#32: Boys of the Seven

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Year Four
"Hey, Fate, do you like tacos?"
"I said do you like-"
"I know what you said, Skye. I'm asking the 'what' in the sense that I'm confused of why you asked that question."
"Well, it looks like Percy brought some Taco Bell."
"What?" Fate said, looking out of the window next to Skye. The Hogwarts Train had just stopped at Platform 9 3/4, and it was pretty hard to miss the bright orange t-shirts on Percy and Jason, the big built of Frank, and the outward glow of Leo, who was showing off his fire to the nearby wizards. "Oh no. Who let them come here?"
"I know. I'm surprised the platform let them here," Skye said. "But look!" She pointed excitedly to a bag in Percy's hand with a purple bell on it. "Percy's got Taco Bell!"
Fate sighed. "Let's go then, shall we? We can't wait on this train forever."
Skye jumped up, received hers and Fate's trunks, and raced towards the boys. "Tacos!" She shrieked excitedly, running with her trunk at super-speed towards Percy.
"Woah, woah, woah, Sunshine, chill a little," Leo said, stepping in front of her. "I understand you're excited. In this case, we all would be. Tacos are fantastic. But, you don't want to kill anyone today, do you?"
Skye shook her head. "Unless they take my tacos. In that case, I have my wand, my sword, and my bow and arrows."
Leo held up his hands. "There will be no need for that, Sunshine. Also, why do you bring your weapons with you to school? Are you making it even more magical, or just practicing?"
"Yes," Skye replied, grinning.
"Anyways," Fate said, interrupting them, in case you haven't noticed, but I think the other normal wizards and witches- specifically the purebloods- have realized the four of you aren't like them. So, we should probably leave before they ask for some floo powder or something to sniff us out."
"Good idea," Frank said, quickly scooting us towards away the crowd. "These people are freaking me out."
"Dude. You're like a walking bodybuilder; if they went for anyone, it'd definitely be Leo," Jason said, chuckling. "He's so tiny, I'm surprised the wind hasn't knocked him over."
Leo only stuck his tongue out. "Okay, first of all, rude. Secondly, we should leave, since one of the wizards asked me how I set my hands on fire and didn't burn them, so I replied with 'magic', blew some sparkles I got out of my toolbelt into his face, and ran away, and I see him now. He is quickly advancing, so we should move fast."
Fate rolled her eyes. "You're a moron. Let's go."
"Can I have my tacos now?" Skye asked.

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