#27: The Yule Ball

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Year Four
The Yule Ball was approaching quickly. It was one month away. While Skye was ecstatic about it, Fate dreaded the day. Even more so then when she found out she was spending July with her mother in 2nd year.
The daughter of Apollo had been asked to the Ball by Adam already. She, of course, had said yes. Fate knew she would not be asked.
"There's still time you know. Someone can still ask you," Skye said.
"Thanks, Skye," Fate muttered as she walked through the yard and saw two more girls being asked.
"I don't know why no one's asked you yet," Skye grumbled.
"Probably because no one's planned to," Fate replied as she brushed her hair away from her face.
"Oh come on. That is so not true. You're amazing!" Skye exclaimed.
"Skye, please be quiet," Fate begged.
"Why do you never grasp attention? Maybe then more boys would have asked you," Skye stated.
Fate rolled her eyes, "Because I don't want attention," she answered.
"But you like when you get it," Skye countered.
"How do you know that?" Fate questioned.
"Because I know you!" Skye yelled.
The black-haired girl groaned loudly. "You know what? I don't have time for this."
• • •
The next day at dinner, Fate felt someone tap her shoulder. Her annoyance changed to shock when she saw a boy from Durmstang standing there with a few of his friends behind him.
"May I help you?" she asked impatiently. Fate knew his name was Dimitri, since they had spoken a few times before. He was a year older than her.
"Well, I was wondering if you would come to the ball with me," he informed her, his foreign accent thick. The people sitting around her fell silent, waiting to see what she would say. And although Fate couldn't see it because of the way she had turned around, Draco was glaring at the boy. The daughter of Hades was taken aback by his question. Then, she composed herself.
"Would it be alright if I could have some time to think? Please," she asked.
Dimitri's face fell slightly, but then he smiled. "Of course. Just let me know as soon as you have an answer," he replied. He then gave a small bow before walking back to his seat with his friends. Conversations began again. Fate turned and saw Draco stabbing at his food with a fork.
"Calm down Ferret, it's not going anywhere," she chuckled.
He looked up at her. "Can I speak with you? After dinner," he muttered so only she could hear.
"Yeah, sure," she replied nonchalantly.
While the rest of the Slytherins walked into the common room, Draco pulled Fate farther down the hallway. "Don't say yes to him," he blurted.
"What? Why not?" she asked.
"Because I'm asking you right now. Will you come to the ball with me?" the grey-eyed boy questioned.
Fate's eyes widened in surprise. "Why didn't you ask me before?"
"I don't know. But please say yes," he begged.
"And what would I tell Dimitri? That another boy asked me five minutes later and I said yes?" she whisper yelled.
"Just make up a lie. You're good at that!" he answered at the same volume.
Fate rolled her eyes. "I haven't even said yes to you."
"Fate. Please." Fate looked at him for a while longer and before she realized what she was doing, she said yes. Draco grinned, "Thank you!" he exclaimed. Then he ran to the door, said the password, and went in. The blue-eyed girl smirked and walked to the door, wondering what she would say to Skye.
The next morning, she declined Dimitri's offer. She told him she said yes to a previous offer. He seemed upset but tried not to show it.
Of course, Skye was ecstatic when Fate told her everything, already talking about what the two of them would wear.
"This is going to be awesome!" Skye exclaimed.
• • •
The day of the ball, Skye did everything on a perfect schedule. She and the girls in Hufflepuff helped each other out the entire time.
The daughter of Apollo looked stunning as she walked down the stairs where Adam was waiting for her.
Skye was wearing a beautiful turquoise dress that dragged behind her heels but raised nearly to her knees at the front. She had a golden sun pendant hanging around her neck with gold earrings and a bracelet to match. Because of Skye's hyperactive nature, she decided it would be best to wear flat shoes. She also wore very light makeup and had managed to part and curl her light brown pixie cut. Everything about her simply screamed light and happiness. Skye smiled at Adam and took his hand as she reached the bottom of the marble steps.
"Wow Skye, you look amazing," he breathed.
Skye blushed. "Thank you."
"So, do you want to dance?" asked Adam. "Yes, but I want to see Fate when she comes down," she said. Skye could see Draco a little ways away from them, checking his watch with an annoyed look on his face.
"No problem. But let's go have some fun for now," Adam said as he grinned.
• • •
Fate couldn't believe Pansy Parkinson. The girl existed to make her life harder. First she hogged all of the hot water because she needed a "cleansing bath to make her beautiful." After Fate promptly told her not even water from the Fountain of Youth could perform such a miracle, she hid all of Fate's jewelry around the dorm. Eventually Fate finished everything and rushed to the Great Hall. She stopped at the top of the stairs to catch her breath from the run. Fate straightened herself out and walked down the steps. Draco's glare of annoyance disappeared and he smirked.
Fate was wearing a short midnight blue sleeveless dress and above elbow length gloves of the same color. She was wearing a silver chain with a dark blue sapphire stone hanging from it around her neck and plain silver studs were at her ears. Her makeup was slightly heavier than Skye's, but she still wasn't wearing too much. She was also wearing sliver heels that were about two inches high. Fate's long, thick black hair was curled. The part that usually came over her eyes was fastened back with a silver pin.
Malfoy extended his hand, still smirking at her. She sent the look right back at him, but she still took his hand. "Well, well. You clean up quite nicely don't you, Gray?" he teased.
"I wish I could say the same for you, Ferret," she countered. They both laughed. Fate's eyes stood out more than ever against the color of her dress.
"Won't you be cold?" Draco asked.
"I placed a warming charm on the dress and gloves, I'm fine," she answered.
"Of course you thought of something," he said. Before they could say another word, Skye ran up to Fate.
"Oh my goodness Fate! You look amazing!" Skye gushed.
Fate smiled. "Thank you. You look beautiful as well," she replied sweetly.
"So are you two going to dance?" Skye asked, turning to Draco. Fate glared as Draco laughed. Skye got the message and went back to Adam.
"Well, Gray? Do you want to dance or not?" he questioned.
"Why not? Let's go," she replied. The two Slytherins walked over to the dance floor and saw the rest of the students dancing a waltz. Fate put her free hand on his shoulder and he slipped his around her waist.
After dancing for a moment, Draco cleared his throat. "With those shoes you're finally the same height as me," he pointed out.
"Well, in first year I was taller than you," Fate responded.
"Not by much," he stated.
"How do you feel on this whole tournament thing?" Fate asked curiously.
"It's very interesting, but I'm very annoyed Potter is a champion. He probably put his own name in," he replied with an eye roll.
"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure he's already had enough near death experiences," she reasoned.
"Would you like something to drink?" Malfoy offered as they left the dance floor.
"Yes. A butterbeer please."
"Coming right up," he replied and walked away. Fate leaned on a table with an airy smile.
Then, Skye walked over. "You know, for a girl who didn't think she'd get a date, you look like you're having a grand time," Skye pointed out with a smile.
"Don't you have to be blushing with Adam?" Fate asked sarcastically, the smile fading away.
"Don't change the subject," Skye said. "Besides, I took a page out of your book, he's grabbing us some drinks." Skye pointed to where the two boys were grabbing their dates drinks.
"For your information, I am having fun," Fate snapped.
"Relax Fate, you don't have to be so serious all the time," Skye said, quieter this time.
"I'm having a great time, Skye," Fate admitted.
"That's good. You deserve it," Skye told her friend with a smile.
Both of the boys walked over, drinks in hand. "C'mon Adam, let's give these two some privacy," said Skye as she took her pumpkin juice. Skye winked before walking off with her date, hand in hand.
Draco smiled as he handed Fate a champagne style glass. "One butterbeer as you requested."
"Thank you. Is that all?" Fate inquired, looking at the small amount in the glass.
"Don't worry Shortie, I have the rest of the bottle in my inside robe pocket," he assured her with a grin.
"Shortie?" Fate questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, you see I'm taking advantage of our current height situation. That and it's payback for 'Ferret,'"Draco reasoned.
"Fine," complied Fate. The daughter of Hades looked around at the huge amount of students in the Great Hall. Large crowds tended to make her a bit edgy.
She had mentioned this small fact to her friend a while ago and he now seemed to notice. "Let's go get some air," Draco suggested, eyeing Fate with worry.
"Yes, that would be lovely," the blue-eyed girl agreed. The fourth years quickly made their way out of the hall and to the gardens. While they were walking, they heard sounds coming from a few shaking bushes. Draco's eyes widened and Fate made exaggerated gagging gestures. These gestures caused both of them to burst into peals of laughter.
"Come on, let's go," Fate said as she composed herself.
"I'm right behind you Shortie," he told her.vThey walked away and started laughing again.
"Okay, so that memory is burned into my brain," Fate laughed.
"Trust me it's the same on this end mate," the grey-eyed boy agreed. Fate downed the rest of the butterbeer. "I think you have an addiction to that stuff," he noted.
She shrugged with a smirk. "If you want to, we can go dance. The formalities have ended and everyone is having fun," Fate offered. The idea of the crowd still made her nervous, but she could keep it together.
"That sounds good. Come on," he said as he grabbed her hand and took her inside.
• • •
Skye was having an amazing time with Adam. They were talking and laughing with eachother all night. The daughter of Apollo was very glad to have made things so much less awkward between the two of them.
"So, have you been having fun?" Adam asked her hopefully.
"Definitely," Skye told him happily.
"Good, me too," he said. They were dancing together in the crowd of students to the music the band was playing.
"Let's take a break," Skye suggested, out of breath.
"Good idea," he agreed. They sat at a table together.
"I never thought I would ever go to an actual ball," Skye said dreamily. "It just seems so surreal. I mean, most girls where I come from don't even imagine this happening to them."
Adam smiled at her. "Well, then I'm glad I could be here with you for the experience."
"Me too," Skye agreed.
"And umm, I had something to ask you," he continued, nervous now.
"What is it?" Skye asked.
"Willyougoonadatewithme?" he mumbled quickly.
"What?" Skye blinked. "I couldn't catch any of that."
Adam took a breath to calm himself. "Will you go on a date with me?" he revised.
Skye opened and closed her mouth in shock. "Yes, o- of course!" she finally stammered.
"Really?!" Adam exclaimed, "Let's go to the next Hogsmeade trip together!" he suggested. His face was practically lighting up like the Christmas trees around them.
"Yes. I'd love that," Skye agreed. She wanted to get up and tell Fate immediately. But when she spied her friend in the crowd of students, Fate seemed busy. The usually aloof daughter of Hades was dancing and laughing like there was no tomorrow. Skye watched as Malfoy twirled her friend around as her face lit up like a star. So, she decided it could wait for tomorrow.
Skye and Adam talked for a while more until Dumbledore announced the end of the Yule Ball. When Skye got back to her dorm she changed into her pajamas and collapsed on the bed. The daughter of Apollo never expected her first ball to go the way it had. And she wouldn't want it any different.
• • •
Fate and Draco walked back to the common room together. The boy gave her a smile before he trotted up the steps to the boys dorm. Fate slipped off and grabbed her heels before running up the steps to her own dorm. She washed her face clean of all makeup and changed into her black and white pajamas.
She certainly didn't expect to have such a good time with Malfoy. But, she really couldn't complain. At least she got to work on her people skills.
Author's Note
Okay something I would like to say here: This chapter is so long because I have been working on it for a long time. 2,101 words is a lot and, listen closely, NOT ALL CHAPTERS WILL BE LONG LIKE THIS. Only the chapters that Hannah and I have lots of ideas and inspiration for will come close. Thank you.
~ Mockingjay216

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