#15: ADHD

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Year 4
"Miss Hunter, you are disrupting the entire classroom. Please, stop your tapping."
Skye lifted her fingers from her Potions book. "Sorry, Professor Snape," she said, her cheeks red from the stares she was getting. For some reason, she had been very jittery in the past week because of her ADHD. Her body longed for a simple battle. She missed her Celestial Bronze blade, Liakáda (in Greek, it meant "sunshine," which was what she usually called it) in her hand, since it was back in her trunk for only emergencies.
"Miss Hunter!" Professor Snape's voice rang through the air. "I will not tell you again. Stop shaking your table! You are causing many distractions today, and I will put up with none of it. Understand?"
"Yes, professor," she mumbled, even redder than before. After school, I'm going to find something to do. I have to, Skye thought. I'm going crazy.
• • •
"You want to what?" Fate exclaimed, sitting up. "The last time we went into the Forbidden Forest, I got seriously hurt! Do you really want to repeat that?"
"I never said you had to go," Skye answered simply. "How much nectar should I bring? One or two bottles?" She checked her bag one last time.
"How about none! Just don't go at all!" Fate snapped. Her tone softened slightly- but only just. "Skye, you could get hurt. Do you realize how much trouble I'd get into?"
Skye rolled her eyes. "Of course. Always just worried about yourself. I'm going, and you can't stop me. I'm trained. I won't get hurt."
Fate sighed. "I have an idea. But we're going to have to use the Room of Requirement."
Skye's face light up. "Training center?"
Fate smirked, nodding. "Training center."
• • •
"Woah," Skye said when she walked inside of the new interior of the Room of Requirement. Fate had asked it to give them a training room, and it had outdid both of the girls' expectations.
The room looked a little like the Training Room in the movie The Hunger Games. In the far left was a large rack of bows and arrows, and across from it were targets at varying distances; some were five feet away, others were across the room, about a hundred yards away. On the right, a large display of daggers and throwing knives lined the walls. Again, across from in were targets with varying distances. In the middle were dummies hanging from the ceiling with rope; Fate and Skye had already brought their own blades. "Okay!" Skye said happily. "This is awesome!" She ran over to the bows and picked a golden one. She picked a matching sheath of arrows, and began shooting at the farthest target. Every one of the arrows stuck firmly in the exact middle, some even skewering others down the middle. Skye turned around, a psychotic smile on her face and throwing her hands and bow in the air. "Still got it!" She screamed. She ran over to the other targets, shooting as she did so; all of the arrows were embedded into the perfect center of each target. "Bullseye!" Skye yelled, dancing in happiness. She turned to Fate, who was patiently waiting for Skye to stop herself. The daughter of Apollo raised her eyebrows. "You seem very entertained," she commented
"Well, I didn't want to get in your way," Fate said, chuckling.
"How about," Skye said, reaching for Liakáda, "a duel, hm?"
Fate grinned and unsheathed a sword of her own; it was an unnamed Stygian Iron sword, a gift from her father. "But," Fate said, "I'm going to have to be careful. This sword could rip your soul from your body, so don't think I'm going easy on you."
Skye laughed. "I wouldn't dream of it."
Suddenly, Stygian Iron and Celestial Bronze clashed together. Fate was very graceful, and won the first duel. But, Skye quickly learned her moves and won the second. But, before they could do the third, Skye looked at the clock. "Oh no!" She exclaimed. "I'm in a History of Magic study group that was supposed to meet ten minutes ago!" She grabbed her things and rushed to the door. Before she opened the it, she turned and waved to Fate. "See ya, ghostbuster!"
"Bye, Sunshine!" Fate said jokingly, waving back.
Author's Note:
Hey readers! Sorry if this chapter was (also) very short. Please, bear with us. We do have lives. But, we are typing lots!
~ Lilly ( Mockingjay216 ) and Hannah

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