#17: Ghosts

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Year One
Ghosts were something Fate hated dealing with at Hogwarts. In the Underworld, they were no problem. She would walk around with her stygian iron sword- a gift from Hades- and they would respect her. She had been given the title Ghost Queen by some of them to go along with Nico's of Ghost King. It caught on. Nico told her she was pretty good at what she did. Fate excelled at her training with the Furies. Even her shadow travel was coming along (sort of).
But, at Hogwarts, things were different. All of the ghosts knew who she was and they drove her crazy. They would flock to her, trying and failing to discreetly win her favor in case they went to the Underworld.
The only one who didn't treat her any differently was the Bloody Baron. Skye knew this and loved to mess with Fate.
Once, Fate was in History of Magic being bored out of her mind, Professor Binns noticed. "Class, you now have a study period until you are to leave. I remembered that I have a few things to get done," he told them as he floated to his desk.
"Unbelievable," Fate muttered.
From behind her, she heard Pansy whispering to Daphne. "Like I was saying before class, something is wrong with her. Whatever it is, it's not natural."
"I know, I don't understand why Peeves wouldn't mess with her when we asked. He actually looked scared," Pansy muttered back.
Fate banged her head against her desk. This was getting out of hand. She felt a crumpled parchment hit her head. She picked it up and uncrumpled it. 'Stop that. You're shaking the table.' It read. Fate knew it was from Draco, although it was Goyle's handwriting. She smirked and continued to hit her head repeatedly against the hard wood.
"You're impossible, you know that right?" he told her after class.
"It's more fun when someone tells me not to do something," she replied cheekily.
"Hopefully you knocked something up there back into place then," he snapped. She elbowed him and walked away to see Skye, since it was their last class of Friday. Skye was smiling and waiting outside, since they still had time before curfew. It was one of their favorite places to be together besides the Room of Requirement. "I hate ghosts," Fate groaned and plopped down by her friend.
"Hush now, Your Majesty. Your people might hear you," Skye teased.
"I think I hate you too," Fate added sarcastically.
"Uh huh. Good luck with that Your Majesty," Skye laughed. "Even you, the Ghost Queen, couldn't hate me."
"Why did I ever tell you about what I do in the Underworld?" Fate groaned.
"Because I wanted an explanation as to why every ghost in the castle is terrified of you- except for the Bloody Baron- and why they are always so nice to you," the daughter of Apollo reminded her helpfully. Fate sighed. Then, Skye remembered something. "Oh yeah! Moaning Myrtle has been messing with me again. If you could attend to that, I would be ever so grateful," the Hufflepuff said, shining her most winning and persuasive smile.
"What do you want me to do? Wave my sword at her?" Fate asked, voice dripping sarcasm.
"Well, I don't know how you Underworld people do things. But I would like it to be dealt with," Skye replied. "Pretty please?"
"Hmm," Fate said, pretending to be deep in thought. "How about no?"
"Fine," Skye said, sighing in defeat.
"Hey, I'm starving," Fate said suddenly.
Skye sighed. "When are you not?" she wondered.
"After I finish eating," Fate answered. "Whatever. Let's go grab some dinner," Skye said. "I'm getting pretty hungry myself, actually."
"That's the best thing you've said all day!" Fate exclaimed.
• • •
At dinner, the Fat Friar floated towards Skye. "How were your classes?" the ghost asked her kindly.
"They were good," Skye replied with a smile. "Apparently, they were for Slytherins too. Fate looks like she is in a great mood," Skye added and pointed to Fate, who was laughing at something someone said at the Slytherin table.
The Fat Friar smiled and glided over to Fate's table. "Hello Miss Gray," the Hufflepuff ghost interrupted.
"The Fat Friar," Fate muttered, confused for a moment. "May I help you?" she asked.
"No. I was wondering how your classes went?" he asked. The rest of the Slytherins looked confused as well. Suddenly, realization dawned on Fate. She looked over at the Hufflepuff table and saw Skye giggling.
"They were fine," she answered. She caught Skye's eye and mouthed 'Traitor' while giving her a quick glare before anyone could notice.
One of the older boys cleared his throat. "What exactly are you doing here again?" he asked. Before the Friar could answer, the Bloody Baron zipped over.
"Exactly what are you doing at my table Friar?" he demanded. "My students need to eat. Go see to yours," he told the other ghost.
"Calm yourself, Baron. I will go if you wish," the Fat Friar said calmly, and went back to the Hufflepuff table. The Baron nodded and floated off to who knows where.
"What was that all about?" Thomas asked from his seat across from Fate.
"Not a clue," Fate lied. Within a few minutes, they went back to eating and joking around. But, Fate knew that she should get used to this. After all, she still had 7 years to go.

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