Chapter 43

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"I love riding airplanes." I exclaimed, sitting in the taxi that was driving us to the airport our plane was located in.

We were all shoved in to a big taxi with nine seats, just enough room for us and our bags to fit in. I had thrown on a simple black maxi dress and the over sized jean jacket that followed me everywhere. White low cut converse completed the outfit, I guess you could say this was my signature outfit. 

The taxi driver pulled up and opened the trunk for us and one after one we grabbed our bags and headed for the security control. 

"This is literally the fucking worst thing I've ever been through." Harry murmured when they stopped him for the second time in the metal detector for forgetting his smiley piercing and his eyebrow piercing. I just chuckled at him for getting searched when I just passed without any trouble.

"Exited for the trip?" Louis wondered when Harry walked away to the bathroom once we had gotten through the security and were standing at the shops. 

"I really am. I love going to other countries, it's amazing." I smiled, looking in to Louis' clear blue eyes which were looking with a kind gaze at me.

"Funny Zayn will be the one going with Harry on his first trip to another country." Louis chuckled, looking at the dark haired boy talking to my brother.

"Harry has never been out of England?" I murmured. I hated this, still not knowing anything about him.

"Never, I think when he visited you it was the second time he left London since he moved here." Louis informed and I just nodded, still watching my brother have a conversation with the person my boyfriend would want to kill. 

Kayla stood talking to Niall and Liam, always so happy and exited. She looked so pretty with the black tights and the knitted jumper, along with leather converses in white and curly hair she looked so simple but wonderfully pretty. 

"Not steeling my girl, are you?" Harry chuckled as he walked up to me and Louis, wrapping his arm around my waist. 

"Don't be too sure, Styles." Louis joked back and they both smiled at each other.

They had a good friendship, I could tell by the way they always joked with each other and never argued even if they had something to argue about. I wanted it to be that way with all of my friends, but I guess no one can be that lucky.

"Let's go get some food before the trip." Niall smiled as he walked over to us and I nodded. I was really hungry, I had been all day since I skipped breakfast and it was already two o'clock.

We strolled over to a place which was indeed very cozy but it was hard finding seats for nine people together. We ended up sitting in pairs; me, Harry, Louis and Niall at one table and Tony, Kayla, Zayn and Liam at the other table. I wasn't surprised when Harry suggested the seating but I didn't mind. As long as he wasn't rude to them I couldn't mind.

We all ordered hamburgers and it was really good, my stomach thanking me for the treat through not roaring any longer.

"When does the boarding start?" I said, looking at Niall with a smile on my face.

"In an hour and twenty minutes." Niall sighed, looking at the clock on his phone. I nodded, finishing my burger before digging in to the fries. 

When we all finished the meal we went to look around inside the shops. Not that there were many but they had Boots and a pretty little book shop next to it which I wanted to visit.

Kayla joined me inside boots while Harry strolled away with Louis and the other boys walked away together to some other shop they had spotted. 

"How are you and Harry doing?" Kayla murmured, looking at a lipstick that would indeed look very nice on her. 

"Good, very good." I smiled. "How did everything go with Tony?" I bit my lip, not sure how their situation had developed during the five days that had passed.

With me working over time to cover up my vacation, spending time at Harry's house and going back up to Sheffield with Kayla to pack their clothes for the trip I didn't get to see them together a lot.

"I'm still not entirely sure. We act like a couple and stuff but it's nothing official, but I'm hoping this trip will sort it all out." She smiled but I could tell she was still feeling bad about it not being the way she wants it to be. 

"I told you, he will realize how much he needs you and you will do just fine." I smiled, holding her close in a hug. She smiled at me, kissing my cheek to show her appreciation before we headed for the register.

I bought two lipsticks along with blush and a blush brush which I lost during my trip to Sheffield over a month ago. Time passes so quickly, it feels like it was yesterday Harry and I argued and I ran away from everything, again.

"Have you read this one?" Kayla spoke. My thoughts had distracted me from reality and I had barley noticed that we walked in to the book store.

"Sorry?" I murmured, feeling bad about not listening to my friend.

"I said, have you read this book?" She repeated, holding one of my favorite books up; Silver Linings Playbook. 

"I have, I love it." I smiled and Kayla nodded, taking the book with her as she looked around for anything else that may seem interesting.

She ended up with Silver Linings Playbook, Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars. John Green who was my favorite author alive was someone who I always recommended when anyone looked for good books.

"There you are!" Liam exclaimed. "Boarding in ten." He said and we nodded, going to pay for Kayla's books. 

This was really it, this was going to Greece with the most weird group in history. My boyfriend, my brother, my brother's not girlfriend but they act like a couple, the two boys my boyfriend hates the most and Louis and Niall.

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