#3: Meeting Other Demiwitches

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Year One
"Sorry!" Skye exclaimed as she bumped into an older girl. When she turned, Skye saw that she was in Gryffindor. The girl just rolled her eyes and kept walking, completely ignoring Skye.
The first year sighed. Ever since Adam, her only friend at Hogwarts, had been Sorted into Ravenclaw, they were drifting apart. He even had a new friend, Jacob. Whenever the three of them had hung out together, Jacob glared at with her with such hatred in his eyes that she had stayed away from the two of them for a good week or so. I haven't even been at Hogwarts for a month, and I'm already losing my only friend and am involved in drama? Oh gods, Skye thought miserably. Well, at least the professors are nice to me. Except for Snape. But he's not that bad. I wouldn't pick him to be my bestie, but-
Suddenly, Skye slammed into someone, making both of their books come crashing to the ground. She looked up and saw another girl quickly gather her books from the pile, but this one was a Slytherin and obviously in her year. For some reason, something about her face was familiar.
The girl must've thought the same thing, because she looked up at Skye curiously. "Do I know you?"
Then something in Skye's brain clicked.
"What are you doing here?"
"I was about to ask you the same question," Fate replied smoothly, crossing her arms across her chest.
Skye was about to reply when a group of Slytherins suddenly came up to them. One girl spoke up. "Uh, Fate, why are you talking to this... Hufflepuff? Do you know her?" She said, wrinkling her nose in disgust.
"No, Daphne, we just -"
"Yes, we do!" Skye interrupted, looking confused. "We go to a summer camp together. It's called-"
"Camp Aquarmarine!" Fate said, speaking over Skye's words urgently. "Yeah. Camp Aqua for short. We learn how to swim and stuff. We don't really talk though, right Skye?" She stepped on Skye's foot, and the Hufflepuff nodded through the pain.
"Yep!" Skye said. "I'm better at swimming than her, though. One of the coaches doesn't like her, which is weird, since he's her uncle."
The girl- Daphne- stifled a laugh. "Your uncle is a swim coach? For a summer camp? That you go to? Wow, Fate. I thought you were actually cool. But you didn't tell me you were a muggleborn."
"But she's not!" exclaimed Skye. "She's a pureblood! You know, child of a witch and-"
"A wizard. Yes, we know, Skye," Fate snapped. "Look, can you just leave?"
Skye looked like she had gotten slapped in the face. "Of course. Why was I talking to you anyway?" She quickly picked her books up and left, ignoring the laughs from the Slytherins.
"I was talking to you, too," Fate snapped at them. "If you're just going to insult me, get lost."
Daphne scowled. "Fine. We were going to go anyway. Goodbye, Fate. Don't expect us to be friends, okay?" With that, she stalked off, her friends in tow. Except for one.
"Hey, Fate?" Draco said awkwardly.
"What do you want, Draco?" Fate said, a little less harshly then before as she picked up her books.
"Sorry about them. At least you're not a muggleborn. You would've practically nicknamed yourself." Draco didn't say it, but the word hung in the air between them. Mudblood.
"Well, it'd be best if you'd be going," Fate huffed. " I wouldn't want to miss class, and I'm assuming your friends are waiting for you. In fact, they're right behind you. Run along now!" Fate wiggled her fingers, as if saying "ta-ta!" to a child. Draco looked stricken. Without another word, he turned on his heel and walked away, toward his waiting friends. Without looking back, Fate marched away, not wanting to be late.
• • •
Four Days Later
Fate sighed. She had never done something like this, and never thought she ever would, considering her house. She thought over the slight "speech" she made. Was she really going to do this?
"Hey, Gray! I thought you'd never come!" said a voice. Fate turned and hid a smirk. There he was, in all of his arrogant glory. Draco Malfoy. The night before, Fate had slipped Draco a note saying to meet her at the edge of the Black Lake at two o'clock sharp.
"Well," Fate began, swallowing nervously. "I have something to tell you. About, what, four days ago?"
Draco smirked. "Is the Fate Gray apologizing? I wouldn't have thought! You're a Slytherin, remember?"
Fate sighed. "Yes, I'm apologizing. Just for the record, it isn't easy."
Draco smile. "Since this is probably the nicest thing I can do, I'll do it: I forgive you."
Fate let out a breath. "Good. Now I just have to go apologize to the Hufflepuff girl, Skye. Wish me luck!"
"I don't like you need it," Draco said, chuckling a bit. "Hufflepuffs forgive and forget. It's in their nature."
"Well, that's good. I hope," Fate said. "Anyway, I'll see you around." She waved.
"Bye! Good luck!" Draco said, and Fate left, off to find Skye.
• • •
"Skye? Skye! Excuse me, have you seen a girl, first year, Hufflepuff, pixie cut? She's my friend," Fate said to a group of fifth years Ravenclaw girls. They all looked at her and shook their heads.
"'Friend'? We're not friends. You hate me," a voice said behind her. Fate turned, but the bright sun blinded her, making it impossible to see the speaker. But Fate already knew who it was.
"Look, Skye, I didn't mean to snap at you." Fate struggled to get the last few words out of her mouth. "What I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry."
Skye looked at her as if Fate had given her a gallon of ice cream (which, she would eat for every meal if she could.) A smile grew on her face. "For one, I didn't believe Slytherins could apologize. Secondly, I forgive you."
Fate laughed. "I didn't believe they could either. Also, since practically all of the Slytherins will be against me, want to be friends?"
Skye looked like Fate had given her more ice cream. "Of course!" Skye leaned in for a hug, but Fate backed away, putting her hands in a stopping gesture.
"Woah, woah, woah," she said. "Rule number one: no touchy. At all. Unless I'm on the absolute verge of death. Okay?"
"Okay!" Skye said. "Air high-five, then?"
Fate laughed, then obliged. "Air high-fives are good."
"Awesome!" Skye said. This friend thing is easier than I thought.
"How about we go to the Great Hall? It's almost lunchtime, and I'm starving," Fate said.
"Sure!" Skye replied, and they walked side-by-side to the Great Hall in happiness.

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