please." Tony said, showing him the address his phone app showed him. It was a club that had gotten many votes on the app and looked pretty cool judging by the pictures.

The driver nodded, driving off with me, Tony, Kayla and Harry. The others had gotten in to a another taxi since one couldn't seat all of us.

Driving the other way through the tiny island showed me more of this beautiful place. There were huge mountains that someone had built houses on. I could imagine living there, the view had to be wonderful. 

It was a short drive and soon we got out of the car and got reunited with the others.

"You look pretty." Zayn smiled at me as we walked towards the entrance. Harry walked with Louis but if he didn't, he would probably punch Zayn for saying that. 

"Thank you." I smiled.

When Harry had explained to Zayn and Liam that they couldn't dance with me if he wasn't there, or buy me drinks without his permission or even look at me when I sunbathed I wanted to hit him. It was silly rules, indeed, and I had him change them quite a lot. They could, if they wanted, buy me drinks if I wanted one cause that wasn't his duty, it was mine. They could dance with me as long as there were other people dancing, too, but I couldn't make him change that rule more than I had already done. The sunbathing thing he dodged at all costs but I made him at least agree to that it was okay to look at me like I was anyone, not like they wouldn't do that, but I had no idea what he was thinking about all this.

When we finally got in we went straight to the bar. Since the last encounter with alcohol burned my throat I decided to go with something more simple so after discussing with the bartender I ordered a Sex On The Beach. It was a fruity, almost fizzy drink tasting, mixture which I didn't mind at all. It was such a sweet taste and after the first one I was already heading for another.

"Tastes good?" Zayn murmured in to my ear, trying to speak over the music. I nodded, sipping on the drink was I looked at Kayla dancing with the rest of the boys. I could tell Tony didn't like all the looks she was getting. Almost all of the boys nearby her were at least glancing at her every now and then, but I couldn't blame them. Technically Kayla was single, she was rather unbelievably attractive and she could really dance. 

"How are you?" I wondered, looking at the hazel brown eyed boy sitting next to me, sipping on his drink which looked like milk but was actually a mixture between rum, coconut and pineapple. 

"I'm good, really good actually." He spoke, leaning in so I could hear him over the music. "And you?" He smiled, looking with kind eyes towards me. 

"I'm good, too. Just trying to deal with Harry's jealousy." I chuckled, seeing him in his heart covered shirt dancing and having a good time, next to Liam. 

"Yeah." Zayn sighed. "That's insane." He laughed a bit and I nodded before I finished my drink off and dragged him with me to the dance floor.

"Enjoying yourself?" Harry murmured in to my ear as I danced, moving my body in a rhythm with the music.

"Yes, indeed. And you look like you are actually having fun! Is this what alcohol does to you?" I smirked. 

"Are you really smirking at me?" He raised his eyebrows, looking both surprised and amused. I nodded, biting my lip without noticing.

"If you continue to do what you are doing right know I might just have to take you back to the hotel right away and fuck you." He smirked back at me, winking at me. I loved this playful side of Harry I sadly rarely got to see but still loved the most.

"But what if that's just what I want?" I continued to smirk, just to disobey on purpose. The last time we did something in the bedroom I had my life turned around a little, but I was really curious about what ells he was hiding.

"We'll just have to see then." He winked again, walking off to the bar again to get himself another drink I suppose. I just laughed a little for myself and continued to dance, now with Kayla. She was smiling, her whole face was glowing out of happiness and I saw how Tony relaxed now that I was the one dancing with his lover and not some guy trying to take her home. 

"I'm having so much fun." She smiled at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and we moved our bodies together with the music. 

"Me too." I smiled at her, allowing my body to move how it wanted to. The song had a good melody and a lot of beat, making me happy inside and eager to dance. I dragged my brother to my side, wrapping the other arm around Kayla's shoulders and we all danced together.

"Hey!" Someone yelled behind my back, making me turn around. I was facing a tall man with shaved hair, tanned and about twenty five in age. "Ruby?" He questioned.

"Yes." I spoke.

"Your boyfriend needs you." He sighed before walking off and as a reflex I followed him outside. He led me to the balcony where someone stood holding Harry against his will while opposite him a guy was lying on the floor, holding his hand over his nose which was bleeding down on the floor. 

"Harry!" I yelled at him, rage in his face was showing. He took a look at me, calming himself down slightly and shook his was out of the other mans grip which had loosened now that I was here. He walked up to me, trying to kiss my lips but I turned my cheek at him.

"Rubs." He sighed, looking in to my eyes.

"What are you doing? You can't just go beat up some guy for no reason, Harry!" I yelled at him, turning everyone's attention towards me. I didn't mind because I knew Harry would be humiliated when he was being yelled at by his girlfriend and I wanted him to be. 

"I didn't do it without any reason." He spat sharply. 

"What did he do then? Push you slightly by accident? I can't believe this." I murmured, running my hand through my hair. 

"No." Harry spoke.

"Then what did he do?" I wondered.

"He told be to dump you right now so he could take you back to his hotel and fuck you, but even if I didn't break up with you he would fuck you anyways because you looked like a whore and wouldn't mind at all." He looked down at the floor while speaking. I turned my attention to the bleeding guy, who had taken a seat on a chair with a napkin under his nose.

"Did you say that?" I asked.

"Look at you, you wouldn't mind sucking my dick at all." He laughed. 

Before I knew it I had walked over to him, twisted his broken nose the other way with my fist and with Harry by my side we walked in to the club again and danced like it was no tomorrow. 

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