Chapter 2

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I rubbed my eyes, feeling the mascara crumble beneath my touch. I threw the duvet away from my body and rose up. My body acted before I could think and before I knew it I stood in the shower, the warm water running down my naked body. I washed my hair and body and shaved my legs before heading back to my room with a towel wrapped around my body. I changed quickly in to a pair off shorts and a t-shirt before following the scent of coffee to the kitchen.

"Morning Ariel." I greeted, taking the cup she handed me and sat down on the counter next to the coffee machine. "Had fun yesterday?" I smirked, making my house mate blush. Her brown hair was up in a messy bun and she looked so young without any makeup on. Her skin was flawless to say the least so she never wore much makeup anyways.

"Had a blast!" She joked. I giggled along with her, taking small sips of my coffee until I refilled it, twice. I was never a morning person and without coffee I would be doomed. "I really love how people stick their tongues down my throat, love it!" Ariel laughed, her bun bounced on her head before she took a small sip of her coffee.

"Any plans for today?" I asked, looking at my friend for an answer. She looked around the room for a bit, like any items there would give her an idea for today's plans. "Or we can just go grab some dinner and watch movies until we fall asleep?" I suggested to Ariel's liking.

The day went on like normal, we sat talking for a while before getting ready together like we always did. I really made a good decision moving in with Ariel of all the random people I could have moved in with. She is really a fun person to be around but she can also be serious and is actually really good to give advice. I don't know that much about Ariel since I've only known her a year but I do know she has been going through a lot of horrible stuff. She doesn't really enjoy talking about her past so I try not to push her but she have told me small things every now and then. The first thing I found out is that her parents died when she was three years old so she got put in to an adoptive family which she hated. I never found out what they did to make Ariel hate them but she got very upset talking about them so I never really forced her to do so.

Whenever Ariel told me small details about her life, like her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend and she got abused by two of her friends, I started to think about my life. I never really had that much going on. Well, I never got along with my parents but who did? I moved out at the age of sixteen, which was two years ago, and didn't speak to them ever again. I never had a real boyfriend, but I went out on a couple of dates whenever somebody bothered to ask me. Though they never led to anything I enjoyed most of the time spent with the boys and kisses got exchanged every now and then.

"Ready?" Ariel asked, looking at me with a smile placed on her beautiful face. I nodded as I took my over sized jean jacket, throwing it over my black maxi dress and walked out of the flat, almost tripping in my heels.

We took a ten minute walk to the closest restaurant and picked food for each other, like we used to. I liked the game, I never knew if I would get anything I liked or even could put in my mouth without vomiting. Ariel went easy on me today, giving me some wok thing with a lot of carrots and other vegetables in. She got a soup I just randomly picked by scrolling my finger on the menu, stopping whenever I felt like it.

After dinner we went in to a store to rent a movie, we went with V for Vendetta, my absolute favorite movie, and PS I love you. With the movies in our hands we walked back to the flat, throwing ourselves on to the sofa.

"Rub, your phone." Ariel spoke halfway in to the second movie. I heard my phone vibrate against the table so I picked it up, seeing an unfamiliar number on the screen. I debated in my head if I should answer it or not but Ariel pressed the green button before I could.

"Ruby Diao." I said in to the speaker, waiting for a reply from the mysterious caller. I looked to Ariel who mouthed 'Who is it?'. I shrugged in reply, I had no idea.

"Hi Ruby." The husky voice spoke, making me shiver a bit. "It's Harry." He spoke and I could feel how he smirked even though I couldn't see him. I sighed loudly with my hand over the speaker. I mouthed 'Harry' to Ariel which resolved in to her jumping out of the sofa and in to the kitchen only to come back with a notebook and a pen.

"Hi Harry." I greeted. I wondered many things at the moment. How he got my number, why he was calling, what he meant by all the comments yesterday. My thoughts was interrupted by Ariel pressing the notebook in my face and I read how she had scribbled down the second question I just asked myself. I shrugged, moving the notebook away from my face.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked me, sounding interested about my plans for the rest of the evening, which surprised me to say the least.

"Nothing really, just watching a movie with Ari." I answered. "What about you?" I asked, trying to fight Ariel off my lap at the same time. I accidentally tickled her, making the crazy brunette burst out in laughter.

"Sounds like you two are having fun." Harry chuckled. "Nothing at all, just wondering if you would care to go out with me someday?" Harry said, making my spit out the sip of sprite I had in my mouth back in the can. Had he really just asked me out on a date?

I looked to my side, seeing Ariel observe me with her chin down on the floor. I held in my laughter as I debated the cons and pros with going out with Harry. At the moment it seemed like the cons overwhelmed my mind. He was a bit rude, not my type at all, seems to be a player, makes odd comments and well, he was just not anything for me.

"Are you joking?" I laughed in to the speaker. I started thinking about the pros for a moment. Well, even though Harry wasn't my type he was good looking. The tattoos covering him gave him a bit of edge and I wondered if he would look so frightening without them. Probably not. Also, he seemed like the protective boyfriend but at the same time I could see him cheat on his girlfriend.

"No, why would I be joking?" Harry asked and it scared me a bit that he sounded so serious. My mind travelled to last night, sure he was a blast to be around but then again he looked at me like he wanted to have sex with me or something, I don't like that. He was so rude at times, which is something I can't stand. I believed this was some kind of prank or even a bet, but if it was Harry must be a good actor.

"No, Harry, I'm not going out with you." I said determined. I heard how he sighed on the other side of the phone before murmuring something and in a second he had hung up. "What the hell?" I asked myself, looking at Ariel in the sofa.

"Did he ask you out?" Ariel asked, both looking and sounding surprised. I nodded towards her, not sure how to feel about the situation. She sat down closer to me, taking my phone from my hand, adding Harry's number to my contacts. "You'll need it." Ariel assured me before placing my phone on the coffee table. "Why did you say no?" She asked, looking at me before tucking a black wave of hair behind my ear.

"Why would I say yes?" My eyes looked at Ariel who started laughing at my reply. I really had no idea what was going on inside her head cause she was truly crazy at occasions.

"Cause he is hot, of course." She answered like it was the obvious thing, and yes he was pretty good looking but he wasn't my type.

"Would you date him, Ariel?" I asked, raising my brows at her. She thought for a while, pouting her lips. I could really see them together, they would make a pretty couple.

"Nope, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't." She winked at me, grabbing my phone from the table and I heard how she began to type a message. Normally I wouldn't be worried about her having my phone but during the circumstances I was getting pretty worried.

"Give it back to me, Ari." I warned, holding my hand out for her to place my phone in. She took a while but finally placed the phone back in my hand in to my surprise she had, in under thirty seconds, managed to send Harry a text letting him know I would actually love to go out with him tomorrow. "I'm going to kill you." I said, throwing a pillow at Ariel only for her to catch it.

"Have fun on your date." She teased.

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