#2: The Sorting

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Year One
"Alright, kids!" Hagrid said cheerfully. "Get inta' groups of about four or five and pick a boat!" Instantly, the first years started to make quick friends to ride together with. In only a few minutes, everyone was paired up and inside a boat. Except for Skye. "What's yer' name, little one?" Hagrid asked.
"S-Skye," she said, quietly so only he could hear.
"Alright, Skye, how 'bout yee ride with me?" Skye nodded, then cautiously stepped into his boat, then Hagrid followed. "Ready?" He asked. Everyone nodded, and the boats floated away, toward a waiting Hogwarts.
• • •
"Please line up in the order into which I call you," Professor McGonagall said. "Abott, Hannah. Acaster, Jean..." It was clear that all of the children were excited. When the Professor called their name, they'd jump right up and get into line.
Well, except for one. "Gray, Fate," McGonagall said. When nobody lined up, she cleared her throat. "Ms. Gray? Please line up behind Ms. Granger, wherever you are." Everyone looked up, the same thought in their head.
Where's Fate Gray?
McGonagall coughed. "If Ms. Gray decides not to show herself, then we must move on. Hathaway-"
Suddenly, a figure emerged seemingly from the shadows. "I'm right here," it said unenthusiastically. The figure moved into the light, and everyone erupted into whispers.
"It's a girl!"
"Finally. Holdup much?"
"I want to be her friend!"
"What's her name again? Felicity? Francis?"
"Arrogant much? She obviously wants attention."
Fate rolled her eyes. "Yes, I'm a girl. Sorry, I don't really want to be here. My name is Fate, thank you very much. No, I don't want attention, I just don't want to be here." Fate rolled her eyes again. "So, where am I supposed to stand?"
Professor McGonagall opened and closed her mouth several times, the composed herself. "Ms. Gray, please stand right here." She pointed to the end of the line. "And please, be more respectful. Headmaster Dumbledore does not like that kind of behavior."
Fate only nodded and walked to the point where McGonagall pointed. The professor cleared her throat. "Let's continue, shall we?" She checked her piece of parchment. "Hathaway, Adam." She called. A boy with blonde waves of hair and bright hazel eyes quickly walked up behind Fate, silent.
"Hunter, Skye." Skye shyly walked out of the crowd, hanging her head, attempting to go unnoticed. She didn't realize she was about to run into Adam until she did.
"Sorry!" Skye said, clearly embarrassed.
But Adam only smiled. "It's fine. If you hadn't bumped into me, I wouldn't have had the courage to introduce myself." He held out a hand, and Skye formally shook it. "I'm Adam Hathaway, oldest of three siblings, and currently extremely nervous."
Skye smiled. "I'm Skye Hunter, technically an only child, but with about 16 half-siblings and 4 -or was it 5?- step-siblings, and I'm currently having a minor panic attack." True to her word, Skye was shaking like a leaf and beads of sweat collected on her forehead.
"Do you need anything?" Adam asked.
"How about becoming my friend?" Skye responded with a weak attempt at a smile.
Adam nodded, a grin forming at his lips. "Okay, I like that, friend Skye."
Suddenly, Professor McGonagall started clapping her hands, trying to get everyone's attention. "Attention, first years! We are going to the Great Hall to get Sorted!" McGonagall pushed open the doors, leading the children inside.
"I'm not prepared for this," Adam whispered to Skye.
Neither am I! I'm half god! Do you realize how difficult that is? She wanted to say, but kept her mouth shut.
All of the faces of the first years resembled the same thing- shock. Even Fate Gray was slightly impressed. "If only Annabeth could see this," she muttered to herself.
Dumbledore waited a moment to let the first years look around a bit more, then spoke. "Welcome, children! I am your headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. To put you in your correct houses, we have a special item called the Sorting Hat, the hat in front of me." He gestured to it on the stool in front of the podium. Suddenly, the hat sprang to life and started to sing.
"I aspire to be as good of a singer as that hat," Skye whispered to Adam in mock seriousness. He laughed.
"This is too cheesy for my ears to handle!" Fate said, covering her ears. "Is there an off switch?"
Once the Hat finished its song, the room erupted into a round of applause. Cautiously, Fate removed her hands from her ears. "Is it over?" She murmured to nobody in particular.
"Okay, let's begin the Sorting!" McGonagall said excitedly. "When I call your name, please come and sit on this stool. Then, I will place the Sorting Hat on your head. Once it calls out your House, please sit at your correct table. Abbott, Hannah."
Hannah walked up to the stool and gracefully sat down, crossing her legs. Professor McGonagall placed the Hat on her head, and everyone held their breath in anticipation. The Sorting Hat made a few grotesque faces, then called out in a hoarse voice, "Hufflepuff!" Hannah breathed a sigh of relief and went to sit at the cheering Hufflepuff table.
Neither Skye nor Fate paid attention much. A boy named Chase started to cry when he was Sorted into Gryffindor. Fate just rolled her eyes, thinking how much he wanted attention. Skye, on the other hand, discussed with Adam if they were tears of joy or sadness.
Suddenly, McGonagall called out "Gray, Fate." Fate breathed in and out, then walked up to the stool, hair in her face and hands stuffed in her pockets. She casually sat on the stool and waited to get Sorted.
Professor McGonagall set the Hat on Fate's head, and it immediately sprang to life, a look of utter shock on its face. "What are you doing here, daughter of the Underworld? He's associating with witches now, hm?"
If you blow my cover, I will make sure to set you on fire. But not just any fire, but Greek fire, to remind you of my heritage. Got it? Fate thought to the Sorting Hat.
It obviously got the message, because it immediately said "Slytherin! Definitely Slytherin!" And nothing more. Fate smirked as her new House table erupted into cheers when she walked over to them and sat down.
Once she sat down, McGonagall continued. "Hathaway, Adam." Skye watched as Adam slowly walked towards the stool and sat down. Skye gave him a thumbs-up, and the boy smiled nervously. For a few moments, nothing happened. The Sorting Hat just sat on Adam's head, not making any faces or even talking. Then, the Hat called out, "Ravenclaw!"
Adam huffed out a breath, then went to sit down at the cheering Ravenclaw table.
Skye held her breath, her heart racing. She knew what was coming. Then, McGonagall said "Hunter, Skye." Suddenly, her legs turned to jelly. It took all of Skye's effort to walk up and sit on the stool. When McGonagall sat the Hat on her head, Skye realized she was fidgeting with her robes nervously. Skye focused on the Sorting, one thought in her head: Please Sort me into Ravenclaw. Please, Ravenclaw. Please. She could only imagine what kind of faces the Hat was making.
"Hufflepuff!" It finally called out. "You have a heart of gold, my dear!" Skye let out a breath. She didn't get Sorted into Ravenclaw, but Hufflepuff was just as good. The first year quickly walked over to the enthusiastic Hufflepuff table and sat down, smiling at Hannah who was seated across from her. Maybe I might get some friends after all, she thought. If only Alice and Will were here. If only.

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