Chapter 6

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As the clock hit five I walked out of the story, saying goodbye to Naomi who was closing in two hours. I felt bad for her cause she worked three more hours than me, but then again she did get better paid for it. 

I drove home with loud music in the car of my old Ford. I really liked my car even though it was old and would break at any moment, I just liked how secure I felt while driving it. 

As I pulled up on the driveway to our flat I noticed that Ariel's car wasn't anywhere to be found. I opened the front door and she didn't come to greet me like she normally did so I presumed she was still at her work at the bookstore. Knowing her that well as I did, I knew she was going to be hungry when she came home so I decided to make dinner while I waited for her to arrive. 

"I'm home!" Ariel's familiar voice yelled as I placed the lasagna in the oven. She walked in through the door dressed in black leggings and a big red baggy t-shirt over her torso. I handed her a cup of coffee, knowing she wouldn't be able to stay awake if she didn't get her normal dose of coffee everyday. "What are you cooking?" She smiled, seeing the that the oven was on.

"Lasagna." I said, smiling at the brunette with the large grin placed on her face. "Yup, your favorite." I chuckled at her clapping her hands and jumped around on her spot. I really liked Ariel, she was such a easy person to talk to and she was probably the most positive person I knew. I never saw her upset or angry, not even when she talked about her past. She made everything a joke, but I guess it's to hide how she's really feeling.

"How was your day?" Ariel smiled with her mouth filled with the lasagna I just placed on her plate. I knew I needed to tell Ariel about today but I really didn't feel like it at all.

"Harry came in to work." I sighed. "We are going to talk later." I spoke, watching Ariel place her blank expression on. I really didn't understand why she acted like this when we talked about Harry but as I told myself before, I probably didn't want to know.

"That's good." Ariel said with a smile before putting her plate in the dishwasher and walked off to her own room. I shook the weird feeling away before repeating Ariel's action and closing the door to my room. My phone was gently placed on my bed with the charger put in and as I pulled it out it was charger to one hundred percent. I decided to message Harry to talk to him, I didn't know If I should call him or meet him so a message was the safest solution I could think of. 

He got back to me in a minute, letting me know he would be at my house in a while to pick me up for coffee. I didn't like the idea at all but I needed to explain some things to him and face to face was probably the best way to do it.

I walked to my wardrobe and pulled out a pair of vans together with my favorite pair or jeans and a white V neck.  I changed quickly from the previous outfit before walking over to Ariel's room.

"I'm going now, Ari." I smiled at the girl lying in the sofa with a copy of The Fault In Our Stars in her hands. She nodded with a slightly careless smile on her face without looking up from the book. I closed her door and heard how she turned the volume up and the lyrics to 'Love Like This' by Kodaline yelled out from her speakers. 

As Harry promised he waited outside mine and Ariel's flat with his massive car. He walked out to greet me as he did the first time but now he didn't embrace me in his muscular arms, he just opened the door for me. 

The silent drive to the cafe really made my nerves grow bigger cause I had no idea what would come out of his mouth when we spoke. 

I took the seat Harry offered me before we spoke our simple orders to the waitress and got handed out hot drinks quickly.

"So." Harry sighed. "Tell me why you don't want to see me." He demanded as I took small sips of the hot chocolate. He was, safe to say, the most obnoxious person I've met.

"Are you being serious?" I asked to a nodding boy. "You are rude, you only want me for sex, you are mean and obnoxious and you don't care about me." I watched his careless expression as he looked down on his thighs with blank eyes. 

"I'm sorry." The words slipped his lips and I could see how he was surprised by his own words. I smiled at him, not really understanding why I did so but I felt good about it.

"I forgive you, just change, please." I begged. Harry's green eyes met my brown ones and he nodded, shockingly enough he looked really sincere about it. I smiled lightly against him and he returned the smile. I sipped on my drink, waiting for him to speak.

"So," He spoke. "will you go out with me again?" The smile on his face was big when his lips formed the words. 

Since I was a child I was always thought by everyone that people deserved another chance in life, to prove themselves and to show that change is possible. Maybe I needed to give Harry another chance, not because he deserved it, just because I know how many second chances I have been granted with. 

"Fine." I smiled, looking at the exited boy in front of me. His leg brushed against mine under the table. I was surprised by his actions but didn't pull away, I wasn't ready for his reaction if I had done that. 

He dropped me off at the same place he had picked me up and he walked around to open the door for me. I thought it was pretty odd that he refused to just let the door be unlocked for me to open myself. 

I unlocked the front door, the clock was already half past eleven and since Ariel needed to get up at six thirty she had probably already went to bed. I locked the door behind me before pulling my shoes off and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and removed the little makeup I wore before pulling my black hair up in a bun on top of my head. I tiptoed to my bedroom and changed in to a massive t-shirt and crawled under the duvet. 

As I was in the middle of 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower' I felt how my eyelids closed and I drifted off to sleep.

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