#22: Iris-Messaging

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Year One
Fate and Skye liked Iris-messaging. It helped them see their friends and family face-to-face while they were away, and it didn't take as long as sending an owl, even though they hadn't even bothered to try that yet with their demigod pals.
With that said, Iris-messaging was also a pain. The two girls were in different time zones as the camps, so usually when Skye called Will, it woke up the entire cabin.
One time, while Fate was sleeping, Nico called her. But, since Camp Half-Blood had invited Camp Jupiter for Capture the Flag, you can imagine how easily that much noise can wake up an entire group of sleeping Slytherins at four in the morning.
"What...?" Fate said groggily, sitting up. She looked in front of her and saw Nico, and behind him a giant group of teenagers. Oh no. She thought, panicking. Both camps? At four in the morning? Why me? "Shhhh!" She said quickly, putting a finger to her lips.
Nico understood. But, as he went to end the call, Leo Valdez tackled him. "Hey, Death Breath!" he said, grinning. Fate only looked at him with wide eyes. "What? Is something in my hair?" Leo ran a hand through his hair and looked at it, confused.
Fate waved the Iris-message away quickly. As soon as she did, a group of Slytherin girls came in, all looking groggy and ready to kill. In the front of the group was the prefect, whom Fate forgot- and hadn't really bothered to remember- the name of.
"What was all of that noise?" she demanded. "It sounded like a group of people. Did you get a howler and decide to open it now to be an inconvenience?"
Realizing what kind of opportunity she had, Fate spoke. "Er, actually, yes, it was a howler, but it was from my family's reunion, so it was quite loud. In the darkness of the room, I hadn't realized what kind of letter it was. I just ripped it up and spelled away the pieces. I didn't mean for it to cause that much noise."
"Okay," the prefect said, sighing. "I guess I'll let you go. But next time, I will punish you. I don't care if it was an accident. Next time, don't open mail at four in the morning. Got it?"
Fate simply nodded, not in the mood to argue in her drained state. The girls walked back to their beds and fell back alseep, and Fate decided it would be a good idea to do the same.
On top of those fun adventures, there was also the problem of finding a perfect spot to Iris-message.
Of course, there was the Room of Requirement, put it wasn't easy to access it. Sometimes, the hallway was so crowded with students, the girls couldn't even get to the end, let alone go into the Room unnoticed. So, sometimes they would have to improvise and use what Skye called their "Emergency Places To IM," or just "EPTIM." (Skye used the phrase repetitively, while the acronym had never come out of Fate's lips)
One of the ones Fate and Skye used most was the first floor bathroom where Moaning Myrtle haunted one of the toilets. Usually, Fate just forcefully told Moaning Myrtle to keep her ghost mouth shut about any of it, or else she'd end up in the Fields of Punishment when she reached the Underworld, and it worked. Once, though, Myrtle started screaming at the top of her lungs, "Two witches are using unknown magic! Someone stop them!" Fate happily shut her up by casting a spell on her. After that, the ghost let Fate and Skye do whatever they pleased in her bathroom.
Another one of the secret places was an abandoned storage closet at the on the fourth floor. It was hidden very well on account of the twisting hallway, so Skye suggested that if Myrtle's bathroom was unavailable.
The last-case scenario (and by that, I mean on-the-verge-of-death-there's-nowhere-else-to-go-so-here's-okay scenario) is the edge where the Hogwarts grounds stop and the Forbidden Forest begins. Fate thought of this as a good idea because the trees would shield them, and even if someone saw something suspicious, they would just blame it on the magical creatures in the Forest.
But, even with the good and bad things about it, both of the girls enjoyed being able to see their friends and family and being able to speak to them, even if it was in a haunted bathroom at three in the morning.

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