#28: Final Exams

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Year One
Fate and Skye had a different mindset on final exams. Skye, on one hand, studied late into the night, hoping to achieve the best grades she could get. Fate, on the other hand, didn't study at all. Both girls thought the others' studying tactics were crazy.
"Why don't you study?" Skye asked one day while the two were lounging in the Room of Requirement. Professor McGonagall had just informed the first years the Transfiguration Final Exam would be in two weeks, and Skye wanted to study as much as possible for it before she'd have to study for other subjects.
"Why do you study?" Fate countered. "Wait, don't answer that. How do you study?"
"Well, I just write down the important material and just use flash cards," Skye answered. "They're actually a muggle invention, but they help. Also, I use-"
"That's not what I mean," Fate interrupted. "Don't you have dyslexia?"
"Well, yes, but I don't think it affects me as much as it does you," Skye replied.
"Lucky," Fate mumbled. "Whatever. It's fine, since I already know almost all of Transfiguration."
Skye shrugged. "Okay. But, if you do need any help, I'm always here."
• • •
"Now," McGonagall said. "I will cast a spell on all of you, and you will all be quickly lined up in alphabetical order. Each individual will be personally tested on how well they can conjure up spells and know which spell does what. Is that clear?" The first-year Hufflepuffs all chorused a "yes."
"Alright, then," McGonagall said. She cast the spell, and all of the students found themselves lining up in alphabetical order. "Let's begin. Abbott, Hannah." Hannah walked into a private room that was in front of the students, and Professor McGonagall followed, shutting the door firmly behind her. After about 10 minutes, the door opened and Hannah stepped out. "Professor McGonagall informed me that when you finished your testing, you may go back to the Hufflepuff common room." She smiled and walked out of the room. The same process repeated, and soon Skye was next in line. She quickly walked into the room and closed the door behind her. McGonagall was waiting for her.
"Miss Hunter, I am going to tell you to do something- a task of some sorts, like changing a textbook into a turtle. Then, you must cast a spell to make that happen. I will decide your grade on how well and efficiently you cast it. Do you understand?" She asked.
"Yes," she answered, mustering up confidence. I can do this. I've studied and memorized every Transfiguration single spell I could find in the library.
"We will start out simple," Professor McGonagall said. "What was the first spell I taught you?"
Skye immediately remembered; her memory was excellent. "You taught us how you turn a match into a needle."
The professor smiled. "Correct. Please demonstrate." She took a box of matches out of her pocket and laid one on the ground. Skye changed it with no difficulty. The rest of the exam went about the same, only a few spells had Skye confused, but she worked them out quickly. Once she finished about eight minutes later, she eagerly went up to the Hufflepuff common room. She went to her bed and shut her eyes, savoring the extra time by taking a nap.
Fate had a similar experience as Skye, although the Daughter of Hades was more eager since it was one of her best subjects. When she went into the room, McGonagall smiled at her kindly. "Are you ready, Miss Gray?"
"Of course," Fate responded. "As ready as I'll ever be."
Fate breezed past all of the spells, making all of the Slytherins confused when she stepped out of the room only five minutes later.
"That's the fastest anyone's gone yet!" one of them said. Fate only smirked as she walked back to the Slytherin common room. Told you, Skye, she thought smugly. I didn't need to study.

Author's Note:
Hello! Speaking of school in this chapter, Lilly and I in fact start school tomorrow, the 6th! Because of that, we might not be able to post as many chapters as before, but they will keep coming!
~Hannah and Lilly (Mockingjay216 )

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