Chapter 4

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"So he tried to finger you?" Ariel asked. Her foul language never failed to surprise me but after a year of trying to get her to say something more sophisticated I stopped trying.

"Yeah, I guess you can say it like that." I laughed, slightly embarrassed by the situation. Ariel looked very bothered about the whole thing which made me a bit worried. I started to think about what she meant when she told me to take it easy with him. "Hey, Ari. What did you mean with what you said before I left?" I looked over at the girl moving away from the sofa, gesturing for me to follow her. We walked in to the kitchen and I watched Ariel pour herself a cup of coffee before leaning against the counter as I took a seat on the island.

"Well, Harry has a past." She began before taking a small sip of the steaming coffee in her mug. "He has fucked a lot of girls, Ruby, and I mean a lot of girls." She sighed, looking at me for a reaction. Even though the words coming out of her lips didn't shock me, I felt like someone just hit me with a rock in the face. I wasn't going to sleep with Harry out of all the people in the world, especially cause I actually never had sex before. I never told anyone about it, at the age of eighteen you should probably had had sex but I never got the occasion, I never really felt like it so I didn't do it. Ariel didn't know and wouldn't find out if I had it my way but I never lied to her about it, she just didn't ask.

"It doesn't shock me to be honest." I answered. Ariel looked a bit worried while she place her cup of coffee on the counter before walking up to me, sitting down on the island right next to me.

"Just be careful?" She warned. I didn't understand why she took this so serious, what if he has slept with a lot of girls? I can stand up for myself and I know when to say no. Something inside me felt like it was something deeper about this, not just that he slept with a lot of girls, but I didn't want to ask.

"Okay." I promised.


"Ruby, for the love of god, wake the fuck up!" Ariel yelled straight in to my ear, making me rise up from the bed. She laughed at my reaction as I walked to the wardrobe. "We are going shopping today, remember?" She informed, looking at me as I tried to find something to wear today. I ended up with a pair of tight, black jeans and collared tank top in a bright pastel pink. I closed the wardrobe door as I changed, still hearing Ariel mumble about today.

"Are you even ready?" I asked her, looking at the brown haired girl straight in to her blue eyes. She had a bit of mascara on, she never wore much more make up, and her hair was up in a tight ponytail. Still wearing her pajamas, she walked in to my wardrobe, throwing items around like always. She picked out a baby blue high waisted skirt together with a tight white tank top and started undressing from her pajamas. I turned around on the spot, Ariel never bothered to hid herself while she undressed, though I understood why. She had a very slim body and was proud of it, she should be, I wanted to be as confident as her. 

"I am now." Ariel said, walking out of the wardrobe. She wore the outfit perfectly, her white, tanned skin slightly more bronzed as an illusion by the bright colours. I really liked how Ariel and I were so different yet we got along so well. 

After some hair straightening and make up applying we walked together to Ariel's car. I really started to think that I could sell my car cause we took Ariel's everywhere. Though I needed it to get to work so I would probably have to stick to it for a while.

The mall wasn't that crowded as I had presumed it to be, it was stilled filled with people. Ariel dragged me along from store to store and before I knew it I she had purchased over ten items while I had picked up a sleeveless, pink maxi dress and a pair of black wedges.

"I'm hungry." I complained. My fast metabolism made me hungry at all time but right now I couldn't hear myself think over the sound of my stomach yelling for food. 

"Let's go eat then!" Ariel exclaimed with a smile as she lead me to the sushi bar nearby. I payed for my food and drink before sitting down with Ariel next to me. Her shopping bags filled up a whole chair and the floor under it while I could have mine at my feet.

"You need to get your shopping under control." I joked, looking at Ariel's bags falling down from the chair. When I looked up at her she wasn't looking back at me, but at the entrance to the small gathering of restaurants. I followed her glare and to make my day a bit worse Harry was strolling around with Niall and in his hand he carried a leather jacket. I sighed at the sight of him, yet smiled towards Niall who started to approach us. "This is going to be awkward." I murmured to Ariel who nodded just before Niall wrapped his arms around her, then me.

"Hi girls!" He greeted with a nice tone in his voice. Harry stood a couple feet away, biting his lip. Niall sat down as I took a bit of the avocado roll, trying to avoid Harry. "You are quite the shopper, Ariel." Niall laughed, looking at Ariel's bag who slowly fell down from the chair to join the other bags already lying on the floor. She laughed before moving her hand up to fix her ponytail.

"What are you boys doing then?" Ariel asked, looking at Niall for an answer. Harry approached us, sitting down on the empty chair next to Niall who was sitting in front of Ariel, which meant Harry was sitting in front of me. I kept my eyes on Niall, not wanting to face Harry and was a bit scared by his presence. 

"Nothing really, I just had no food in the house so we went here." Niall laughed before standing up. "We are going to order some, be right back girls." I watched how both Niall and Harry walked away to the Chinese restaurant next to the sushi bar. 

"Ariel, I want to leave." I looked over to the brunette eating her food. She finished her bite before looking at my almost untouched plate. 

"You haven't even touched your food." She spoke while I gave her an annoyed glare, watching Niall and Harry and then looked back at her so she would understand why I wanted to leave. Though Ariel was one of the smartest people I knew she was so comfortable socially that she often forgot about how other people felt. "Well alright, just eat up and then we'll leave." She murmured with rice in her mouth, making it almost impossible to hear what she said. I smiled at her, she learned quickly that if I get it my way everything gets much easier.

"We're back." Niall smiled, sitting down on Harry's previous spot. Thank god. We ate in peace, Niall talking to Ariel while Harry and I sat with our lips closed. I hated the tension but as Ariel told me we left as soon as I finished my food. 

"Bye." I muttered before walking off. I managed to take one step before something grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. I looked back, seeing Harry hold my wrist in his large hand. I was confused by his actions, first he didn't speak to me and now he was holding my wrist, making it impossible for me to leave. "What?" I spat, taken aback by my own harsh tone. Harry chuckled at my reaction before gesturing for me to come closer. I did as he wished and bended down so my ear was in lever with his mouth. 

"I'll call you tonight, Ruby. Wear something sexy." He whispered. I pulled back and jerked my hand out of his grip before moving my way towards Ariel. What a fool he was. 

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